Bill Gates – enticed onto the rocks by a siren call

Bill Gates, the Microsoft nerd-genius turned ruthless tycoon, the richest man on the planet for several years, was transformed into a saintly philanthropist until his philandering ways brought a divorce, with increasing and damaging publicity about his connection with Jeffrey Epstein.   Gates was born 28 October 1955 at 10 pm (from memory) Seattle, Washington, … Read more

Astro-Health – treat with care

Health is a subject which astrologers tend nowadays to approach with caution when it comes to predictions or definitive statements. Although historically it was one of the principal tools in medical treatment – gauging the individual’s susceptibility on the basis of their chart, matched with the date of onset of the condition. There is still … Read more

Epstein’s sordid circle – an astro- spider’s web

 A dreary not to say sleazy start to 2022 with the news headlines awash with the fall-out from Jeffrey Epstein as well as covid confusion and questionable, if not downright, corrupt politicking in various quarters.   A Ghislaine Maxwell re-trial doesn’t bear thinking about after a screw-up by an idiot juror. And Prince Andrew’s Virginia … Read more

US Supreme Court – losing respect amongst the public ++ Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch

With the Supreme Court’s approval rating slipping in the USA and only 28% polled recently wanting to see the pro-choice Roe versus Wade repealed, there will be a moment of truth coming. The Texas near total ban on abortions even where rape or incest are involved and a Mississippi similar one are coming before SCOTUS … Read more