Kellyanne & the Fight Club – livening up Team Trump

  Kellyanne Conway, 20 Jan 1967, a Republican strategist, pollster and political commentator, has moved in as Donald Trump’s campaign manager, effectively demoting Paul Manafort. Steve Bannon of Breitbart News becomes CEO (no birth date). He’s right-wing, anti-establishment and was quoted as saying of his Breitbart staff “we call ourselves the Fight Club. You don’t … Read more

America – Mercury Pluto – corruption and wild right-wingers to the fore

  Whatever did America do to deserve Donald Trump? Nuke them, waterboard them, build a wall on the Mexican border, mass deport immigrants, ban Muslims from the US, persuade Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails and is now inciting the gun lobby to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights (carry guns) into doing what precisely? He … Read more

Trump and Clinton Juniors – helping the family cause

    The Trump juniors have been on display through their father’s convention and Chelsea Clinton is scheduled to speak at the Democratic one. Ivanka Trump, 30 Oct 1981, New York, is an intense Sun Scorpio sextile a hard-working, pro-active Mars in Virgo, with a super-confident and determined Jupiter Pluto Mercury Saturn in Libra sextile … Read more