David & Victoria Beckham – money doesn’t solve all problems

dav  vic  v d comp


David and Victoria Beckham have built up a brand through his football and her fashion-related businesses, estimated worth half a billion pounds last year. Reports are that they are buying a Cotswold country home, an area popular with celebrities like Kate Moss, Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet, Lily Allen, Michael McIntyre, Jeremy Clarkson and David Cameron.

Although her fashion business with a good turnover still appeared to have made a loss and was kept afloat by a loan from himself. Their spokesman denied there was a problem and said it was in effect merely an accounting matter. Her company was recently given a formal notice of compulsory strike-off by Companies House, having failed to file its annual accounts on time for the third year running.

David, born 2 May 1976 6.17am London, does look unsettled with tr Uranus moving to square his MC from May this year and square his Capricorn Moon in 2018, so considering a change of direction. Tr Saturn exactly now is heading into his 8th also suggests a two year phase ahead of financial reorganisation; and feeling less emotionally supported. 2018/19 do look difficult with the panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars in Pisces and Solar Arc Moon square his 7th house Neptune; plus Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Neptune so a disappointing time emotionally as well as confusing about future plans.

Victoria, 17 April 1974 10.07am? Hereford, England, will be unsettled domestically and career-wise in 2017 into 2018 with tr Uranus opposition her 4th house Uranus and conjunct her Aries Sun – so major changes; feeling less popular publicly and in her career with tr Neptune conjunct her 10th house Venus; and then tr Saturn opposition her 12th house Mars Saturn late in 2017; with a sagging, lack lustre Solar Arc Sun opposition her Neptune in 2018.

Their relationship always was going to hit its most turbulent patch when tr Uranus moved into Taurus in 2018 moving in conjunction across the composite Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars until 2020.

They’ve survived through a good deal together but there do look to be relationship stresses and strains ahead.

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