Boris & Carrie – a heated hookup

The happy day came sooner rather than later with Boris hitching with Carrie yesterday at a small family event just after 2pm in London with celebrations to come next year. It was conducted at a Roman Catholic Cathedral on the spurious grounds that Boris, baptised originally as RC although non practising, could have his two previous marriages and divorces regarded as non-existent since they were conducted under other religious umbrellas.

  On the wedding chart there’s a light-hearted, social butterfly Venus and Mercury in Gemini on the Midheaven, similar to Boris’s own chart. But in this case it squares Neptune hovering just below the Descendant which suggests illusions, delusions and disappointments later when reality kicks in. Good for show and public relations, less so for commitment. The Sun in the intellectually stimulating and far-travelled 9th house is in an expansive square to Jupiter.  

  What is most problematic is a crisis-attracting, ruthlessly determined Mars opposition Pluto Moon – which suggests bitter power-struggles or at least a serious power imbalance causing resentment and major arguments. The argumentative Mars opposition Moon would be exact just as the vows were exchanged. The Pluto is also inconjunct the Midheaven and Venus which is strained.

 There’s also a restrained Saturn in the sociable 5th squaring onto a high-tension, self-willed 8th house Uranus.

 It’s not the most peaceful of charts and indicates a fair amount of aggro around the day itself, never mind the pattern it lays down for the marriage. The Moon will move by Solar Arc to oppose the Mars exactly in eight months which will lead to domestic arguments and the heat is likely to rise over the next four years with the Solar Arc Mars moving to oppose the Pluto exactly. This fits with my somewhat gloomy predictions from the previous post see May 24 2021 below – of 2025 being high noon time.

  Usually wedding charts by some odd quirk reflect many of the themes of the relationship chart.  Their’s has a Neptune opposition Venus which is ethereal and romantic to start with but the shine usually wears off. There’s also a Saturn square Uranus which suggests different agendas – one more progressive than the other which leads to constant eruptions. There is a helpful and lucky Jupiter in the middle of it all which will smooth rough edges – conjunct the Sun, opposition Uranus and square the Saturn. Though it can also lead to arrogance getting out of hand. The composite Pluto is inconjunct the Sun and possibly square the composite Moon which makes for possessiveness but also a tussle for the upper hand.

  What’s odd about the choice of a wedding date is that tr Neptune has just started to conjunct the composite Mars in their relationship chart, running on and off till early 2023, which will bring a panicky sense of failure about the relationship and tr Uranus is exactly conjunct the composite Sun now which is normally a separating aspect. Both tr Saturn and tr Uranus will continue to aspect the Sun all this year.

  Their personal charts are not showing up much of cheer apart from minor Jupiter transits in BJ’s case square his Mars and in Carrie’s conjunct her Mercury and her Jupiter/Uranus midpoint.

  Carrie’s Venus in Taurus opposition Pluto is being buffeted every which way by tr Uranus conjunct her Venus and opposition her Pluto exactly now and both being squared by Solar Arc Neptune this year – none of which looks like blissful contentment. Tr Uranus will continue to shake up her Venus into early 2022 and tr Saturn will also be in discouraging hard aspect through this year.   

Will be interesting to read the biographies at a later date as to what exactly what was going on.

GB News – not an inspiring start

GB news – a new 24-hour news and opinion channel is due to launch ON June 13 with a mission to inform those fed up with the BBC’s ‘woke’ culture and London-centric thinking. The CEO is Angelos Frangopoulos, who turned Sky News Australia into a right-wing megaphone, and the Chairman is Andrew Neil who will also host a political discussion show. Critics fear it will lead to the ‘Foxification’ of the UK’s broadcast media. Though the experience from down under was that advertisers were scared off by social media campaigns after offensive remarks from presenters and there would also be restrictions under Ofcom’s broadcasting guidelines.

   Although Neil has likened GB News to “a David among Goliaths, the underdog in a crowded market”, it is still costing £60 million; and industry analysts say they don’t see how the business model will hold up.

  It will launch 13 June 2021 at 8pm which gives a Sun Mercury in Gemini square Neptune which is not encouraging. Neptunian enterprises often fizzle out. There’s also a ruthlessly determined but also aggravating and frustrated Pluto opposition Mars Moon. What is more helpful is an Air Grand Trine of Midheaven trine Saturn trine North Node Mercury which will produce some traction. There’s also a grandiose, over hopeful Jupiterian Yod onto MC sextile Mars Moon.

 Andrew Neil, 21 May 1949, has had an illustrious and generally successful career as editor of the Sunday Times, chairman of The Spectator and a regular TV political show host. He’s a stalwart and serious Taurus Sun square Mars with an ultra-determined, good-in-a-crisis Mars in Taurus square Pluto – well used to coping with big hitters.

  He’s got tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Jupiter midpoint exactly now over the launch which generally points to plans not working out, a difficult birth and a sense of failure. That runs exactly till late July and repeats on and off till early 2023. Plus a disruptive tr Uranus square his Pluto from July onwards and conjunct his Mars in 2022 for a major upheaval and tr Saturn is also pitching in its tuppence worth of woe in 2022 onto his Mars Pluto square.  So not all running to plan.

 I’m not sure viewers need more news – they need entertained and cheered up not embroiled in rancorous discussions or sunk under a deluge of discouraging statistics.

Elizabeth Warren – good news ahead

Elizabeth Warren, one of the moderate progressives in the Democratic Party is rattling up CEOs in her campaign to hold the corporate world to account. She lost the fight to be Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidency and says she’ll run again for her Massachusetts Senate seat come 2024, supporting Joe Biden in his stated aim of a second term.

  She was born 22 June 1949 and is an innovative Sun Uranus in Cancer with a combative and determined mini-Grand Trine of Mars Mercury in Gemini trine Neptune, sextile Pluto. She also has Jupiter in Aquarius which is interesting since it catches the super-successful tr Pluto conjunction from April 2023 right through till late 2024. Over the election she has a raft of helpful and uplifting though minor Jupiter transits to various midpoints as well as one discontented one. Whatever happens she looks as if she is on a roll and more than upbeat about the result.

Ghislaine Maxwell – facing Saturn’s reckoning

Ghislaine Maxwell due for trial this November on charges of sex trafficking and other offences may face evidence from other Epstein co-conspirators of Jeffrey Epstein, which could be damaging to her case. She has pleaded not guilty.  Legal wrangles are continuing in advance of the due date.

  Born 25 December 1961 3.20pm Maisons Lafitte, France, she has an intense, secretive Capricorn Sun, Mars and Mercury in the 8th house of money and sex, with her Mars in a passionate conjunction to Venus in late Sagittarius. She has a drama-queen, lucky, successful though also self-righteous Jupiter in her 10th on her Midheaven in a head-in the-clouds square to Neptune. Her flashy Leo Moon falls in her 4th along with the unsettled Uranus Pluto in Virgo, hinting at her closeness to an unstable father.

  Her Midheaven and Jupiter will catch the tr Saturn conjunction on and off till late November which will be discouraging and a time when the harvest for past actions is reaped. She’s got the emotionally upsetting tr Uranus square her Moon picking up in July and repeating into 2022. The run up to the trial in October looks blocked and over-burdened with tr Saturn square her Sun/Pluto; and December is nervy and under attack with tr Saturn square her Mercury/Pluto midpoint. Next year from mid March onwards for two years she picks up the discouraging tr Pluto conjunct her Saturn in the legal 9th which suggests an uphill struggle against the forces of the law.

  She does have Neptune in her 6th so will be semi-fragile on the health front and since it catches both tr Saturn and tr Uranus hard aspects through this year I’d wonder about her general state of fitness.

 Significantly the composite Mars opposition Uranus on her relationship chart with Epstein sits exactly on her MC/IC – an explosive connection that will upend her life.

For more detail see previous posts in 2020 under search.

Switzerland – rejecting the EU’s demands

  ‘A brave act of defiance’ saw Switzerland walk out of talks on a closer trading relationship with the EU. Their rejection of the terms offered – jurisdiction of the European court of justice and permanent residence to EU citizens, with access to social security from day one – could cost the country 1.2 billion euros a year.

  Switzerland is the bloc’s fourth biggest trading partner and its economy is closely integrated with the 27 member states. The collapse of the seven year negotiations will lead to a gradual expiration of the present agreements. Until recently the Swiss had a best-of-both-worlds arrangement with bilateral trade agreements, allowing it to function as a member of the single market, though outside the EU customs union and thus allowed to do its own trade deals with third countries.

   The Switzerland country chart, 12 September 1848, describes a curiously hybrid creature – overly-serious from a Virgo Sun opposition Saturn and rebellious with a Uranus Pluto conjunction in Aries. There are flutters of uncertainty and concern this year and next from tr Neptune conjunction the Saturn; disruption from Solar Arc Pluto opposition the Uranus this year; and pressure in 2022/23 from tr Pluto square Pluto. 2023/2024 will see tr Pluto trine to trine the Mars and then the financial Venus into 2025 – so it will be a long phase of adjustment.

  The Bank of Switzerland, 20 June 1907, looks diminished and panicked this year and on for several years with tr Neptune square the Pluto then the Gemini Sun till late 2024; with heightened uncertainty in 2023 as tr Neptune is conjunct the Saturn. But 2024 will see a confident push from Solar Arc Pluto square the Jupiter which may haul it out of the trough.

  It’s not a great mix with the EU since the Switzerland Sun squares the EU’s rigid Saturn in Sagittarius and the Swiss Pluto falls in the EU 8th opposition the Jupiter – for tussles over money.

  The relationship chart is being upended this year with the composite Sun and Mercury being tossed and torn by tr Uranus in opposition and tr Saturn in square.

  It will make a dent on Switzerland’s immediate prospects but there was never any hope of the locals agreeing to the EU’s terms.

Catherine – growing into a Duchess

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has come into her own in recent years, never putting a foot wrong, with an heir and two spares under her belt. She wears sporting gear as comfortably as middle-of-the-road high-fashion and charms her way round a busy charity schedule.

  By all accounts she is shy so has taken a while to come out of her shell. She’ll almost certainly become increasingly compelling and confident as a personality as she grows older.  My impression is she has upped her game after the Meghan spat so is clearly capable of seeing off any would-be-usurpers.

  She was born 9 January 1982 7pm (from memory) Berkshire, England and does not have a chart that is instantly heart-warming. She has an ambitious Capricorn Sun opposition a family-oriented Cancer Moon squaring onto a battened-down, obstinate and can-be-depressive Saturn Pluto conjunction. That Saturn Pluto will certainly give her stamina and the ability to be self-controlled. She was conditioned from her early years to fit into a restrictive environment with limited choices. The upside of that is in her mellowing years it will give her a steely backbone and capacity to cope with a Royal lifestyle. Her Sun in the sporting and sociable 5th house will make her good with children.

  Her Jupiter in Scorpio is in her 4th so she came from a supportive family despite the strictures on her choices and would want to marry into a setup where she had an expansive home and domestic life. Her Jupiter squares Venus in Aquarius which can be frivolous and superficial, is often associated with fashion, but is handy for a role where smiles and charm have to be switched on to order.

  Uranus in the 4th hints at a constantly changing home life; and Neptune in the 5th to a creative, sensitive child. Mars in the 3rd – she can be argumentative and likes speed – driving fast.

  She’s in a hard-working phase this year with Pluto about to move into her 6th house with tr Saturn already there till early next year, so will be more health and fitness conscious. Jupiter through her 7th this year will see her popularity soar as she glad-hands her way around social occasions. Her Progressed Moon is moving through her 5th house for the next two years plus so she will step out boldly and be more visible and have fun with children. She’ll be taking a more prominent role in coming years with tr Saturn rising in her chart for the next decade and a half.

  She does have some tricky progressions upcoming with her Progressed Mars square her Sun exactly in coming months which can be aggravating; a jolting Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her 4th house Uranus exact in 18 months for a family upheaval. Her Progressed Venus is in an emotionally highly-charged square to her Pluto in 2 years; and her Progressed Mars is in an upsetting, maybe accident-prone conjunction to her Saturn in about four years’ time. So life ahead won’t be without its stresses and strains.

  What strikes me as marginally odd is her natal Full Moon which often suggests parents who are incompatible or wildly different types of personality and is often seen in the charts of individuals whose parents divorced.  Though her parents seem solid enough. Carole is the toughie with an Aquarius Sun and Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn in Scorpio – nothing budges her. While father Michael, a Sun Uranus in Cancer has a much lighter chart.

  The Sun in hard aspect to the Moon is repeated in Prince George’s chart with an opposition; Louis’s with a Sun square Moon; and Charlotte has her Sun very widely inconjunct her Moon.

  Prince William has a New Moon which is a different energy, more self-contained.

  Often Full Moon types have difficulty making up their minds about relationships or anything else but in Kate’s case since it ties into Saturn and Pluto she’d be chained into whatever choices she felt life or her parents had made for her.

  She and William were born within months of one another so have similarities in almost all the planets – with Kate’s Cancer Moon in tune with his Cancer New Moon and her Capricorn Sun trine his Venus in Taurus.

  Their relationship chart shows a good deal of affection with a composite Sun, Mercury, Venus and also competitiveness with the composite Mars opposition the Sun. Though luckily that appears to confine itself to their sporting games together and not to her upstaging him on public occasions as Diana did Charles. It’s not all easy with the composite Moon square Mars and Saturn which will bring scratchy moments. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction is good for a power couple as long as the energy is directed outwards, otherwise it ends up in a struggle for the upper hand.

Syria – with ‘mafia mob boss’ Assad in charge for now

Syria is about to hold elections described in Europe as a farce which will undoubtedly return Bashar Assad on an unassailable and risible majority. The country battered by a savage war for a decade, with Russia and Iran as military backstops, has disappeared from the headlines but Bashar Assad has been ruthlessly consolidating his family’s power and wealth overseeing what is left of a broken nation.  Half of Syria’s population is displaced, with many remaining outside its borders, while more than 500,000 people were killed and the economy disintegrated. A former CIA officer said “Assad is the Tony Soprano of the Middle East – at bare bones, a mob boss, overseeing a crime syndicate simply designed to enrich himself and his family, and always willing to inflict violence to achieve his goals.”

  Long gone is the west’s delusion of a progressive young president, ‘the dashing young ophthalmologist trained in the UK, in love with western technology, married to a beautiful former banker.’

  Although the Syrian exile view is gloomy about any change ahead there may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. His Presidency chart, 17 July 2000, has been under extreme pressure from tr Pluto opposition the Mars recently and until late this year the Sun; but it is 2022 which will be the real test. Next year the Solar Arc Uranus will square the Pluto which is often when administrations/regimes are at their least stable and topple-off-perch moments can occur.

  His own chart, 11 September 1965, has a tumultuous Sun, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces, sextile an unpleasant Mars in vengeful Scorpio conjunct Neptune which never looked that charming. His Mars will be rattled up from this July by tr Uranus in a shocking and insecure opposition from tr Uranus running into 2022; and in 2022 as well both tr Saturn and tr Uranus will hit on his Neptune. Even worse his Solar Arc Sun will conjunct his Mars in 2022 for a car-crash moment and that starts a run of several highly dangerous years with his Solar Arc Sun, Pluto, Uranus crashing across his Mars Neptune.

   The shifting sands of the Middle East may well be blowing in new directions whether in Syria or elsewhere. There was an alarming piece which I now can’t find suggesting the semi-coup hinted at recently in Jordan – see post April 4 2021 – was set in motion by other neighbouring players, probably Saudi’s Mohammed Bin Salman. If Trump had been returned to the White House the dreaded son-in-law Jared would have been in there bro-romancing and redrawing the balance of power in the ME. Makes the blood run cold even contemplating it as a script for a bad movie.

Found it:

“Had he [Trump] been re-elected, this would be a very different region.”

Dominic Cummings – hot coals of vengeance ++ Hancock

“We must have bloody noses and crack’d crowns.” (Henry IV Part 1)

Dominic Cummings let fly with both barrels when talking to MPs about the government’s handling of the Covid crisis before he was summarily tossed out of the door last November. In a positively Shakespearean rant he accused Boris Johnson of being unfit to be PM and Health Secretary Matt Hancock of lying repeatedly and behaving in a ‘criminal’ way.  And on and on and on. Carrie Symonds got it in the neck as well for kvetching about media coverage of her dog on a day of national crisis. How much of it will stick given general dislike of Cummings and a sense that much of it is a self-serving, vengeful gripe, is questionable.  But the barbs are surely piling up for Boris’s political epitaph when it comes.

  Cummings has a track record of trashing erstwhile bosses and is such a loose cannon with a paranoid Sun Neptune in Sagittarius opposition Saturn square a high-wire Mars in Pisces that it’s a miracle anyone hires him. Especially Boris with whom his chart clashed mightily since both their Martian Mutable T Squares are not only individual tinderboxes they also sit at cross purposes. And both are rattled up by today’s Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse.  What is also being jangled is the Mercury in Sagittarius on the Boris Government chart exactly now by the Lunar Eclipse and indeed the Sagittarius Sun by the June Solar Eclipse.

  Their relationship chart has a composite, bad-tempered Mars Saturn conjunction inconjunct an unstable Sun Pluto, so was always guaranteed to blow sooner rather than later. Tr Neptune has been busily dissolving the ties that bind for some time and will continue to do so for several years ahead.

  Cummings’ relationship chart with Carrie is as fraught in a different way with a power-struggling Sun Mercury square Pluto and hostile Mars trine Pluto and it will be under pressure until at least 2024. This year in particular is being rocked around by tr Uranus square tr Saturn in hard aspect to the composite Mars.  

  Matt Hancock, hasn’t had a good press from anyone and hardly seems up to the job but there is something else going on between him and Cummings with a struggle-for-supremacy composite Jupiter Pluto square Mars.

  The one chart which is showing outright panic now is the relationship between Boris and Carrie so there may be behind-the-scene ramifications which aren’t too obvious on the instant.

 Cummings himself has tr Uranus opposition his vehement, ranting, demagogic Mercury/Pluto midpoint exactly now and on and off into early 2022. He’ll have a full-steam ahead confidence surge from early 2022 to late 2023 as he gets a new project underway. But he’s still got the sinking panics to come mid this September to mid October and mid January to mid February 2022 – when the Boris connection also looks to be under water.

 Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, 2 October 1978 is a New Moon, Mercury, Pluto in Libra; with his Sun sextile Jupiter in Leo – shades of David Cameron.  His Saturn is in a creative and neurotic, not-always-decisive square to Neptune. All of which sounds fairly mushy except for a stubborn and uncompromising, intensely secretive Mars, Uranus and Venus in Scorpio.  His Mars is being rattled by tr Saturn squares and setbacks through this year and his Uranus will catch the tr Uranus opposition from July onwards which could cause an upset or two, or change his plans about what he wants ahead. Without a birth time there’s not much else showing.  His relationship with Boris hints at an argumentative July onwards with tr Uranus square the Mercury.

  But unless Mark Sedwill, the former Cabinet Secretary, backs up Dom’s allegations of lies, he’ll possibly escape any censure since Boris will be rubbishing Cummings to save his own reputation.

Eclipses, Solar and Lunar – 2021

A run round the Eclipses in 2021.

The Total Lunar Eclipse, a powerful Full Moon, on 26 May falls at five degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. The Sun opposition Moon squares onto Jupiter which will bring an expansive mood. Though Jupiter can overdo the exaggeration and magnify the negative as well as the positive. There will be a frustratingly stuck and high-risk Mars opposition Pluto with a slippery Neptune square Mercury and Venus, trine Mars and sextile Pluto so there will be evasiveness and confusion. Plus the ratchety unpredictable Saturn square Uranus is in place for a tussle between the old ways and reforms.

  The Solar Eclipse (New Moon) following on 10th June is at nineteen degrees Gemini square Neptune with much the same ambience as the Lunar with head-in-the-clouds, evasive Neptune even more emphasised; and the aggravated and blocked Mars opposition Pluto still in place as well as Saturn square Uranus. However Bernadette Brady says of the 5 North Saros Series in which it falls that it will accompany ‘sudden flashes of ideas with a psychic or unconscious flavour, prophetic dreams’ and is a creative series that should bring a sense of enrichment with hunches proving to be accurate. It was around previously in 2003, 1985, 1967, 1949, 1931, 1913.

 The Partial Lunar Eclipse on 19th November at 27 degrees Taurus/Scorpio is again square Jupiter and trine Neptune, sextile Pluto so will bring confidence and heightened ambitions. Though there is a disruptive Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus square Saturn which will cause a few ripples.

 The Total Solar Eclipse of 4 December 2021 falls at twelve degrees Sagittarius and will be square Neptune again. There’s also an emotionally charged, seductive Venus Pluto conjunction sextile Mars. Bernadette Brady says: ‘This is a very joyful, happy family of eclipses’ – good news, falling in love, a peak experience. Benefits will continue well after the eclipse has passed.

  It was around before in 2003, 1985, 1967, 1949, 1931, 1913.

  Eclipses are challenges to develop one area of life which will vary with each sign. Reading the ascendant sign as well as sun sign can be helpful. The Eclipse effect lingers for a few months after the due date.

ARIES: The June Solar Eclipse suggests paying attention to everyday details, getting better organised and managing your time well will avoid problems. The December Eclipse will then turn your focus on travel, adventures, big thinking and grand plans.  The shift into Scorpio/Taurus for the November Lunar Eclipse is a hint of the shift coming in 2022 turning your attention to your finances.

TAURUS: The Gemini June Solar Eclipse falls in your chart area of personal finances so it won’t be a time to throw money around or spend to impress. Being pro-active about improving your situation and long-term security will be good. The December Solar Eclipse will focus on joint finances which is where you share joint responsibility with partners or with credit card companies, mortgages etc. Finding a new approach will iron out problems which means co-operating in a more flexible way. The November Lunar Eclipse in your own sign will bring relationships into focus which will be a theme for 2022.

GEMINI: This is the second year of the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses so a definite turning point or staging post in your life where you make up your mind what comes next and put changes in place. The June Solar Eclipse says it’s your life and needs to be your choices so you will be more independent-minded for the next few months. Then from December you’ll turn your attention to close relationships and need to be more adaptable. The November Lunar Eclipse hints that saying fit and healthy will be key which means finding time for rest and relaxation as well as improving your lifestyle choices.

CANCER: The general tenor of the Gemini and then Sagittarius Eclipse is you need to find peace of mind and then renew your determination to stay on track with your healthy living regimes. The June Gemini Eclipse in the sign before yours will bring benefits if you can explore what is hidden or lies below the surface in your life. It will be inward looking while the December Sagittarius Eclipse will focus your mind on practicalities, work and paying attention to your body’s needs. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will be fun and prompt you to revitalise your social life.

LEO: The June Gemini Eclipse will prompt you to sort out your long-term plans since you’ll want to revise your aims and goals. You’ll also be keen to widen your circle of friends. The December Eclipse will find you keen on having more fun in your leisure activities and in attracting more attention and affection.  The Taurus Lunar Eclipse will indicate you need to find a better balance between your head and your heart, between outer ambitions and your home life.  

VIRGO: The June Gemini Eclipse at your Midheaven will find you redoubling your efforts to attract recognition and respect for your talents and achievements. It will ramp up your ambitions so it won’t be a time to hide in a corner. The December Sagittarius Eclipse will do the opposite, putting home and emotional contentment up as the priority. The Taurus November Lunar Eclipse will be communicative, with ideas spilling out left, right and centre though you’ll need to pay attention to details as well as planning for adventures.

LIBRA:  The June Gemini Eclipse will set your sights higher and give you the urge to broaden your horizons in the months to come. You’ll be thinking big, communicating confidently and not worrying about too many practical details as you fly along enthusiastically. The December Eclipse will get your feet back on the ground, having to focus on everyday practicalities, manage your time well and be better organised. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will turn your gaze towards your finances and prompt you to take the initiative about making yourself more secure.

SCORPIO: The June Gemini Solar Eclipse falling in the deepest, most confidential area of your chart will challenge you to alter the way you share, care, relate and co-operate over money or your emotional life. Changing the habits of a lifetime won’t be easy but you will benefit if you can. The December Sagittarius Eclipse will advise against throwing money to impress and prompt you to take the initiative to boost your security in the longer term.  The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will bring close partnerships into focus as you negotiate changing agreements.

SAGITTARIUS: These are key eclipses for you, as were last year’s since they fall in your opposite and your own sign. The June Gemini Eclipse will suggest a need for different agreements with close partners and perhaps a hint that being more adaptable and less self-sufficient will bring you more fulfilment emotionally.  In December the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse says you need to make decisions about the next few years and they will need to be your choices. You will be more independent for a few months until you get the decisions made. The November Lunar Eclipse says work and fitness need to be priorities as well.

CAPRICORN: The June Gemini Eclipse falls in your chart area of work, service to others, duty and fitness. So staying practical will be your main thrust with a need to improve your healthy-living regimes to cope with the pile of chores in front of you for a few months ahead. The December Sagittarius Eclipse hints that stepping back to sit on the side lines for a while and let others do the running around will be good. You need a chance for reflection. The Taurus November Lunar Eclipse will inject a livelier mood some of the time with more socialising in the company of friends.

AQUARIUS: A fun-loving Gemini Solar eclipse in June will send you off in search of enjoyment, entertainment and more attention. If you lack affection then you need to hand out kisses and cuddles and it’ll all come back to you. By December you’ll be widening your circle of friends and sorting out longer term plans. The November Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will give you a chance to spend more time with loved ones as well and put down roots.

PISCES: The June Gemini Eclipse at the base of your chart will find you yearning for emotional, family and domestic contentment and where you feel there are lacks in those areas taking steps to put changes in place. The December Eclipse at your midheaven will rev up your ambitions so you’ll want to have your talents and achievements recognised and make a few waves. The November Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will find you reaching out, at times, to make contact with friends and widen your circle of acquaintances.  

This will go up in the normal place soon.