Donald Trump University – a no brainer

There are lawsuits pending against Donald Trump for his now defunct Trump University (after early complaints renamed hastily as Trump Entrepreneur Initiative). See url: His Solar Return for June 2015 does have Pluto in the 9th which can be legal wrangles as well making him more opinionated than usual. What might upset his applecart … Read more

Donald Trump – speaking the unspeakable

Donald Trump continues to trumpet off tune and continues to rise in the polls (whatever they are worth since they’ve been continually wrong everywhere over the recent past). Even the Republican Party is wincing about his ban-all-Muslims from entering USA speech. He doesn’t have a particularly horrific chart but does have a loudmouth Mars in … Read more

Posie Parker – a cause to fly for ++ Hirschfeld, Ellis, Money

Posie Parker has made a name for herself travelling round the world promoting her gender-critical views (defined by birth sex) and lobbying against trans activists. She has faced criticism since her talks have attracted racist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi and far-right anti-LGBT groups.   Born 13 June 1974 12.40pm Taunton, England, she has a 10th house Gemini … Read more

Supreme Court – blind justice being tested

The US Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether Colorado can ban Donald Trump from the presidential ballot, setting the stage for a potentially landmark legal decision that will have implications for the 2024 US election. The court’s move will put the spotlight on its nine justices, three of whom were appointed by the former … Read more