Diane James – uneasy crown-wearer – another Brexit pointer

  Diane James, the new UKIP leader, 20 Nov 1959, is certainly an intense, tough, no-compromiser with a Sun Mars in Scorpio square Uranus, though perhaps a touch overly impulsive and forceful. She’s evidently a good media performer which makes sense of a confident Jupiter Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in charming Libra. But there’s … Read more

Michel Barnier – a gladiatorial battle

Michel Barnier, the tough Brexit negotiator and right-winger has been named as Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister after an extensive delay. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the left wing politician, whose party and allies won most seats in the recent election said the election had been “stolen from the French people”, complaining that Barnier was “a member of a … Read more

Nigel Farage – an enthusiastic troublemaker ++ his ties with UK, Rishi and Boris

Nigel Farage, scourge of the Tories and the cartoonists’ delight, is represented today in political entymology as the death-watch beatle as well as Saturn devouring his father. A confirmed eurosceptic, he has been a thorn in the Tories’ side since Maastricht, being a founder member of UKIP, a catalyst for Brexit, with a jack-in-the-box propensity … Read more