UK election – into the glass darkly ++ Greens ++ Corbyn, Streeting, Mordaunt etc ++ Gove ++ Diane Abbott

The UK election on July 4 2024 has an upbeat tr Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius running through most of the campaigning. Though there are ominous signs of aggravation from Mars in Taurus from 9th June which makes a high-risk, ruthless square to Pluto on June 11th and aims for the explosive/destructive Algol … Read more

Peter Murrell – SNP duo facing tough future

Peter Murrell, husband of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party. He was previously arrested as a suspect on 5 April 2023 before being released without charge. This time round he was questioned for nine hours, charged and then released. Police Scotland … Read more

Leo Varadkar – a mid life crisis rebellion

Leo Varadkar, who became a surprisingly progressive Taoiseach in the Republic of Ireland, has announced his resignation. He was the first openly gay Irish leader, and the first of half-Indian heritage. He saw through a referendum overturning Ireland’s abortion ban, and helped steer the country out of the pandemic to a healthy budget surplus. On … Read more

Gender – deny the past, self-create the future ++ more Uranus Neptune + Neptune in Pisces

“One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.”  Discuss individual instances without resorting to violence, intemperate language or stomping off in the huff. Why is it so difficult to admit that fanatical zealots, however unpleasant and destructive, might have a reason for their actions? Trans activists are mutilating/brainwashing gullible children and undermining vulnerable women. Anti-trans … Read more

Northern Ireland – eclipses pose challenges ++Sinn Fein First Minister

Northern Ireland appears to be on track to resume their power-sharing government after two years of stalemate. A new agreement has been reached over goods moving through the UK’s internal market which has apparently overcome the border problem caused by Brexit, though details have not yet been published. The Democratic Unionist party (DUP) collapsed the … Read more

David Cameron – experience trumps past missteps

David Cameron springs back into the public arena as UK Foreign Secretary as Rishi Sunak pulls to the centre, facing up to the far-right and averting his eyes from Cameron’s past misdeeds – Brexit, Greensill financial scandal, cosying up to China, crashing into Libya.  Cameron for all his flaws does have international standing which will … Read more

Canada in stand off with India ++ USA, UK, Australia

A tangled web of claims and counter-claims has erupted in a surprising diplomatic clash between Canada and India over the murder in British Columbia in June of a Sikh separatist leader, wanted as a terrorist in India. Justin Trudeau has pointed a finger at Narendra Modi’s government as being behind the assassination.   Canada’s support … Read more

Northern Ireland – lurching from one crisis to the next

A disastrous security breach has left 10,000 police officers in Northern Ireland fearing for their lives after a ‘monumental blunder’ published their names on the internet. The list included intelligence, undercover, counter-terrorism and surveillance officers as well as MI5 who could be targeted by paramilitaries. Working for the police remains so sensitive many have never … Read more