Barbra Streisand – an enduring communicator



The multi-talented Barbra Streisand, 65 years into a singing career that shows no sign of losing its glitter, was born 24 April 1942 5.08am New York. Her father died when she was one years old and her mother struggled to bring up the family in poverty.

She’s got a stalwart Taurus Sun Mercury (rules the throat) square an intense Moon Pluto in Leo in the performing 5th house; with Saturn and Uranus also in Taurus – so a very Fixed chart, enduring, stubborn, dislikes change. She’s also got four Mutable planets – Venus in Pisces in the 12th widely opposition Neptune and North Node in Virgo square Jupiter and Mars in Gemini in her 3rd. So she’ll certainly be a good communicator and outspoken with Mars in her 3rd. Worth noting: a surprising number of people who lose a father early have Sun Pluto hard aspects which simplistically is the controlling, dominating father but in this instance is the father outwith control.

She’s always been a Democrat, appearing on Nixon’s Enemies list. At present she seems to be working on a film adaptation of the musical Gypsy and preparing to direct a film on Catherine the Great of Russia.

Exact at the moment is her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her 5th house Moon, so that will key into the women’s movement of rebellion against Trump. Though Solar Arc Saturn follows hard on its heels to conjunct her Moon late this year which will be a downer. Tr Saturn is aiming to hit her midheaven by 2018 and staying in her upper quadrant for seven years thereafter which is usually hard-working, responsible and high profile. Jupiter through her 7th this year will find her being more outgoing and meeting an enthusiastic response. But it still looks an edgy, undermining and enraging year with tr Pluto trine her Sun/Uranus midpoint; and tr Neptune square her Mars/Saturn and Mars/Uranus as well as tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Pluto.

2018 will do her popularity the world of good with her Solar Arc MC conjunct her Venus. Tr Uranus is gearing up to oppose her Pluto and conjunct her Sun in 2019/2020 which will either turn her life upside down or see her in full revolutionary gear. Maybe both.

2 thoughts on “Barbra Streisand – an enduring communicator

  1. She’s going to be 75? She was in her mid teen years during the late 1950’s. Can’t imagine her during the doo-wap, white-bread 50’s, just like I can’t imagine the Beatles back then, either.

  2. Marjorie: Interesting reading re Streisand. I’m just wondering if the hard aspects to Sun Pluto couldn’t also apply to her beastly stepfather. He was terribly cruel to her, constantly berating her–calling her ugly, shutting her out in favor of his biological daughter. She has often described her childhood as a living hell because of her brute of a stepfather. Therapy in her adult years helped her transcend the leftover pain of her youth.

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