Michelle Obama is getting good press as she nears the end of her marathon in the White House, for her dignified and horrified speech about those making derogatory remarks about women (mentioning no names), for her strong fashion choices in wearing what she likes; and in coming across as warm human being and a hugger.
There’s no birth time, more’s the pity, except for a tentative 1.56am 17 Jan 1964 Chicago. In some ways she has quite a hard chart with a Capricorn Sun and Mars Saturn in Aquarius (not conjunct) and maybe a Moon in Aquarius; plus a rebellious Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo. What will give her a softer side is Venus in Pisces possibly conjunct her Moon; and Jupiter in Aries on the point of a T square to Mercury opposition North Node in Cancer. Such a Jupiter can be an enlightened social leader, an excellent teacher and a spokesperson for the collective.
Quite what she’ll carry forward from her Presidential years isn’t clear though 2017 will certainly be a time of major change with tr Uranus squaring her Sun – not all of it without argument from her midpoint transits.
She has been outspoken in her support of Hillary Clinton, though it’s not the easiest of relationships with a composite Uranus opposition Jupiter square Mars Neptune – so OK sometimes, and aggravated at others; with a chained-together and having to accept-it Saturn square Pluto.
The interface doesn’t look friendly at all from mid this month till just before the election with tr Saturn conjunct the composite Mercury Sun; and definitely undermined in 2017 with tr Neptune squaring those two planets.
Barack Obama’s relationship with Hillary also looks disappointing from now till January with tr Neptune opposition the composite Venus (birth times being sound); and very unsettled in 2017 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune and square Uranus; as well as tr Saturn square the composite Sun Mercury. So if Hillary does get in, she may take policies he disagrees with.