An epic tale of revenge is coming to a head in Scotland which encapsulates every cliché uttered on the subject.
‘While seeking revenge, dig two graves – one for yourself.’
‘Revenge is its own executioner.’
‘Revenge… is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion.’
It’s also a classic textbook example of a Plutonic relationship gone toes up. Not only have Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, former First Minister and former protegee become First Minister, damaged if not destroyed themselves in the process of a botched series of attacks and cover ups. They’ve also possibly/probably put paid to any hopes of a Yes vote if any Scottish independence referendum ever came round and have torn apart their beloved SNP party when they were at it. Just astonishing.
Previous posts give the detail: 23 February 2021 and January 13 2021. This is additional thoughts.
What’s intriguing about both birth charts is – amongst other things – the Nodal axis being keyed up. Salmond has his Solar Arc North Node conjunct his Midheaven exactly and his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his natal Capricorn North Node. As well as a trapped, enraging Solar Arc Mars (conjunct Algol) square his Pluto; and tr Neptune conjunct his 10th house Mars, then Moon/Mars midpoint and Pisces Moon over the next three years.
Sturgeon has her Progressed Mars exactly conjunct her Virgo South Node now to the minute of a degree (one sixtieth). Plus her Solar Arc Moon opposition her Pluto and her Solar Arc Uranus exactly square her Midheaven. Tr Pluto is also in the grinding-breakdown phase of a two year opposition to her Cancer Sun, moving on to oppose her Sun/Mars midpoint and then her Mars in 2023/24 which will be completely logjammed and frustrating for her. She does have tr Pluto square her Jupiter in 2022/23 so she will attempt to push ahead nonetheless but it won’t outweigh the more blocked influences.
Salmond’s Pluto is conjunct Sturgeon’s Midheaven and he did foster her progress early on when he was in power. But his Pluto is also square her slippery Neptune and stubborn Saturn in Taurus. And more troublesome her determined Pluto opposes his Mars Moon which was always going to end in bitterness.
Their relationship chart has a composite Pluto Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant – so together they made a go-ahead power couple; and there is a friendly composite Sun Venus in a workmanlike sextile to Saturn. But as ever when the forward momentum slowed and togetherness became a thing of the past, the Pluto energy turned inwards and it became a struggle for the upper hand; and the resentment bred by the one-sided composite Mars square Pluto surfaced as Sturgeon stepped into the top seat.
The composite Mars, just to continue the spooky astro-coincidences, is exactly conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol. While they were together plotting to destroy the Scotland/England Union that Mars was focused on their main objective. But when the balance shifted, it started to destroy the relationship itself.
Both SNP charts, 14 December 1933 and 7 April 1934, indicate disappointment and a seismic disruption over the next three years in one case; and an upheaval if not total collapse of the old structure in 2021/22 extending into road blocks in 2023.
Nicola Sturgeon may resign or may brass-neck it out, but her Term chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am has the destabilising Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus, exact in coming two months, which is heading into the May elections. And it has the Solar Arc Saturn exactly square the North Node now, which won’t bring cheer.
Who’s have thought it? I can’t say I was ever in favour of splitting the UK up into bits, though I understood the antipathy to the London political louts. But if ever there was an example of hubris and bitterness bringing the ceiling down on their own heads this is it.