Mini-Royals shine – Louis, Charlotte, George

The Royal children were out on parade with the younger Wales catching the headlines. Prince George – a composed page. Princess Charlotte – a charmingly outfitted mini-mom, with a firm grip at times on the hand of the unrestrained, mischief-maker Prince Louis.

  Louis, 23 April 2018 11.1 am London, has made his mark early and will become a mover and shaker in his adult life though will be difficult to control. His 10th house Taurus Sun designs him for a public career and it squares a 1st house showy Leo Moon  conjunct a ‘leadership’ Leo North Node. His 10th house Uranus hints at an unconventional path in life and a rebellious temperament especially since it squares a do-or-die-determined Mars Pluto in Capricorn in his 6th house. When he makes up his mind nothing will stop him. Though he’ll get away with a great deal of misbehavior because of a charming (and indulgent) Venus in Taurus opposition a happy-childhood Jupiter in Scorpio in his 4th.

I’d worry marginally about his health with Mars Pluto and Saturn in his 6th. His Moon is not well integrated in his chart being only square the Sun and inconjunct Saturn – on the focal point of a Yod as well widely inconjunct Neptune. His emotional liveliness could be disorganization and he’ll be more fragile underneath all those antics than he appears.

Princess Charlotte, 2 May 2015 8.34am London, is another Sun Taurus but is cut from a different cloth. Her friendly 11th house Sun is in an easy-going square to Jupiter in Leo in her 3rd house of siblings.  She has a sympathetic Neptune in her 10th conjunct her Midheaven with her Neptune square Saturn – so she will be keen to work for a fairer society.

  She does have an intense 7th house Pluto so will come across as strong-minded in relationships as well as socially. Her 4th house Libra Moon ties her into her childhood family and squaring Pluto makes for a close relationship with her mother. Like Louis she will be ultra-determined having her Pluto trine an 11th house Mars as well as her Sun and also has Uranus in her career 10th square Pluto – she could be quite a reformer. Her Jupiter is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune – if she can keep her confidence under control (i.e. not get too uppity) then she will make a considerable difference.

  Prince George, 22 July 2013 4.24pm London, is the one on whom the ancestral legacy hangs the heaviest. He has a 9th house Cancer Sun opposition a Capricorn Moon so will constantly be pulled between his heart and his head. More significantly even than that he has an 8th house Mars, Jupiter, Mercury opposition Pluto square Uranus in his 5th house, which is quite a mix of deeply secretive, driven by forces he doesn’t understand and can’t control – and rebellious with it. He’ll also be a reformer and trailblazer with such a focal point Uranus and will go his own way on the romantic scene. His Jupiter Mars in Cancer are in a healing though not always realistic Water Grand Trine to a 12th house Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in the 3rd – formed into two Kites with a 2nd house financial Pluto as one driving planet and Venus in Virgo in his 9th as the other. Like Harry he’ll marry a partner from abroad – and travel will be what really excites him.

  A childhood in the goldfish bowl is hardly ideal and given the Sussex exit, their parents will be landed with a considerable weight of public duties that could have been shared.   

Taylor Swift – love life on a conveyor belt

Taylor Swift’s frenzied fanbase are all of a tizz as she splits from Joe Alwyn and appears to have turned her gaze on Matt Healy, a former heroin addict, rock singer/guitarist with a reputation for erratic social media activity.

  She was born 13 December 1989 5.17am Reading, PA, USA and has become  one of the best-selling musicians in history, is the most streamed woman on Spotify and and laden with awards.

She is a Sun Sagittarius with the complicated and can-be-chaotic triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn with Mercury in the middle. Plus an ultra-do-or-die determined Mars in Scorpio on her Ascendant widely conjunct Pluto in her 12th.

  Joe Alwyn, a UK actor, lasted longer than her usual beaus sticking it out for five years but now appears to be ‘unfollowed’.  Born 21 February 1991 in London, his Pisces Sun was a good fit with her 8th house Moon Jupiter in Cancer, but it was a scratchy chemistry prone to argument at times. His Saturn conjunct her Venus would not help.  Their composite Sun at 26 Capricorn has been under huge pressure through 2021/22 which would put the tin lid on it.

 Matt Healy, 8 April 1989, is a Sun Venus, Mercury in Aries which falls in her playful, sociable 5th house and trines her Sun. He is another triple conjunction-er so they will understand each other well enough though both will be easily distracted. His Jupiter falls in her 7th for mutual support.

  Their relationship chart has a fair amount going for it – with a possessive composite Sun square Pluto and a passionate Pluto trine Venus. With an enthusiastic Sun trine Jupiter.

  It sounds an unlikely match but it might amble along for a while.  Though with tr Neptune opposition her Sun/Moon midpoint this year and tr Saturn opposition it in 2025 and tr Uranus aiming for her 7th, it’s doubtful if it will last.  

Pic: Cosmopolitan

Accession, Proclamation, Coronation – steps to the throne

Accession or Coronation chart? Which is the key marker? Birth versus baptism might be a reasonable analogy and looking back to previous monarchs it does seem the Accession chart, or more significantly the Proclamation chart which falls within a day usually after the death of the previous monarch, is the relevant one.

Charles was proclaimed King at 10.04am on 10th September 2022, two days after his mother died. This gives a Mutable and Neptunian feel with a Pisces Moon Neptune in the 5th opposition Sun – which fits with Charles’ tree-hugging, more open-hearted if not always realistic approach. Plus an erratic, can-be-autocratic Saturn square Uranus with a reforming Uranus trine Pluto. It looks scattered, with a tendency to be blown around by events.  Money may be a simmering resentment with a focal point Mars in the 8th.

  His mother’s proclamation chart, 5 February 1952 5pm London was a more steadfast, controlling affair with an Aquarius Sun opposition Pluto. Her Coronation had a successful Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury in the 10th.

  Charles, assuming the anointing takes place at mid day does have Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven from the 9th – and a change of direction Uranus in the 10th. A Water Grand Trine in the hidden, emotional houses – Neptune in the financial 8th trine a muted Mars in the 12th trine an intense Scorpio Moon in the 4th – maybe healing, but also lost in its own little bubble of reality.

Previous post from September 11 2022 with details:

Queen Elizabeth 1 was handed the Royal baton when her half-sister Mary died on 17 November 1558 JC and her Coronation came on 15 January 1559 JC circa 7.30am.

  Her death on 24 March 1603 at 2.30am most clearly affected the Accession chart with the tr Neptune in Virgo opposition Venus square Saturn in Sagittarius in hard aspect to the Sun square Pluto opposition Midheaven. On the Coronation chart there is not much showing at that point.

  Queen Victoria acceded on the death of William IV in the early hours of 20 June 1837 with a Coronation on 28 June 1938 around 12noon. When she died on 22 January 1901 at 6.30pm in Ryde, England, on the Accession chart tr Neptune was approaching a conjunction to the Sun and tr Saturn (Venus )in Capricorn were trine the Mars and sextile the Uranus with again less showing on the Coronation chart.

 In Elizabeth 11’s case she acceded sometime overnight into the 6 February 1952 and was proclaimed Queen at 5 pm that day. Her Coronation was on 2 June 1953 at circa 11.20 am.

  When she died the transits to the Accession/Proclamation chart were starkly obvious with the rock-solid Aquarius Sun opposition Pluto being hard-aspected by tr Saturn (Moon) square Uranus North Node causing a massive upheaval and a dead-halt.  The Coronation chart had some hints but was nothing like as clear.

  The time of the Queen’s death is recorded as 3.10pm  which will be the chart of Charles 111’s Accession. Could be divisive/argumentative with Mars close to the Descendant and preachy with such a strong and opinionated 9th house and Pluto plus and plus Saturn in Aquarius in the 3rd along with a muddled Neptune –  will make for stubborn insistence on beliefs. Plus the marginally autocratic Saturn square Uranus – it could be high-handed. A much-travelled Sun Venus in the 9th and along with Mercury suggest a good deal of foreign travel. .

It is less problematic than the Proclamation chart – having a sombre though sensible Moon Saturn in Aquarius in the 3rd in an admittedly high-tension square to Uranus in the 6th; with an argumentative Mars in the 7th and a much-travelled Sun Venus in the 9th and a communicative Mercury in the 10th.

  What is noteworthy is that the Fixed Moon Saturn square Uranus will be upended by tr Pluto in Aquarius across the mid 2030s  which is the point at which Princes William will be at a crossroads. The Eclipse Saros cycle on the day he was born ends in 2036, leading some astrologers to suggest he could be the last monarch.  Charles will be 88 then and labouring under tr Pluto square his Scorpio Sun.

Add On: The present Royals are part of the Hanoverian Monarchy which moved onto the throne on 1 August 1714 with the coronation of King George 1. That chart s equally coming t a grinding halt in the mid 2030s with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars for the first time  and tr Pluto opposing the Leo Sun. Even before then the late 2020s sees the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Pluto which will put up warning flags.

Proud Boys – Trump fanboys humiliated

The Proud Boys follow the Oath Keepers – both USA far-right, anti-government, militia groups – in paying the price for their hell-raising attack on the Capitol on January 6th 2021 with the aim of preventing Biden from taking office. Hundreds of other rioters have already been jailed for their roles in the armed siege, during which one protester was shot dead and hundreds were injured, including more than 150 police officers. One officer who was beaten by Trump supporters died the next day. Four more took their own lives in the weeks that followed.

 Several members of the Oath Keepers, have already been convicted of seditious conspiracy and now four Proud Boys’ leaders have been convicted in what has become the biggest DoJ investigation ever. The leader Enrique Tarrio was not in Washington on the day of the riot, but prosecutors said he had planned and directed the attack on the Capitol. The jury were told the Proud Boys saw themselves as “Trump’s army”. Tarrio’s defence team tried to put the blame on Trump, claiming the group was incited by the president during his address outside the White House before the riot, when he urged his supporters to “fight like hell”. Trump himself faces a criminal investigation into his role in the attack.

  The Proud Boys, an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist organization was set up on 5 September 2016, which gives a Virgo Sun North Node trine Pluto and opposition Neptune square Saturn Mars in Sagittarius. Mars Saturn has military overtones. A focal point Mutable Saturn is a malcontent and self-righteous; and a focal point Mutable Mars is impatient, inclined to scattergun anger. There is also a revolutionary Uranus in Aries square Pluto.

  This conviction occurs as the Saturn has moved by Solar Arc to exactly conjunct the Proud Boys Mars – which is a classic collision-setback influence. Their foundation chart would certainly fit with the Sibly USA Sag rising chart.

  The Oath Keepers, 22 October 2009, is tied into the USA chart through its Capricorn North Node hooking into the USA Mercury opposition Pluto in Capricorn. Its under extreme pressure this year with undermining circumstances continuing into 2024 – with tr Pluto square the Sun for a wipe-out transformation and tr Neptune moving to oppose the Saturn also in 2024.

   The January 6th attack happened when tr Pluto Mercury in Capricorn on the Midheaven were triggering the fanatical/rabble-rousing USA Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto. Worse the transiting Pluto Mercury were square Mars which is ruthless and brutal – and also tied into Saturn in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter which squares Mars Uranus in Taurus. An incendiary moment which lit up the USA chart in quite the wrong way.

  The rhetoric is not quite as raucous as it was but Pluto won’t clear its transit to the USA Pluto (and Mercury) till the end of this October and being Pluto will take time to wind down. Once the Pluto Return is over and done with, perhaps along with mopping up lose ends from January 6th it may be time to wipe the slate clean and see where a rebuild for a new phase can begin.

Pic: Tyler Merbler

Kevin Costner – heart troubled as career flourishes

Hollywood woes have descended on Kevin Costner with rumoured tensions with the Yellowstone showrunner sending him out of the door before the end of Season Five and now his wife of 18 years, fashion designer, Christine Baumgartner has blind sided him with a divorce petition. He isn’t short of success, money or work as he is currently directing and starring in a different western film series, of four separate three hour movies, which after release will be broken into a TV series. His heavy working schedule appears to be one reason for the wife’s angst.

   He was born 18 January 1955 9.40pm Lynwood, California and is labouring mightily at the moment with tr Pluto just into his performing 5th house conjunct his Capricorn Sun and square his Neptune – that will have made 2022 and all of this year heavy going and confusing. He also has tr Neptune exactly on his Descendant heading into his 7th house of close relationships. Plus tr Saturn square his Sagittarius Moon now – all of which point to relationship glitches. His Sun/Moon midpoint at 1 degree Capricorn will not feel the full effects of the marital split until 2025 when tr Saturn Neptune are square.

  She evidently is not claiming spousal support but there is a pre-nup in place which will take its place.

  She was born 4 May 1974 and has a Sun Mercury in Taurus which falls in his 8th house for a deep connection though they also oppose his overly conscientious/obsessive Saturn in Scorpio. Her Uranus squares his Sun so they would operate on different agendas. Her hard-edged Mars Saturn in Cancer falls in his 10th house so she would at one point have been keen to see his ambitions succeed. But her Mars Saturn square Pluto, which suggests difficulties left over from her childhood, clash with Costner’s Mars in Aries in his 7th. Her Neptune is conjunct his Moon Venus. Not ideal – lots of tensions and resentments around.

  Their relationship chart has an upbeat composite Mars Jupiter conjunction but that opposes an over-hopeful, illusory Neptune (Moon) – which is being upended this year by tr Uranus in hard aspect. The Neptune at 18 degrees Scorpio is catching the exact tr Uranus opposition as she files for divorce – hinting that the coming-down-to-earth-with-a-bump moment has arrived. There is also a chained together but also disruptive composite Uranus, Saturn, Pluto conjunction with Pluto in a controlling and possessive opposition to the Sun. Again not all picnic and it has been undermined in recent years by tr Neptune.

  The wedding chart, 25 September 2004, has also been under strain with tr Pluto opposition the Saturn as the Yellowstone schedule ate into their family time – and continues to show separation with tr Neptune opposition the Mars, Jupiter, Sun from 2024 to 2026.  

  Clashes with the Yellowstone showrunner Taylor Sheridan, 21 May 1979, were inevitable with TS’s Mars Venus sitting on Costner’s Midheaven and TS’s controlling and unbudgeable Pluto sitting on Costner’s Ascendant. And TS’s Uranus opposes Costner’s Mars which would lead to more outbursts and high tension.

  Their relationship chart has that classic power-couple/success aspect of a composite Jupiter Pluto – which works wonders when they pull together as a team, but almost inevitably down the road one gets uppity and wants to be top dog and that’s when it all gets bitter.  There is also a less than wonderful composite Mars opposition Neptune square Saturn which must have been causing aggravation for the last couple of years as tr Uranus jolted and jangled it.

  For all his relationship problems, Costner is moving through a financially bountiful and career successful phase for the next few years.  You can’t have it all.  

See previous post February 26 2023.

A spin-off from Yellowstone with Matthew McConaughey in the lead role is moving forward.

Gordon Lightfoot – inspiring the musical greats

Folk-rock troubadour Gordon Lightfoot, renowned as an insightful and intelligent singer-songwriter known for his strong baritone voice has died aged 84. His best known hits If You Could Read My Mind and Early Morning Rain have become ever-green standards. His songs were recorded by a glittering array of pop musical superstars – Dylan, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, fellow Canadian Neil Young, Glen Campbell, Barbra Streisand, Scott Walker and Liza Minnelli.

  He was born 17 November 1938 at 7 am (from memory) Orillia, Canada, sang as a boy in a church choir and in local operatic groups, played piano, drums and guitar as well as excelling on the football and athletics fields.

  His success peak was in the 1970s but he never stopped performing despite a stream of near death illnesses, an aneurysm in 2002, a stroke in 2005 and was still touring in 2018 even after being hospitalised with pneumonia . He discharged himself and went back on stage. He was married three times and has six children, two of them from extra-marital relationships.

  He was a determined and ultra-charming not to say seductive Sun Venus in Scorpio in a deceptively easy-going square to Jupiter in Aquarius. He had a hard-working and driven Mars in Libra opposition Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries so he would have an unsentimental streak despite his songs. His Uranus in the 6th hints at unpredictable health issues and it is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Mars sextile Mercury. Such a Uranian yod made him an independent spirit with a streak of defiance and the ability to carve out new paths and lead the way. Definitely a musical catalyst for change.  His Uranus was also in trine to musical Neptune in his 10th which is inspirational.

  His Libra Moon is not heavily aspected being only sextile Pluto. An unaspected Moon can be emotionally disorganized.

  Lovely to listen to, less easy to be married to.

Ed Sheeran – success, money, loss and stress

Ed Sheeran is at the top of the male pop star pyramid,  selling out Wembley Stadium for the 12th time, every album at  No 1, singing with Eminem and Beyoncé and yet he puts out an image of normal-schtick. Despite the dizzying levels of his success he has had a nightmare 18 months of his wife’s diagnosis of cancer, the death of his best friend Jamal Edwards and now a copyright infringement case in the US, which he says will end his career if he loses. At the moment his fifth album is due out along with a Disney documentary: The Sum of It All – ‘a surprisingly moving, intimate view of marriage, loss and mental health.’

 He is modest about his rise to fame – “I’m speccy, ginger hair, really short, English, from the countryside, who stutters and beatboxes … that guy doesn’t become a pop star.” That he did is largely down to the late Jamal Edwards who put him on his YouTube channel – as well as his own talent and determination.

  He was born 17 February 1991, no birth time sadly, Halifax, England, and is a Sun and Mercury in Aquarius square Pluto – communicative and enduring (stubborn). His Pluto is also in trine to a musical Venus in Pisces and sextile Uranus Neptune conjunct in Capricorn. The Uranus Neptune conjunction generation are highly-strung and inspirational, some with a touch of genius. He also has Saturn in Aquarius opposition Jupiter in Leo trine/sextile Mars in Gemini which will make him wobble between downers and uppers, flamboyance and under stated – and the stressed Mars in Gemini is possibly part of the reason for his ‘explosive and incessant creativity’. He composed seven songs in four hours his wife received her initial cancer diagnosis, so music clearly is a way of channelling emotional turmoil.

  His wife was diagnosed and Jamal Edwards died both in early 2022 when tr Saturn was square his Pluto. At the moment over his court case he has tr Uranus square his Mercury at 18 Aquarius and moving on to oppose his Pluto from late this month on and off into early 2024. He’s in a period of major change with tr Uranus heading to square his Sun in 2025.

  He will have upbeat, lucky and successful moments this year and again in 2024/25 but those run alongside times of uncertainty and disruptions.  All the adulation and money in the world can’t blot out problems.  

Hunter Biden – stumbling from one pot hole to the next

Hunter Biden is in another legal tangle this time over child support for a child he initially disavowed until a DNA test proved he was the father. He was paying $20k a month for his daughter’s upkeep but went back to court asking to pay less because of revised financial circumstances. As a result he has been told by a judge to produce financial paperwork which could involve exposing the business dealings of other members of the Biden family.

  He is already being investigated by a federal grand jury in Delaware over tax charges and whether he made a false statement in connection with a gun purchase; as well as an investigation by Republicans in Congress over emails on a laptop that appear to tie his father to his business activities, despite Joe Biden’s denial of involvement.

  He is catching the 18 degree Uranus in Taurus hard aspect to his Venus in Aquarius exactly now so he’s in the centre of the whirlpool. And has a worrisome tr Saturn square his Neptune returning mid October to the end of this November, which coincides with a seriously stuck Solar Arc Saturn square his Pluto around this time. Tr Neptune is also undermining a couple of his midpoints then as well. Tr Pluto is square his Saturn in 2024/25 which will be a gloomy slog and discouraging.

 Joe’s relationship chart with him is less ebullient than usual with a stuck tr Saturn opposition the composite Pluto in place recently and repeating in September and December this year. With jangles and jolts mid June to mid July, late October to mid November and March 2024 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Saturn. Plus major confusion with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune in 2024 from late February to mid April, and late May to late July, returning over the Inauguration in 2025 – which is when tr Pluto is square Joe’s Taurus Moon in the 5th house which rules children.

  Tr Saturn is also opposition the composite Jupiter from April 2024 on and off into January 2025 which will put their enthusiasm and confidence in each other at a peep.

  As far as Joe is concerned Hunter is family so to be protected at all costs but the political price may be high. Jill is less enamoured of Hunter and could rock the boat come August onwards.

Angela Kelly – what goes around, comes around

Angela Kelly, the late Queen Elizabeth’s dresser, confidante and latterly her carer, so close they could have been sisters, has no place in the new regime. Surprisingly friendly with her erstwhile Royal boss, she was disliked amongst other staff in the household for her tendency to throw her weight around. And was clearly not well regarded by other family members. Her publication of two books about the Queen raised eyebrows given previous strictures about publicising even anodyne information as an insider.

  In the honours list to mark the late monarch’s death, she was made a Commander (CVO) of the Royal Victorian Order though she has now been despatched to a Yorkshire house, a present from King Charles, no doubt conditional on no more books or American TV tours.

  She was born 4 November 1957 with a docker father, had been a lorry driver in the Women’s Royal Army Corps, was divorced three times with three children  and was nicknamed AK-47 because of her tendency to lay down the law in her two decade tenure in the Queen’s service.   

  She’s a Sun Mercury in Scorpio square Uranus so will give as good as she gets. She probably has an inspirational, entrepreneurial and attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Moon trine Saturn trine Uranus; and a super-enthusiastic Jupiter Mars in Libra.

Her synastry with the Queen isn’t pass remarkable apart from her Jupiter Mars in Libra being trine the Queen’s Mars Jupiter in Aquarius. And in some ways wasn’t that comfortable a fit with Angela’s Uranus conjunct HMQ’s Leo Moon. But Angela’s Pluto fell in HMQ’s 8th house so she would exert a considerable subterranean pull. And with her Neptune opposition HMQ’s Sun she’d be evasive and difficult pin down.

  The relationship chart shows a clearer picture with an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a possessive opposition to Pluto which forms a Mystic Rectangle in sextile/trine to Saturn opposition Uranus. With a morale-boosting and exuberant composite Mars Jupiter.

 King Charles would find her difficult and being a Scorpio himself might be more sensitive to her way of ingratiating herself. His relationship chart with her is loaded with a composite Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter square Pluto – which stripped down to Mars square Pluto is hostile and power-struggling.  Prince Harry who called her a troublemaker and obstructive disliked her as well – his relationship chart with her has a composite Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune conjunction and Sun conjunct Uranus which is a whole other mess of aggravation.  With Meghan the Angela relationship chart is controlling and high-tension.

  What intrigues me slightly have looked at a few Royal relationship charts in recent weeks is Camilla. Her connection with Angela Kelly was worse than the others with a hostile composite Mars, North Node, Pluto conjunction – and similar occurs elsewhere, which I will no doubt return to. Camilla may not have wanted to be Queen but there is a faint sense that the ‘lady boss’ is going to turn out to be the power beside the throne.

Additional thought.  Angela’s climb up the ladder to draw closer to the Queen happened after the death of the Queen Mother, who was a fairly overpowering mother who spoke to the Queen every day. That was 2002 when Princess Margaret also died so the Queen was left without her two closest female family members.

Emmett Till – an involuntary trailblazer

The lynching of Emmett Till, a 14 year old Chicago boy on holiday with Mississippi relatives in August 1955 became a pivotal event that triggered the civil rights movement. At his funeral, his mother left the casket open allowing the tens of thousands of mourners to see his mutilated body. Rosa Parks said her refusal to give up a seat on a bus in Alabama to a white passenger in December 1955, a pivotal moment in the civil rights struggle, was a result of his death. She said: “I thought of Emmett Till and I couldn’t go back.”

  Carolyn Bryant who has just died, a white woman, said Emmett had grabbed her round the waist at the store, which in the Deep South was unthinkable in those days. Her husband and his half brother were charged with the murder but found not guilty by an all-white jury. She was not called as a witness and years later divorced her husband on the grounds of “cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual drunkenness”.

  She never recanted her accusation though the suspicion was she embellished her story. The federal justice department, which described the murder as “one of the most infamous acts of racial violence in our country’s history”, re-opened an investigation in 2004 but no new charges emerged.

  Emmett Till was born 25 July 1941 8.20pm Chicago, Illinois, and was a Sun Pluto conjunction in Leo beside Chiron, the wounded healer; with sacrificial Neptune in Virgo conjunct North Node (the spirit of the age) trine Saturn Uranus in Taurus. Not a fate to be wished on anyone especially a young boy, but he was a catalyst for much that followed. Tr Uranus was then at zero degrees Leo – and oddly enough tr Jupiter was exactly conjunct his Solar Arc Sun and his Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Jupiter, both of which might in other circumstances be seen as positive happenings. The transiting North Node was hovering around his SA Midheaven pulling his life’s direction into the zeitgeist.

 Carolyn Bryant, 23 July 1934, Indianola Mississippi, was a Sun Pluto conjunction like Emmett with her birthday two days after his. She had a Sun Leo square Uranus which was catching the exact tr Uranus conjunction to her Sun at the time of the lynching. Tr Pluto was also opposition her Saturn making for a heavy, discouraging time with her SA Mars just off the scary, trapped conjunction to her Pluto. Her Sun Pluto conjunction would make her prone to attract controlling, bullying men and she went through three husbands before retreating into a life of seclusion.  

 Her Uranus was square Emmett’s Sun Pluto so she would be a disruptive element in his life (to put it mildly). The relationship chart between them is not informative except that the composite Saturn was conjunct Emmett’s Mars in Aries and the composite Mars was conjunct his Saturn – Mars Saturn being the signature for assassination in traditional astrology.

  Indescribably appalling.

Last year President Biden signed into law the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, making lynching a federal hate crime.