Brexit – ‘criminally irresponsible’ government

  Launching a government on an exact Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini squaring onto Neptune in Pisces, as Theresa May’s did, was never going to lead to constructive progress. The list of attributes to such a focal point Neptune is not heartening – disorganised, credulous, gullible, chameleon-like, misleading (intentionally and otherwise), lacking willpower, disliking meeting obstacles … Read more

Robert Mercer – the wealthy computer wizard behind Trump & Brexit

  Dark conspiracy theories (which may well be true) are swirling around the involvement of US hedge-funder and computer scientist, Robert Mercer, in funding and strategising Trump’s win and Brexit – the two great astonishments of 2016 – by, amongst other things, targeting voters via social media analytics. One commentator said: “Artificial Intelligence won it … Read more