Derek Chauvin – hooked into America’s dark side

  Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer, has been found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter of George Floyd and will be sentenced in eight weeks. The Attorney General Merrick Garland has also announced an inquiry into the Minneapolis Police Department which is part of a broader strategy by the Biden White House to hold police forces accountable in cases where they are found to have violated federal laws.

   Chauvin’s chart has tr Pluto in a discouraging opposition to his Saturn in 2021/22 and an insecure and disruptive set of influences from this July onwards so although there is talk of an appeal he isn’t looking confident.

 What is clear is that this is regarded as a game-changing moment for the USA so Chauvin is a pivotal figure for the country. What is of interest is that his Saturn is conjunct the USA Mercury and exactly opposition the USA Pluto; and his Pluto is conjunct the USA Saturn. The USA Mercury Pluto opposition fuels the strand of almost pathological obstinacy in the national psyche which causes toxic debates, mainly involving right-wing and divisive issues. And it will be highlighted over the next three years as tr Pluto finishes the opposition to the USA Mercury in the second half of this year before moving on to the Pluto Return in 2022/23.

  Saturn and Pluto (Chauvin and the USA) combines two tough, masculine energies – rigidly disciplined, melancholy and authoritarian, with a power–hungry need for control. Both are associated with death – Saturn the Grim Reaper and Pluto, ruler of the underworld. Neither are good or even capable of giving way gracefully. Their world view tends to see only the victorious or the oppressed.

 So it is a potent synastry.

  What has dented the mood around the conviction somewhat is Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ ill-judged remarks encouraging demonstrations on the streets if a guilty verdict wasn’t reached – giving rise to an opening for an appeal. She has a long track record of stormy interventions, some of which were understandable, but often unhelpful.

  Born 15 August 1938 St Louis, Missouri, she has an expansive, over-confident Leo Sun opposition Jupiter and a volatile, disruptive Mars in Sun in Leo square Uranus. With her Sun and Mars in a hard-edged trine to Saturn and Moon in Aries. Too much Fire, not enough common sense. She enjoys a fight and will stir up the heat even when it isn’t constructive.

India – being tested to the limits and beyond

India is facing a catastrophic second wave of Covid infections and deaths, described as not a wave but a wall. Entire families are being wiped out, crematoriums are melting down from constant use, hospitals are full with oxygen, medicines and vaccines in short supply and the already creaky health system is near collapse.

  Earlier this year, India appeared to be weathering the pandemic but changes in behaviour with less social distancing and the emergence of new variants have sent infections soaring.

  The India chart was always going to be at the mercy of the jolting, high-tension tr Saturn square tr Uranus this year as both planets hard aspect the India Saturn Pluto in Leo from late this month on and off into 2022 – which does point to tough conditions and deprivation. With the additional strain of tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Midheaven this year creating blockages before moving on in 2022/23 to oppose the India Cancer Moon hinting at a deeply unhappy and emotionally overwrought population.

  Narendra Modi’s Term chart, 30 May 2019 7.04pm has an over-hopeful and impractical Jupiter opposition Mercury square a 4th house Neptune, which is deflating fast with tr Neptune now square the Jupiter, repeating till late this year. And the Gemini Sun is catching the Eclipses from late 2020 right through in effect till early 2022 which will accompany rolling crises.

 Modi’s personal chart, 17 September 1950 11am, birth date/time being accurate, has tr Neptune in an undermining, uncertainty and panicked opposition to his Saturn Sun Mercury in Virgo from late this month, on and off till early 2023.

 The Reserve Bank of India, 1 April 1935, is undergoing a year of turbulence with sharp reverses upending old certainties as the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hits on the Bank Venus in Taurus as well as from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Pluto; and is in a deadlocked, high-risk state of paralysis in 2022 from Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars.

  The recovery will be long and hard stretching on – like most other countries – for several years ahead.

Germany election – changing times

Germany’s elections this September will mark a fork in the road as Angela Merkel, Chancellor since 2005, finally leaves the stage.

 The national chart, 1 January 1871 12am, indicates that 2021 is a year of turbulence and dramatic change with tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Uranus in the run up to the election and again in December, so nothing will be quite the same in the aftermath.

 Armin Laschet, who describes himself as the Merkel continuity candidate, is the right-centre’s choice for the top office. Although regarded as dull with a few blotches on his copybook he is a political survivor who has bounced back from previous defeats, is known for his liberal politics, passion for the EU and ability to connect with immigrant communities. See Post January 16 2021.

  The Greens have pitched as their candidate Annalena Baerbock, 15 December 1980.

  There are no birth times for any of them. At the election the Saturn square Uranus is still in orb setting the progressives up against the status quo-ers.

  Annalena Baerbock is an idealistic Sun Neptune in Sagittarius with a determined Mars in Libra square Pluto and a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra so quite a mix of soft and hard. She’s not doing well in the run up to the election with an undermining and indecisive tr Neptune square her Neptune Sun and again in early 2022. That apart there’s not much showing on her chart without a birth time.

   Laschet, 18 February 1961, may benefit from the reflected glow of tr Jupiter in Aquarius close to his Aquarius Sun. though it won’t hit the exact conjunction till late December. Tr Pluto is just off the conjunction to his Jupiter Saturn in Capricorn from mid August, returning in December, which is impossible to interpret, bringing good and bad.

  Olaf Scholz, the Social Democrat (SPD) candidate, 14 June 1958 is on a Neptunian slide downwards from late this month onwards into 2022 so not in with a chance.

  That Germany is going through a major spin and shake out isn’t in doubt, since not only is tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Uranus this year; by 2022 tr Uranus till be conjunct the 8th house Pluto for yet another upheaval – financial and psychological.

Vartan Gregorian – a trailblazer from a different era

Vartan Gregorian who has just died was once described as “the impossibly distinguished one-man academy of arts, letters, and the humanities” and a “visionary and a living example of the modern man of letters, for whom education and knowledge is the key to opportunity and peace.”  He was a shining example of America’s immigrant policies of yesteryear.

  Born 8 April 1934 he was born in northern Persia to Christian Armenian parents and after his mother died when he was six, he was brought up by an illiterate, though ‘wise’ grandmother and a grandfather who owned camel caravans. He was educated latterly in Beirut and spoke Russian, Persian, Armenian, Turkish, Arabic and French. He came to the USA aged 24, speaking no English, intending to return to Beirut. He studied at Stanford University, completed a BA in two years with honours and earned a dual PhD in history and humanities (art history, philosophy, Romance languages, religion, classics.)

  He stayed in academia and in the 1980s served as president of the New York Public Library which he rescued from near poverty and restored it “to a center of New York cultural life”.

  He was a dynamically pro-active and innovative Sun Mars Uranus in Aries in an expansive and confident opposition to Jupiter square a determined and influential square to Pluto; with his Uranus Mars and widely Sun sextile Saturn in Aquarius.  With only Neptune in Virgo in earth, he could have been impractical but his fund-raising skills were extraordinary so it may depend on his birth time which isn’t known. Half his planets in Cardinal signs would give him a restless sense of initiative. A focal point Pluto, while not easy in adult life since it tends to run into resistance, would give him stamina, focus and a one-tracked obsession with fulfilling his goals. An influencer of a superior variety.

Doug Ford – another hair-tearing political disaster

Doug Ford, the Ontario premier, is coping with the pandemic as well as might be expected which is not at all. The situation there is chaotic, with infection rates rising and incomprehensible edicts being tossed around. As the Washington Post remarks he is deflecting blame and losing the plot. ‘Ford was never fit to be premier of Ontario. The pandemic didn’t reveal that; it just bathed it in the garish light of emergency. Both before his time in provincial politics and since, he has shown no distinction other than his extraordinary capacity to alienate, divide and fail. And the failures are many and epic.’

 Born November 20 1964, he has an immoveable and impervious to advice Fixed T square of a Scorpio Sun and Neptune opposition Jupiter in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. A focal point Saturn dislikes sharing the driving seat and is wilfully resistant to outside pressure. Jupiter opposition Neptune is a Boris Johnson marker – head-in-the-clouds, unreliable, impractical, fuelled by arrogance, likely to land themselves in scandals caused by their own instability.

  Ford also has a volatile, loathes-interference Mars Uranus in Virgo with Uranus conjunct Pluto squaring onto Mercury in Sagittarius maybe opposition a Gemini Moon – not stable.

  Without a birth time there’s not much affecting his chart at the moment though even he must be feeling the heat so it’ll be there on the chart axis.  

 His Term chart, 29 June 2018, again without a start time, has been exceptionally rattled recently with tr Uranus square the Mars and tr Saturn conjunct Mars for mounting irritation and setbacks. Tr Saturn will remain in place on and off all year hammering away at the Mars for more mistakes. The Term Jupiter is also in line for tr Uranus oppositions from June this year which look like fortunate breaks extending into 2022. He has Boris’s luck-of-the-devil clearly. His comeuppance will come – just not quite yet.

See previous post July 30 2018

There is something quite odd going on at the moment with even more outrageously appalling leaders around than usual – as well as monumental financial frauds being exposed and collapsing – WireCard is hammering away at the German elite; Greensill at the UK and Archegos is giving the global banks a major shaking. Unnerving.

Cryptocurrency – a breakthrough or a sellout

Cryptocurrencies regarded by one sceptic as “ a bubble, a Ponzi scheme and an environmental disaster” and by Jay Powell of the Fed Reserve as  “vehicles for speculation” took one step out of the shadows into the mainstream with the arrival this week on the stock market of Coinbase, the world’s largest cryptoasset trading platform.

  Purists see the market listing as a brazen sellout, forsaking crypto’s true principles for the golden goose offered by Wall Street by becoming just another middleman operator. An analyst remarks: “If this signals anything at all it is that the state, not crypto, has won the day in terms of control of the financial system. —— Those who thought crypto would up-end the public’s dependency on central banks or financiers, should be lamenting it.”

  Coinbase founded on 20 June 2012, lists 90 cryptocurrencies out of more than 4,000 available; has 56 million verified users in more than 100 countries and employs 1,700 staff. It has assets worth $223 billion on its platform. One day, Coinbase thinks that it could be at the heart of a new, decentralised online financial system.

  Depending on the start time Coinbase has a Sun on last degree Gemini or zero degrees Cancer with the Sun in an assertive though scattered square to Mars in Virgo. With Venus Jupiter in Gemini opposition a Sagittarius North Node square Neptune in Pisces. And Pluto opposition Moon square Uranus. It’s a crises-prone chart with Uranus square Pluto though that can also be a trailblazer. Too much Mutable and a focal point Neptune would make me nervous about putting my life savings with them. They will be having their ups and downs in what is a super-volatile environment with an undermining tr Neptune opposition the Mars from late this May onwards into 2022 and moving on to square the Sun in 2024.  Though tr Pluto will trine the Jupiter in 2024/25 which will give it a lift.

 The Coinbase Nasdaq opening on 14 April 2021 at 1.30pm has an intense Sun Venus square Pluto, a publicity-seeking though not always decisive Mars square an 8th house Neptune; an adventurous Mars trine Jupiter; and a provocative, status-quo upsetting but inconsistent Saturn square a 10th house Uranus. Tr Neptune square the Mars in 2022 will make for an uncomfortable and less than progressive year; with financial pressures in place through 2023.

Helen McCrory – a special talent

Helen McCrory, the extraordinarily talented actress has died tragically young at 52 of cancer. Although best known as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders, she was a mesmerising presence on stage as Medea and Lady Macbeth. She was married to Damian Lewis, of Band Of Brothers, Homeland and Billions renown, with two children and they managed to juggle two successful careers and family.

  She was born 17 August 1968 in London, the daughter of a Scottish diplomat and a physiotherapist mother, both from humble backgrounds. They instilled in her the idea that life was ‘an adventure’ and she cheerfully admitted she was a ‘feral child’, prone to rages.  Despite her penchant for dark, violent roles she said she was very ‘un-neurotic’ not inclined to look down through the cracks.

   She was a Sun Leo in a creative square to Neptune and trine Saturn; with her Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries on the apex of a tricky Yod to Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune. That Yod is an extremely hard taskmaster and tr Pluto has been squaring her Saturn this year for a punishing experience. They’ve been very private about her illness so it’s not clear when she was diagnosed but she had a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Uranus fifteen months ago.

  Damian Lewis, born 11 February 1971 into a wealthy, well-connected family and Eton educated, is a Sun Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus with his Saturn also on the apex of a Yod quincunx Uranus sextile Mars. So he has the same spine-straightening Saturn.

  Their Suns are on opposite sides of the zodiac but they both had Venus in an Earth sign and probably a Mutable Moon – it wasn’t the most obvious of matches (without birth times) but clearly it worked. The relationship chart had a volatile composite Mars Uranus so it would be sparky at times; with a Sun Neptune maybe trine Moon sextile Pluto which would suit creative careers.

  She is a huge loss not just to her family and fans but also to the profession since she had so much more to give.

Recently they threw themselves into an initiative to feed NHS workers meals from High-Street restaurants and raised nearly £1m. They started Feed NHS scheme in London and rolled out to other UK cities. See previous post April 12 2020.

Tracey Emin – a tortured creative life

Tracey Emin, the controversial artist known for her confessional and autobiographical creations has announced that her bladder cancer is “gone” after her three-monthly scans were “all clear”. She was diagnosed with aggressive cancer last year and had her bladder, urethra, lymph nodes, half of her vagina and part of her intestine removed as well as a full hysterectomy, to stop the spread of the cancer. She now has a urostomy bag, which replaces the bladder and urinary system, which needs to be emptied as frequently as every 20 minutes.

  Once known as the enfant terrible of the Young Brit art scene, her most infamous installation was My Bed – consisting of her own unmade dirty bed, in which she had spent several weeks drinking, smoking, eating, sleeping and having sexual intercourse while undergoing a period of severe emotional flux. The artwork featured used condoms and blood-stained underwear.

  She was born 3 July 1963 6.50am London with an unwed mother of Romani traveller descent and a Turkish-Cypriot father who had another family. She left school at 13 and moved to London when she was 15. Her work has been analysed in terms of childhood abuse and assault and she said she was raped at 13. She later had two traumatic abortions and went through a suicidal phase.

  She has a creative 12th house Cancer Sun trine Neptune in her 4th house with an emotionally intense Scorpio Moon also in her 4th which rules home and childhood. Her Moon squares an 8th house Saturn which in turn is trine Venus Mercury in Gemini – so not much emotional nurturing.

  Her chaotic and turbulent life will be partly linked to a volatile collection of Uranus Pluto and Mars in Virgo, with assertive Mars in her 3rd. This is offset by a talented, lucky Jupiter in her 10th which suggests growing respect for her abilities the older she gets. And given that her Jupiter is on the apex of a Yod to Mars sextile Neptune she has the potential to be influential out in society – as long as she keeps her ego and grandiosity under control.

  Last year tr Saturn joined tr Pluto moving through her 6th house of health which will have been heavily restrictive and points to health being a major issue. Tr Saturn has now moved on lifting some of the pressures. But her Progressed Moon will move in within weeks to stay in her 6th for two years ahead so she’ll need to take continuing care. Last year her Solar Arc Midheaven squared her Uranus sending her career off track. Her Solar Arc Neptune also moving through her 6th for many years will oppose her Sun in 2023 which again suggests a need for a quieter lifestyle.

  There’s always been an over-dramatic, fated feel about her life. Not I confess one of my favourite ‘artists’ since the modernist heap-on-the-floor creations do nothing for me.  

Charles Saatchi was a major collector of her work. See post March 29 2021.

Pic Piers Allardyce.

David Cameron – opening a can of worms

David Cameron’s questionable welcome when prime minister and subsequent lobbying for the collapsed financial outfit Greensill is creating ripples of concern around the government, Whitehall and the Tory Party. Boris has announced a no-holds-barred inquiry, leading to speculation that his Oxford Uni rivalry with Cameron is still alive and kicking. Though it appears the inquiry has such a narrow remit it is likely to end up a whitewash like the recent Race Report. But there are several other committees inquiring into the matter which are not under No 10’s control. What Cameron may have done appears more audacious than some, especially given the collusion of civil servants but was hardly out of line in the context of the Tory Party’s dodgy donors and other big business patronage, of which Boris is a generous giver. So there will be a hasty manning of the barricades to ensure it doesn’t widen out to tramp on other corns.

  Cameron may never recover from this, especially given the Arabian Nights photos with MBS after the Khashoggi murder. Born 9 October 1966 5.30am (from memory) London, Cameron has a charming 1st house Sun Venus in Libra and a jovial Moon Jupiter in Leo. But that hale-fellow-well-met image never squared with his 12th house Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune conjunct his South Node. I always wondered when it would surface – and here it is.

[Uranus in the 12th can appear conventional but there will be a strongly subversive streak kept well out of sight; as well as a fear of inner nervous volatility, leading to foolish decisions. Pluto in the 12th suggests a hidden turbulence, a raging storm within, and can point to a compulsive need to acquire great wealth and/or power.  Uranus Pluto can be foolhardy. Uranus Saturn gives a strong need for freedom, ie. no restraints and restrictions. Saturn Pluto is tough and can be egotistical.  None of the above squares with his benign, somewhat vapid and conventional persona. His inner instability was always going to surface at some point.]

Tr Neptune has been opposition his Pluto, continues to opposes his Uranus this year and is then conjunct his Saturn in 2022 till late 2023, all of which will be uncertain and panicky. He also has a career-compromising tr Neptune square his Midheaven either in 2022 or 2023 depending on his birth time being accurate.  Plus he has a raft of Neptune hard aspects to midpoints through this year and the next two. All in all – in a swamp.

  Boris’s Gemini Sun is conjunct Cameron’s Midheaven which can be helpful on the career front though Sakoian & Acker say: ‘If egos are allowed to be an obstructive force there may be rivalry for power and importance.’ Their relationship chart is half friendly though deceptive with a composite Sun Venus square Neptune; and half unstable with Uranus Pluto Saturn hitting on the composite Moon and Jupiter – with definite signs of a downturn from late this May onwards as tr Neptune squares the composite Jupiter, stripping away good feelings.  With worse from mid 2022 onwards.

  While it doesn’t directly impact on Boris’s government, there’s enough sleaze in the present set up to make it seem more of the same. This one could run and run, blossoming as it goes.

For Greensill, previous post March 17 2021.