The Martian jitterbug who infests No 10 presently has got himself tied in so many knots that even Houdini would be trapped. Something has to give sometime. No parliament sitting till mid October, no indication that EU negotiations are going anywhere with the EU leaders understandably irritable and bored to the back teeth with the whole farrago, the opposition refusing an election till NO-deal off the table, cabinet ministers heading for the door.
He is feeling panicked, undermined and quarrelsome now till early November with tr Neptune square his Mars/Node; and his Government chart looks deflated and confidence-dented September 29 to October 25th with tr Saturn square the Mars/Jupiter midpoint.
But it’s November when the sh** really hits the fan for himself, Cummings and his Government.
Boris’s chart: Tr Neptune squares his Sun/Mars midpoint 12 November to mid December – lack of vitality, not pro-active or plans don’t work out, low energy; with disappointments in his love life as it also squares his Venus/Mars which sometimes throws up health issues. What’s worse is the trapped, cornered, frustrating and enfuriated tr Pluto opposes his Mars/Pluto midpoint 11 November till mid December. Caged.
That’s the point at which Dominic Cummings looks fit to blow his circuit board with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Mars and his Mars/Neptune – absolutely nothing is working to plan, quite the reverse.
The Government chart has tr Neptune undercutting its delusional optimism as it squares the Jupiter from November 12th to mid December; and has the catastrophe-strewn minefield of tr Uranus opposition its Mars/Pluto also November 12th to 11 December.
Boris’s relationship with Cummings is aggravated in the extreme with tr Pluto square the composite Mars/Saturn and Mars/Node till mid November and then is in a totally-blocked square to the composite Mars from then till mid December; is sagging with disappointment in November from 12th to mid December as tr Neptune opposes the composite Sun.
Ditto Bojo and Michael Gove, much the same effects and timings. With Carrie, his live-in girlfriend again November 12th for a few weeks looks very tumultuous with tr Uranus opposition the composite Uranus and square Saturn.
He’s left himself absolutely no wiggle room and even given his propensity for flat-out lying it’s difficult to see how he wriggles back out of this with his job intact. His Solar Arc MC (birth time being accurate) is opposing his Saturn now which makes sense and within six months will be on the same degree as his Uranus, which could be the tipping point of his exit.
There does seem to be a major hiccup from mid December onwards till early February 2020 for Boris and his brigade when Uranus reaches 2 degrees; and the Neptune droop also runs through into February. So there’s no magic closure point.
Philip Hammond looks surprisingly confident mid November to mid December with tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint though he’s also in for a few major jolts with tr Uranus opposition his Mars in Scorpio – so he’ll be fit to blow a fuse – and that continues for him into and through January 2020.
Dominic Grieve, former Attorney General, who is pushing to block Boris’s NO-Deal option, is a rock-solid Gemini with Jupiter Pluto in Leo opposition Mars in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio. He’s understandably on edge and has Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Uranus this year; and a run of Saturn hard aspects to midpoints between now and December which could just be hard work but also slow progress. Though nothing too catastrophic, without a birth time. He certainly loathes Dominic Cummings with a composite Mars opposition Sun, Saturn, Uranus in their relationship chart and there’s no curing that.