Charlotte Dujardin & Laura Trott – talent and grit win out over circumstances

    Superlatives were being heaped on Charlotte Dujardin for her flawless display in the esoteric sport of equestrian dressage, winning her a third Olympic Gold on Valegro (known around the stable as Blueberry). “She is the Simone Biles of the parade ring, the Usain Bolt of horse disco, the Michael Phelps of the piaffe. … Read more

Gary Johnson – mountaineering, marijuana salesman and dull

  Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico and self-made millionaire, is running for President as a Libertarian he did in 2012. The Libertarian Party stands for a radically smaller and less powerful federal government and is pro-abortion rights and same-sex marriage equality. In 2012 he got less than 1% of the vote, but is … Read more