The anniversary of Hiroshima comes and goes without mention unless it’s a round figure memorial – this year being the 74th. Nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans with the agreement of the British on August 6 and 9th 1945 which brought an end to war with Japan and to World War 11. Over 200,000 died instantly and many more in the months following. An ethical debate has raged ever since with some arguing that the forced surrender saved many lives and others that a punitive civilian strike was indefensible.
There are similar arguments about the bombing of Dresden in early 1945 which killed 25,000 civilians and destroyed the city centre. It was carried out by Allied Forces though it is mainly thought of as a British decision.
The Hiroshima bomb was dropped when Uranus was exactly on the midheaven to the minute of a degree with Uranus conjunct Mars in Gemini. That echoes the Mars Uranus in Gemini in the USA 1776 chart which I’ve always thought was the root of a good many problems of violence; and the ludicrous extremes of free speech allowing racist sentiments to be expressed without restraint. And it does link into Trump’s Gemini Sun which sits exactly on the USA Mars with his Uranus close by.
The USA chart in August 1945 was looking jubilant with tr Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant and moving towards squaring the Solar Arc Sun; with a super-confident Solar Arc Jupiter square Neptune also tugging on the USA Mars.
The preceding Cancer Solar Eclipse which was conjunct the USA Sun and Saturn, set for Washington where the decision was no doubt made, had Mars in heavyweight (and vengeful) Taurus conjunct the Midheaven which in turn was conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol. Set for Hiroshima it had expansive Jupiter conjunct the Descendant.
The preceding Lunar Eclipse of 26 June 1945 set for Hiroshima had the Capricorn Full Moon exactly conjunct the Midheaven squaring onto Neptune on the Descendant; with a brutal Mars square a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th. The Capricorn Full Moon was oddly conjunct Japan’s Jupiter – continuing the theme of Jupiter’s presence at disasters. Not always the lucky planet.
It’s tempting to blame America’s dark side for Hiroshima but the truth is that superpowers have always acted badly through the centuries and caused massive damage without much thought. Power corrupts.
For those who like minutiae, below is a Hiroshima post from 6 August 2010.
The Japanese are today marking the anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb which was dropped on 6 August 1945 at 8.15 am. About 140,000 died then or in the months following and Japan surrendered, bringing an end to World War 11.
The chart for the bombing has sudden-disruption Uranus exactly conjunct the Midheaven set for Hiroshima – to the exact minute of the exact degree. Uranus was also in an explosive conjunction to Mars and both were in a heavy sextile to Sun Pluto in Leo. Mars was exactly sextile Pluto and trine Neptune. Plus there was an emotionally downbeat Moon Saturn in Cancer in the 10th. The exactness of some aspects is interesting and it is a difficult chart. But for all that it doesn’t have that stagger-back quality you’d expect from such a universe-changing event as the Hiroshima bomb. Mind you neither did the 9/11 chart.
Where the 9/11 chart started to make more sense was in the 16th Harmonic which is multiples of the difficult 4 with a Mars square Saturn Uranus and sextile Pluto with Pluto opposition the 16H Midheaven. And that is pretty brutal.
Where the Hiroshima chart looks more menacing is in the 9th Harmonic curiously which is supposedly about happiness but clearly there’s another dimension. The Hiroshima 9H has a Mystic Rectangle of Uranus Midheaven opp Jupiter; and Mars opposition Pluto; with Pluto trine Uranus MC and Jupiter trine Mars. That looks more along the right lines – especially with Saturn widely conjunct Mars. So a mix of explosive Mars Uranus pumped up by Jupiter Pluto’s hyper-mega tendencies. The difficult side of the 9th Harmonic is evidently egotism, easily hurt, quick tempered. Perhaps seeing Hiroshima as payback for Pearl Harbour makes most sense of this Harmonic.
The Hiroshima 11th Harmonic is also strong. The 11H is about a burning, obsessive dream but gone sour it can have very negative consequences as dreams don’t always act out well in reality. This has a Water Grand Trine of Pluto trine Neptune trine Moon Saturn – Sat Pl is bleak; Pl Nep is nuclear and major confusion; Moon Saturn disregards feelings. And an attention-demanding, inventive Fire Grand Trine of Sun trine Mercury trine Jupiter. With another feeling-dampening T square of Moon Saturn opposition Venus square Sun. And a panicky, overly aggressive, self-justifying Mars opposition Neptune square Jupiter.
On the Japan chart in 1945 there was a Solar Arc Mars square Sun which does usually coincide with a major collision of sorts; plus an undermining, panicky Solar Arc Neptune trine their Mars. There was also a Solar Arc Pluto inconjunct their Jupiter which would fit with overpowering confidence backfiring.
Tracking back on the preceding Eclipses:-
The 9 July 1945 Total Solar eclipse in Cancer had Saturn conjunct and it had Jupiter on the Descendant and Uranus on the nadir/IC located to Hiroshima. It also had an expansive Jupiter trine Mars in Taurus sextile New Moon Saturn – so arguably pushing all that inflated Mars Jupiter into an event of great sadness with Saturn in Cancer on the Eclipse. When the bomb was dropped a month later the transiting Moon was just one degree passed the conjunction to the Eclipse – which is relatively often the case as the following Moon appears to trigger the Eclipse chart.
The partial Lunar Eclipse of 25 June 1945 was even more pointed set for Hiroshima with Moon conjunction Midheaven opposition Sun Nadir/IC square Neptune conjunct Descendant. There was nothing visible triggering that though the chart itself is indicative of a time of great panic and confusion – with Eclipse charts having an effect for some months after the event.
The Solar Eclipse of 14 January 1945 is in many ways just as pointed with Uranus on the Ascendant set for Hiroshima with Venus conjunct Midheaven. That Eclipse Uranus also falls exactly on the Japan country chart assuming a mid day start, suggesting a major turning point in Japan’s destiny. When the bombing happened tr Mars was exactly conjunct the Jan 45 Eclipse Uranus and square the Eclipse MC and conjunct the Japan Ascendant.
The 25 Jan 1944 Total Solar Eclipse was exceptionally difficult with Pluto opposing the Eclipsed New Moon in Aquarius. With an Air Grand Trine of the New Moon trine Neptune and trine explosive Uranus Mars. Set for Hiroshima it had Pluto conjunct Midheaven opposition New Moon conjunct nadir/IC – very suggestive of a total blockage, damage to reputation and status. There was no visible trigger on this chart eighteen months later in Aug 1945 except that Neptune had returned to its’ Eclipse position and was back in trine exactly to the Eclipsed New Moon.
Much the same conclusions as before – Eclipses show tantalising glimpses of events to come but we/I still haven’t quite grasped the cipher.