Nicola Sturgeon – losing her shine

nsns term


Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister, is under increasing pressure with a political deadlock over the Scottish budget and serious problems in locally-run health, education and the police. Plus latest figures which show Scottish trade with the UK is four times greater than with the EU  blow a hole in plans for an independent Scotland in Europe.

Her latest term chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am, always did look wobbly with an over-hopeful Neptune opposition Jupiter square an argumentative and restrictive Mars Saturn. Tr Neptune is moving to oppose Jupiter and square Saturn from April onwards till late 2018 which is a downhill slide, with high hopes being dashed. If the budget is not agreed then a snap election may have to be called.

On her own personal chart, she has tr Saturn moving through the lowest point of her 1st quadrant which is always a time of banana-skins and disappointments, not ego or ambition-supportive. The February Pisces Eclipse will oppose her 10th house Venus which will dent her popularity and make her feel unloved.

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