Trump Impeachment start – Jim Jordan, attack-dog in chief ** +

    The first public hearings in the Trump impeachment process in Congress started today at 10.06am. It’s a long process that may end up in front of the Republican-controlled Senate who are likely to vote in favour of the president. But public testimony from diplomats and others indicating that Trump improperly used his office … Read more

William Barr – sucked into the Trump black hole

  Despite his best efforts, William Barr, the Attorney General, is being dragged down into the rapidly expanding Ukraine impeachment affaire. It appears he and Mike Pompeo, according to multiple reports, ‘collectively participated in contacts between Trump and leaders of at least four foreign countries.’ These contacts were variously aimed at producing stories that could … Read more

Mike Pence – power trumps faith ** updated

‘An enigma without a secret’ – Matthew Parris’s delightful description of Theresa May might just as easily be applied to Mike Pence, Trump’s VP. To European eyes his fusion of evangelical Protestantism with unvarnished capitalism and the spirit of the Tea party seem head-jarringly contradictory. Less so in the USA but even there his piety … Read more