Royal babies are tumbling out at speed, most notably Zara Tindall, Princess Anne’s daughter, who delivered on the bathroom floor since her number three wouldn’t wait. Followed five days later by Princess Sofia of Sweden’s number three son. And last month Princess Eugenie, Prince Andrew’s youngest, produced her first, another boy.
Lucas Tindall, 21 March 2021 circa 6pm Minchinhampton, England, is a super-charming Sun Venus in Aries in his 7th so he won’t be short of admirers or a jam-packed social and romantic life later on. His sporting 5th house is also well populated which given a rugby playing father and equestrian mother is hardly surprising. He has a lucky, confident Jupiter in Aquarius there trine his midheaven and a disciplined Saturn trine Mars which could point to a career on the organisational side of entertainment or sport. A 10th house Cancer Moon will suit him for a public role in life. Although he isn’t a titled Royal he will want to be a mover and shaker in some field that interacts with the public. And with a right-hand chart will definitely be a people person. He may well clash with oldest sister Mia, who is a determined Capricorn since his Pluto is conjunct her Sun and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun.
Princess Sofia’s No 3 son, 26 March 2021 11.19am has the sociably and diplomatic Sun Venus in Aries in his career 10th, along with Uranus and Mars, so he’ll be focussed towards achievement and a public role, though with moments of rebellion. Jupiter in his 8th suggests supportive and generous grandparents. Saturn in his 7th and Neptune square his Sun/Moon midpoint suggest a later marriage and perhaps difficulty making a commitment.
Princess Eugenie’s first baby, a son named August, 9 February 2021 8.55am London, has his Sun and four other planets in Aquarius in the 11th – keen on friends and team activities, communicative and enduring. His volatile, excitement-seeking Mars Uranus in Taurus is square most of his Aquarius planets so he will be rebellious, disruptive, argumentative and very stubborn with seven Fixed planets. He has a Moon Pluto in Capricorn suggesting a possessive mother so he may be defensive about committing himself to relationships later, which is echoed with his Saturn conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint. An emphasised 12th house Neptune hints at escapist or addictive tendencies. He has a left-hand chart so will be independent-minded.
Pippa Middleton also had her second child on 15 March 2021 at 4.22am (Hello Magazine) in London, which makes her daughter a creative and dreamily charming Sun Venus Neptune in Pisces with a go-ahead Aries Moon sextile Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius and a can-be-autocratic Uranus square Saturn – quite a mix with four planets in her financial 2nd house so earning money though art or design businesses is possible.
She has Pluto conjunct her Ascendant with Saturn just below echoing her brother’s (15 October 2018 1.58pm) Saturn Moon on the ascendant with Pluto just below, suggesting that both births may have been problematic – and this tends to lead to a reserved personality in public or at least a secretive, enigmatic one. Both have Uranus in the 3rd house of siblings so they’re likely to need space from each other.