USA 9/11 – a lesson for Israel on retaliation ++ Gaza under UN admin?

In the midst of the despair about there ever being a solution to the century-long Israel-Palestinian hostility, there are two sage media voices talking sense.   William Hague in The Times says that sticking to the view that peace is inconceivable, as both sides do, will lead Hamas and its allies, ‘to draw the Israelis … Read more

Relationship yods – an unexpected fork in the road

Given the yod’s tendency to bring unforeseen alterations in life’s direction – an unexpected fork in the road – their presence in a relationship suggests the coming-together will be a catalyst for an unpredictable change. In certain cases it may feel ‘meant’ but the friction of disparate elements constantly readjusting to find balance won’t ever … Read more

Hungary – one foot in two camps comes at a price

The ongoing stalemate between Hungary and the EU shows no signs of abating with Viktor Orban voting to block EU aid to Ukraine and arguing against Russian sanctions while the EU since 2022 has withheld billions of euros in recovery funds because of government interference in judicial independence and lax anti-corruption safeguards.  At present 78 … Read more

Brian Cox – a thespian with clout

“Cantankerous. Opinionated. Big mouth”  is the description actor Brain Cox, born a few days earlier than Donald Trump, applies to himself, though his politics do lean leftwards. He has had a late career resurgence as the Murdochian media patriarch in the dynastic family drama ‘Succession’ which starts its final season.   Cox was born 1 … Read more

Iraq attack – a world changing calamity

The Iraq attack twenty years ago was an arrogant folly of gargantuan proportions which set in motion a cascading avalanche of ruinous effects across the Middle East and beyond. With no American plan for rebuilding after the defenestration of Saddam, the country fell prey to chaos, conflict, corruption and sectarianism. Iran was emboldened, the Islamic … Read more

Greg Norman – his bank account won’t be the loser

Greg Norman, nicknamed ‘The Great White Shark’, formerly Number One ranking golfer in the 1980s/90s, turned entrepreneur, has been under heavy criticism for taking on the role of CEO in the Saudi Arabian funded LIV Golf tour. Human rights groups claim it is sportswashing, a political strategy by Saudi Arabia to distract from its serious … Read more

Tories – trick or treat may repeat past blunders ++ new leader chart

Undead Boris, try-try-again Rishi or fishy Penny Mordaunt is the platter du jour for Tory MPs as they wrestle for the soul of the party in the desperate hope of staving off implosion at the next General Election. Candidates need 100 MP nominations to run which have to be whipped up this week. The right … Read more

Newt Gingrich, another Gemini – blamed for the GOP rot

Anguish and outrage fuel “The Destructionists” a new book by journalist Dana Milbank on the warping of the once respected Republican Party and the collapse of American democracy. He pins the start of the rot on Newt Gingrich’s rise to prominence as Speaker in 1994 and his deliberate promotion of dirty-tricks politics and disinformation, resulting … Read more