Accession or Coronation chart? Which is the key marker? Birth versus baptism might be a reasonable analogy and looking back to previous monarchs it does seem the Accession chart, or more significantly the Proclamation chart which falls within a day usually after the death of the previous monarch, is the relevant one.
Charles was proclaimed King at 10.04am on 10th September 2022, two days after his mother died. This gives a Mutable and Neptunian feel with a Pisces Moon Neptune in the 5th opposition Sun – which fits with Charles’ tree-hugging, more open-hearted if not always realistic approach. Plus an erratic, can-be-autocratic Saturn square Uranus with a reforming Uranus trine Pluto. It looks scattered, with a tendency to be blown around by events. Money may be a simmering resentment with a focal point Mars in the 8th.
His mother’s proclamation chart, 5 February 1952 5pm London was a more steadfast, controlling affair with an Aquarius Sun opposition Pluto. Her Coronation had a successful Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury in the 10th.
Charles, assuming the anointing takes place at mid day does have Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven from the 9th – and a change of direction Uranus in the 10th. A Water Grand Trine in the hidden, emotional houses – Neptune in the financial 8th trine a muted Mars in the 12th trine an intense Scorpio Moon in the 4th – maybe healing, but also lost in its own little bubble of reality.
Previous post from September 11 2022 with details:
Queen Elizabeth 1 was handed the Royal baton when her half-sister Mary died on 17 November 1558 JC and her Coronation came on 15 January 1559 JC circa 7.30am.
Her death on 24 March 1603 at 2.30am most clearly affected the Accession chart with the tr Neptune in Virgo opposition Venus square Saturn in Sagittarius in hard aspect to the Sun square Pluto opposition Midheaven. On the Coronation chart there is not much showing at that point.
Queen Victoria acceded on the death of William IV in the early hours of 20 June 1837 with a Coronation on 28 June 1938 around 12noon. When she died on 22 January 1901 at 6.30pm in Ryde, England, on the Accession chart tr Neptune was approaching a conjunction to the Sun and tr Saturn (Venus )in Capricorn were trine the Mars and sextile the Uranus with again less showing on the Coronation chart.
In Elizabeth 11’s case she acceded sometime overnight into the 6 February 1952 and was proclaimed Queen at 5 pm that day. Her Coronation was on 2 June 1953 at circa 11.20 am.
When she died the transits to the Accession/Proclamation chart were starkly obvious with the rock-solid Aquarius Sun opposition Pluto being hard-aspected by tr Saturn (Moon) square Uranus North Node causing a massive upheaval and a dead-halt. The Coronation chart had some hints but was nothing like as clear.
The time of the Queen’s death is recorded as 3.10pm which will be the chart of Charles 111’s Accession. Could be divisive/argumentative with Mars close to the Descendant and preachy with such a strong and opinionated 9th house and Pluto plus and plus Saturn in Aquarius in the 3rd along with a muddled Neptune – will make for stubborn insistence on beliefs. Plus the marginally autocratic Saturn square Uranus – it could be high-handed. A much-travelled Sun Venus in the 9th and along with Mercury suggest a good deal of foreign travel. .
It is less problematic than the Proclamation chart – having a sombre though sensible Moon Saturn in Aquarius in the 3rd in an admittedly high-tension square to Uranus in the 6th; with an argumentative Mars in the 7th and a much-travelled Sun Venus in the 9th and a communicative Mercury in the 10th.
What is noteworthy is that the Fixed Moon Saturn square Uranus will be upended by tr Pluto in Aquarius across the mid 2030s which is the point at which Princes William will be at a crossroads. The Eclipse Saros cycle on the day he was born ends in 2036, leading some astrologers to suggest he could be the last monarch. Charles will be 88 then and labouring under tr Pluto square his Scorpio Sun.
Add On: The present Royals are part of the Hanoverian Monarchy which moved onto the throne on 1 August 1714 with the coronation of King George 1. That chart s equally coming t a grinding halt in the mid 2030s with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars for the first time and tr Pluto opposing the Leo Sun. Even before then the late 2020s sees the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Pluto which will put up warning flags.