Emmanuel Macron – firestorms on all sides

Emmanuel Macron is fighting battles on several fronts in true Gallic fashion, revving up his four fiery Sagittarius planets and a 7th house Mars in Leo to fend off attacks from the Arab world, from Brussels and from his unhappy voters.  

   He has been pushing back, almost single-handed in the international community, against Turkish President Erdogan’s expansionist military activities in Libya and in the Armenia dispute. As a consequence he has reaped the whirlwind of an Arab boycott of French goods over his support for secularism and free speech after the Charlie Hebdo cartoon killings. His refusal to compromise over French fishing rights in UK waters – a tiny proportion of GDP for both countries –  has brought him into conflict with Angela Merkel and Brussels. Though it is a politically sensitive and symbolic issue for him. And last but not least the French pandemic figures are soaring leading almost certainly to another unpopular full lockdown.

   Tr Saturn is about to dip below the Capricorn Ascendant on his personal chart from mid December onwards, usually a sign of a lower profile few years ahead – though it can take a while to kick in and he’ll be aided by upbeat, lucky tr Jupiter following suit through his 1st house for the first year. His Presidency chart, 14 May 2017 11.28am shows signs of a complete turnaround from late February 2021 onwards as tr Pluto squares the 10th house Uranus and that will run for two years till the end of his term. This December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will also catch his Presidency Saturn as well as his personal chart so his life won’t get any more peaceful.

   And from April 2021 onwards for a year or more he will have tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on his 7th house Mars as well as his Uranus and Moon – so the economic pressures amongst others will bear down heavily on him. His relationship with France will be even more stressed than usual from March 2021 onwards.

  On the Brexit fishing climbdown he is under pressure from Angela Merkel who is looking chilly with him across into early December. His relationship chart with Boris Johnson is hostile as well as explosive at the best of times with Boris’s scattergun and overly aggressive Mars in Gemini square Macron’s Saturn in Virgo; and Boris’s slippery Neptune in a head-in-the-clouds opposition to Jupiter crossing swords with Macron’s Uranus opposition Taurus Moon square Mars. On the relationship chart there is a power-struggling composite Sun Mercury opposition Pluto Venus and a high-tension Uranus square Mars in their relationship chart. Relations between them are sagging more than usual as of now till late January; with a confused and bad-tempered dip in December up to the middle of the month – so the cliff hanger may continue or at least residual bad feelings will.  

  The France chart is confused and downbeat in early this December which could be the ongoing virus; with the 10th house Moon being rattled by several Eclipses from this November onwards hinting at crises in the rulership. There is strain showing on its financial Venus in two years’ time under assault from a couple of tumultuous Solar Arcs at the same time as major confusion as tr Pluto squares the Neptune. The real revolution sets in by 2023 as tr Uranus starts to square the France Pluto and Uranus and then oppose the Mars the following year. Whoever takes over the next Presidency in 2022 will have a bucking bronco of a ride.

Amy Coney Barratt – nothing simple or stress-free ahead ++

Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in to the Supreme Court at 9.17pm in Washington yesterday. This puts Moon Neptune in Pisces in the 10th which can suggest a caring approach though Neptune’s religious zealotry can also be chilling, as well as its slippery indecisiveness. There’s a divisive and rebellious Sun Mercury in the grandstanding 5th opposition Uranus which points to a public display of sorts which arguably runs counter to society’s inclinations, Uranus being in the 11th.

  More significant is an ambitious Mars in Aries in the 10th which squares Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in the 8th. This is an appointment which will set out to make waves but may well run into hidden obstacles and resistance – and at times attempt to manipulate and use secret methods to gain desired results. It’ll be a crisis ridden role.  

  Her first major drama will come late May/early April 2021, when her relationship with Chief Justice John Roberts is also jangled – and her relationship chart with SCOTUS is moving through stormy seas thereafter for two years, with considerable disappointment about her performance and also in dashing certain of her hopes for what she could achieve.

  Her relationship chart with the USA indicates inherent strains in the chemistry as her views are out of step with the prevailing culture; and there will be increasing confusion through till 2023.

  The two she gets on least well with are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

  The relationship chart with Kamala Harris has a toxic dislike composite Mars opposition Sun square Pluto which will be a struggle to the death (metaphorically speaking).  That is being triggered by the Eclipses in 2021 and undermined by tr Neptune from late March 2021 on and off into 2022.

  There is an aggravated composite Mars Saturn in her relationship chart with Trump, suggesting, au naturellement, that it is a one-sided affair where she is expected to do the master’s bidding. 2022/23 will put paid to that notion with tr Neptune square the Mars Saturn and tr Uranus upending the composite Uranus and Venus.

See previous posts – September 19 and September 27 2020 .

ADD ON; She was sworn in by Chief Justice Roberts next morning at 10 am on the 27th – though the earlier chart is likely to be the significant one.

  The planetary aspects are the same anyway – with a contrarian Sun Mercury opposition Uranus; Neptune Moon opposing the Midheaven; and an attention grabbing 5th house Mars square Jupiter Saturn Pluto.

India – a secular democracy no more

There are increasing fears that India has slid into autocracy with PM Narendra Modi’s increasingly despotic and Hindu nationalist policies stifling dissent by labelling any anti-government comments as seditious, leading to incarceration for terrorism without trial. Amnesty International has been forced to leave after its bank accounts were frozen and staff harassed and intimidated after reporting on rising human rights violations suffered by Muslims and other minorities. Police brutality goes unchecked; little is done to counteract the appalling rape epidemic against lower caste women and children.

   Writer Pankaj Mishra said after Modi’s landslide second victory in 2019 that he had seduced India with envy and hate, exploiting inequality, division and grievance. The reputation that India had in post-colonial independence days as a secular democracy valuing personal liberty is being tarnished if not destroyed.

  Modi has made some advances since he was elected in 2014 with expanded rural electrification and banking, cooking-gas and toilet-building schemes. But he has not brought the rapid growth, national security and enhanced global status he promised with a disastrous attempt at currency reform in 2016 and his inept handling of the pandemic. He has picked fights with China and Pakistan and lost; and imposed an effective coup on mainly Muslim Kashmir which is being talked of as the sub-continent’s Palestine.

   India is heading for a significant change of direction and upheaval from mid 2021 onwards as tr Uranus moves to square the entrenched Pluto Saturn and the Aquarius Midheaven in the India chart and the following two years tr Uranus will square the India Venus and Sun. Tr Saturn will also be making its downbeat presence felt in 2021/22 which may be the economic hit from the pandemic and the global recession having an impact.

   Will the pressure for change bring more libertarian policies? Modern India was born out of the repressive, tough-minded and unsentimental Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo, so will not find the process of change easy. The India Mercury conjunct Pluto Saturn has some similarities to the Mercury opposition Pluto in the USA chart, so both countries will have a tendency to attract demagogues who use inflamed and toxic rhetoric.  

   When Modi was first elected in 2014, with a track record from his days as Governor of Gujarat for inflaming hatred, the tr Uranus in Aries square tr Pluto in Capricorn was moving towards the hard aspect to the Solar Arc Mercury, Saturn, Pluto conjunction, so wakening up that particular dragon from its underground layer. Tr Pluto is still this year and in 2021/22/23 pulled on the Solar Arc Pluto, Saturn and Venus. So it may wait till tr Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023/24 for the winds of change to really make themselves felt.

  Through the latter stages of this decade and into the early 2030s India will be undergoing a massive transformation, a death and collapse of the old and birth of the new as tr Pluto starts wading in opposition to its Fixed Leo planets and then conjunct its Midheaven. 2022 will start with domestic unrest as the tr Pluto opposes the Cancer Moon but it will take a critical build up of pressure to make much of a difference.

  By 2026 tr Uranus will be out of the India 12th house into a lighter, brighter, hopefully more libertarian phase, as it moves across the Ascendant and into the India 1st house for six years thereafter.  

Pluto in Capricorn (with Saturn added) and Neptune in Pisces have much to answer for.

Katie Holmes – a hot and strong romance

Actress Katie Holmes’ love life is a matter of consuming interest to the tabloids, more because of her long defunct marriage to Tom Cruise, than much to do with her career.

  Having lately parted from a long and private relationship with actor/musician Jamie Foxx, she’s now out and about in public with a New York chef Emilio Vitolo Jr. It’s only been six weeks since they got together – much to his mother’s dismay since he had a live-in fiancée at that point, now gone the way of all things.

  All I can say is that Holmes must like a challenge since her relationship chart with Emilio, has a composite Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Mars conjunction and they don’t get more intense, possessive, dominating and power-struggling than that. Plus a head-in-the-clouds, over-hopeful Neptune opposition Jupiter. They are clearly still in the starry-eyed phase though tr Saturn squaring the Pluto, Saturn and then Mars may knock some of the shine off before New Year.

   Emoilio, 19 August 1987, is a flamboyant and entertaining Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Leo which fall in her 1st so he will give her image a boost; his Jupiter in Aries is also trine her Sagittarius Sun which will give her a warm glow of confidence.  But his Uranus is also conjunct her Sun for a tendency to go his own way; his Pluto squares her Jupiter for upmanship-fights ahead; and his Neptune is conjunct her entertaining 5th house Mars which suggests ego-clashes for attention.

  She does have her Progressed Moon moving through her 7th house now which will put her on the lookout for a committed relationship but she will be pushed and pulled, not knowing what she really wants. Her emotional life will be due a major shake up come mid 2021 onwards with tr Uranus opposition her Venus in Scorpio. And I’d hazard a guess that the great love of her life is several years away.

The Vaccine Wars – victory in sight

The leading vaccine manufacturing pharmaceutical companies – Novavax and AstroZeneca – look revved up and raring to go from this New Year or just after.

  Novavax, the US company, was founded 18 June 1987, with a Gemini Sun opposition an innovative Uranus; a go-ahead Jupiter in Aries in a risk-taking and opportunistic square to Mars Mercury in Cancer; with a Yod of a super-ambitious Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Venus.  Tr Pluto will square its Jupiter from late this December, repeating throughout 2021; and tr Pluto will trine the Sun/Jupiter midpoint from late January 2021, on and off for two years. So very much a confident, successful, full-steam-ahead phase.

 AstroZeneca, British-Swedish, 6 April 1999, has an upbeat Sun Jupiter in Aries sextile inventive Uranus. With a ruthlessly determined Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn square Neptune. Their chart hints at a setback or two before the end of the year but is then on full-flood from late February 2021 as tr Pluto is conjunct the Mars/Jupiter midpoint, on and off for two years – which is the classic marker for kick starting successful new projects.

  Johnson & Johnson and GlaxoSmithKline have less showing on their charts. Though dates can be a moveable feast with pharmaceuticals since they tend to merge and sell on constantly.

Kamala & Doug – cresting a wave of confidence

Power-couple-to-be Democratic style are hopefuls Doug Emhoff and Kamala Harris. He’s taken leave of absence from his job as a successful Hollywood entertainment lawyer to campaign for her and is reportedly looking forward to being “Wife-guy” after the election.

  Born only a week earlier than Kamala on 13 October 1964, he has a relatively similar chart. Both are Sun Libras – like the Michael Douglas/Catherine Zeta Jones match. He has a hard-working Capricorn Moon while she probably has an upfront Aries Moon. The only other difference is his lawyerly and balanced Mercury in Libra in contrast to her intense and penetrating Mercury in Scorpio.

  Both are go-getters with strongly Cardinal charts giving them initiative and both have Venus, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo so at least they’ll understand each other’s restlessness.

  Both have Jupiter at 24 degrees Taurus which is being boosted by tr Pluto trine from late this December to late January 2021, which looks like a confidence-boosting few weeks.

Anna Wintour – relationship puzzler in troubled year

Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour’s year keeps getting worse and worse, lurching from economic problems to a scathing memoir by a former colleague, to a row over her approach to racial diversity and now a split relationship. She and her long-time partner, Shelby Bryan, 21 March 1946, a telecommunications millionaire, together for 20 years since both left their respective spouses for each other, are apparently parting company. Though reports say they haven’t been together for some time as he laboured under considerable IRS debts.

  It was a strange connection and an intriguing astrological puzzle. The synastry is in some ways classic for a relationship with his Scorpio Moon matched with her Scorpio Sun; and her Aries Moon chiming with his Sun, Mercury, Venus in Aries. Though Aries and Scorpio are hardly an ideal match.

  The relationship chart is a different matter – with a power-struggling composite Mars, Pluto, Saturn opposition Venus, which suggests dark undercurrents, major aggravations and anger issues. Though there may be a composite New Moon (depending on birth times which aren’t known) which would at least initially give a more-whole-together, complementary feel.

  Not that any of it will stop the ‘Ice Queen’ forging ahead in 2021 with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter from late January onwards for two years. But with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn upending her 10 degree Scorpio Sun it won’t be remotely settled for some time yet.

 See previous post: April 26 2020.

Elaine & Mitch – the gravy train may derail

Power-couple Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, married since 1993, are heading into a troubled few months ahead.

  Elaine Chao, born 26 March 1953 in Taipei, Taiwan, was under investigation for conflict of interest involving her father and sister’s considerable business interests in China which have extensive ties to the Chinese state and Chinese elites. Her department also handed over $78 million grants to Kentucky where her husband is senator – the investigation of this was short circuited when the acting Inspector General was removed.

  She’s a Sun Aries with an enthusiastic Venus Mars in materialistic Taurus and Jupiter also in Taurus in a pushily confident square to Pluto (Moon) in Leo. She also has two Yods of Mercury sextile Jupiter inconjunct Neptune Saturn; and Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune inconjunct Mercury in Pisces. Highly-strung, scattered, not easy to pin down.

  Her relationship with Mitch McConnell has a good many positive points. Her Sun is trine his Pluto, for a close connection; her enthusiastic Venus Mars are probably conjunct his Taurus Moon; and her upbeat Jupiter is conjunct his Mars Saturn Uranus so she’ll boost his morale. There are rough edges though with her Pluto Moon square his Mars Saturn Uranus so it won’t have been without its aggravating moments. Two high pressure jobs will help to soak up some of that.

   Their relationship chart has a close and affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction which is square a needs-space Uranus, which again the jobs will help to mitigate. On the downside there is also a power-struggling composite Mars square Saturn Pluto which will have created resentment and tensions and a fair amount of teeth-gritting on one side.

  Their relationship is being undermined by disappointment with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Sun Venus now till late January 2021 and jangled by tr Uranus square the composite Saturn over the election to late this November. And it could get extremely fraught from mid 2021 onwards with the composite Mars square Pluto being upended by both tr Uranus and tr Saturn in hard aspect. That may bring a few home truths out in private.

  Elaine Chao has a whole raft of difficulties, uncertainties and disappointments with tr Pluto square her Neptune now, then worse across the New Year to late January with tr Pluto square her Neptune/Saturn midpoint and then tr Pluto starts a discouraging square to her Saturn from late January for two years thereafter. With various Saturnine setbacks between now and Saturn exiting Capricorn in this December; plus a few Neptune sinkers now and running across next year as well.

  Mitch McConnell who is up for re-election is plodding resolutely and gloomily on till late November with tr Pluto trine his Saturn; with a sprinkling of tr Saturnine dips in November as well. Across New Year looks high tension and late January onwards on and off for two years will be depressed and nervy.

  Just extraordinary given all the hoo ha about the great Satan China – that not only has Trump got bank accounts there, Ivanka has a strong foothold, and the GOP Senate leaders’ family are there as well up to their necks. And they have the gall to go after Hunter Biden – who admittedly is a loose cannon who should have been reined in. By the by his relationship with his father looks heavily restricted and irritated from late January, whatever that means.

Don McLean – starry image, tormented reality

Singer Don McLean has been talking about his iconic 1971 “American Pie” mega-hit which has spawned an army of fanboy codebreakers . Who was the jester who sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean? What exactly was revealed the day the music died? The Vietnam war, social revolution, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, JFK, Mick Jagger, Martin Luther King, Charles Manson, Hells Angels, The Beatles, hallucinogenic drugs, God, the Devil.

  He made his name with a few standout hits like “Vincent” and “Wonderful Baby” and cruised along successfully for decades with an amiable image until his second wife of 30 years Patrisha McLean, reported him for domestic violence and divorced him. She has since talked about their relationship in a travelling exhibit about domestic violence called Finding Our Voices. He has issued flat denials and the subsequent court cases were kept confidential.

   But his daughter from that marriage recently published an essay in which she talked about her childhood: “My father was afraid to let us leave the house. He always told us that it was dangerous outside. Friends were not allowed to come over.” She also said her father would grow angry whenever she would show signs of growing up: “He could never forgive us for growing up. He wanted to keep us, his lost children, in a Peter Pan fantasy. Every sign of growth caused an outburst……. Every day he talked wistfully about the good times when we were immobile, mute, helpless against any influence. “I remember when you were first born,” he’d say, “you were the first thing that was ever completely mine.”

  McLean was born 2 October 1945 4.17 am New Rochelle, New York, and has a stellium of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune in Libra in his 1st, trine Uranus and Midheaven and sextile Pluto in Leo. An emphasised Pluto in the 11th would make him influential out in society as well as fairly controlling in his attitudes. His Libra planets are also in a square to a volatile, over excitable Mars in Cancer in his 10th so he would have a short fuse.  Uranus on his Midheaven would also make him inclined to walk his own road and not co-operate.

  It’s not that obviously violent a chart though he would be inclined to flare up at irritations. His midpoints including his Moon are tied into various Mars midpoints. But what is perhaps significant is an unaspected Leo Moon in his hidden 12th. He would have a strong sense of disconnection, of never feeling at home within himself or supported by his environment. It is seen as the most psychologically traumatic of any of the planets which lack integration in the chart – leaving the individual feeling acutely vulnerable. He admits in a recent interview to never having been happy and also always needing to be in control.

  His Saturn in Cancer will be regretful about hurts of childhood and since Capricorn rules his 5th house of children he’d over-protect his children as a way of not causing himself pain.

  Not that I’m making excuses. He was old enough to get his act together and get himself sorted – without acting out his ***t over everyone in his close environment.   Never get taken in by showbusiness smiles – the public image usually hides enough secrets to fill a psychiatric textbook.