UK 2023 – labouring through a time of transformation

Financial woes and worries not surprisingly are the standout astro-signatures for the UK in the first half of 2023. Uranus will square the speculative 5th house Venus (Venus rules money) mid March to early April 2023 before proceeding to oppose the UK 2nd house Neptune late April to mid May which will be nerve-stretched.   … Read more

USA 2023 – a long and winding road ahead

 The USA’s Pluto Return rolls on until October 2023, heightening some tensions and bitter divisions because of the Mercury opposition but nothing more than in recent years. What is not clear since epochal changes don’t always/usually happen in a blinding flash is the trajectory for the USA in the next historical phase. Pluto Returns often … Read more

EU – a moment of truth over financial dirty dealings

Police have seized more than €1 million in cash in sixteen raids as part of an inquiry into alleged corruption in the European Union. The scandal, described as one of the biggest corruption investigations in the history of the European parliament is linked, said sources, to World Cup host Qatar, before a key vote on … Read more

Joe Kittinger – a real life Icarus who didn’t crash

Colonel Joseph Kittinger Jr, a decorated fighter pilot, a prisoner of war who survived eleven months in the “Hanoi Hilton” and a balloonist who set a world record by flying 2,000 miles across America while ditching all his ballast, has died. But his best known daredevil exploit was making a parachute jump in 1960 from … Read more

Jan Morris – her truth versus family recollection

Jan Morris, the celebrated travel writer and author, well known as a transgender pioneer, received glowing obituaries when she died in 2020 aged 94. She led an extraordinary life, a cavalry officer during WW11, marrying and having five children, climbing three-quarters way up Everest to witness Hillary conquer it in 1953, and reporting in Egypt … Read more

Ulysses S Grant – a president to be proud of

Ulysses S Grant, the 18th US President from 1869 to 1877, was an effective civil rights executive who created the Justice Department, prosecuted the Klan, worked to protect African Americans civil rights and promoted an innovative Native American policy. He also campaigned against polygamy and pornographers. Before his political career, he had been a military … Read more

Thor Heyerdahl – defying death to prove a hunch

The fine line between courage and madness, mythic heroism and blind unrealistic faith was never clearer than in explorer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl’s epic 1947 Kon Tiki voyage between South America and the South Sea Islands. Obsessed with the notion that ancient Peruvian peoples had crossed 900 miles of stormy sea to people Polynesia, he … Read more