Linda Evangelista – a tumultuous life

Linda Evangelista, the Canadian supermodel, who was one of the most famous women in the world in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, has been understandably devastated by a cosmetic procedure five years ago going disastrously wrong. Instead of decreasing fat cells, it increased them leaving her in her own description “permanently deformed”, engulfed … Read more

Tammy Bakker – turning faith into a cash register

The life of the late Tammy Faye Bakker, a peculiarly American phenomenon – a brassy blonde, over-made-up, money-generating televangelist – has been turned into a bio-pic starring Jessica Chastain. She rose out of poverty, the daughter of Pentecostal preachers to make millions with her first husband Jim, until he fell from grace into prison, convicted … Read more

UK – grim reminders of the 1970s ++ Boris/Tories/UK

A surge in energy prices and shortage of gas is causing anxiety to spike along with bills across Europe. The UK appears to be harder hit than most with a perfect storm of energy companies going bankrupt as well as petrol stations closing and supermarkets going bare-shelved because of a shortage of lorry drivers. There … Read more

France – amour propre seriously dented

The howls of gallic outrage from Emmanuel Macron over the political humiliation of being excluded from the Aukusa pact with the knock-on economic damage of a cancelled multi-billion submarine contract, are causing wry amusement elsewhere. There was already disquiet in Washington about EU investment agreements with China and the gas pipeline deal with Russia; and … Read more

Jimmy Greaves – an English favourite

Jimmy Greaves, a much-loved English footballer who was a prolific goal-scorer has died aged 81. He started playing professional football at 17, semi-retired at 30 after a successful career, but returned despite suffering from alcoholism to play until he was 40. In his later years he had a broadcasting career as well as several business … Read more

Clive Sinclair – setting and anticipating trends

Clive Sinclair, the inventor of the UK’s first mass-market home computer has died. Despite his great successes, his long career was a triumph of perseverance over repeated failure.  On occasion his inventions were before their time. In the 1980s he conjured up the C5, an electric three-wheeler, which proved a commercial disaster and later an … Read more

John Mulaney – his image takes a beating

Comedy fans have been outraged by nice-guy and devoted-husband John Mulaney falling off his pedestal, divorcing his wife, finishing his second stint in rehab for alcoholism, cocaine and prescription drug abuse and becoming a baby daddy in a celebrity romance.    Aah the Hollywood gap – between the image and the reality.   Mulaney, 26 … Read more