Javier Milei has begun wrenching opening Argentina’s protectionist economy, slashing tariffs in a bid to beat down high prices. Argentines are ordering from Amazon for the first time. On December 22, the government stopped charging a blanket tax of 7.5 per cent on all imported goods. The changes put Argentina on the opposite course to much of the rest of the world. In recent years European countries and the US have erected new trade barriers to protect domestic industries from cheap imports from China and elsewhere.
Argentina has been battling deep-seated economic problems for decades – it has contended with some of the world’s highest inflation rates and is the biggest debtor to the International Monetary Fund. In response, last year almost 56% of the electorate voted for the wildcard candidate Javier Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist” and libertarian economist, for president. Since his inauguration he has implemented a major austerity drive, slashing government spending, firing thousands of public employees and freezing budgets. Argentina emerged from a severe recession in the third quarter of 2023, marking a milestone for him. Inflation decreased to 166 percent in November from 193 percent in October of 2024.
Milei has won glowing endorsements from Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Analysts have warned that Milei must deliver lasting growth that begins to boost living standards if he wants to prevail at mid-term elections in late 2025.
His Administration chart, 10 December 2023 11.56 am Buenos Aires, has an enthusiastic, confident and probably lucky Jupiter in Taurus opposition Venus square Pluto, alongside a less than favourable Sun square Neptune. Tr Uranus square the Saturn from this August onwards into 2026 will create tensions and upheavals as his innovations fall foul of those who profited from the old ways.
His own chart, 22 October 1970, will not appreciate tr Neptune and tr Saturn opposing his Pluto Mars conjunction from early 2025 throughout the year, inducing a degree of panic as the failure of certain plans looms large. Even his determined approach may wilt. 2026/27 look similarly lacklustre and not progressive but his luck will turn in 2028.
The Bank of Argentina, 28 May 1935, will be under pressure from tr Uranus in Gemini from 2026 till the end of the decade with the Gemini Sun square Saturn in Pisces opposition Neptune being severely rattled.
Argentina, 25 May 1810 with its Gemini Sun Mars opposition Neptune Saturn square Pluto in Pisces will also be moving through a tumultuous few years till the turn of the decade.
Milei’s relationship with Argentina will be jangled after mid 2025 and under extreme stress through 2026/27. His relationship with Trump is wreathed in illusion and will have a bumpy ride into 2025 and beyond.
From what I’ve read, in his first year, Milei “introduced brutal cuts to public services, health, science and culture”, “53% of the population lives in poverty, and a million children go to sleep hungry every night”, “He also closed numerous state hospitals because they are “cost”, many citizens can no longer pay rent despite what they do (and several jobs at that, which has eliminated leisure time for many), and almost everyone has their own ‘cueva’, an exchange office where they change pesos into dollars illegally so that they are not eaten by inflation.”
Should I read this as his project falling? Awful for Argentinians, but encouraging for those who’ve seen his rise as the populist right’s poster boy.
Probably an unrelated query, but Marjorie, can I request you to have a look at the history and astrology of Argentina’s currency in particular?
Argentina changed its currency five times between 1969 and 1992 due to hyper-inflation across different governments (both military junta and democratic governments).
In 1992, the then Argentinian peso was worth 10 trillion pre-1970 pesos moneda nacional. They then went on a currency board model, of fixing the exchange rate of 1 peso to 1 US$ in 1992, before coming off that peg in 2002. The unofficial exchange rate is now about 1000 Argentian pesos to a US dollar (all details from the Wikipedia article on the Argentinian peso. Just look at the details in the left-hand column on that page!!!).
Argentinians obviously have love zeros in their currencies, but is there an astrological reason for this? Is its Jupiter unfortunately aspected?