Royal offspring arrive in force ++ Pippa

Royal babies are tumbling out at speed, most notably Zara Tindall, Princess Anne’s daughter, who delivered on the bathroom floor since her number three wouldn’t wait. Followed five days later by Princess Sofia of Sweden’s number three son. And last month Princess Eugenie, Prince Andrew’s youngest, produced her first, another boy.

  Lucas Tindall, 21 March 2021 circa 6pm Minchinhampton, England, is a super-charming Sun Venus in Aries in his 7th so he won’t be short of admirers or a jam-packed social and romantic life later on. His sporting 5th house is also well populated which given a rugby playing father and equestrian mother is hardly surprising. He has a lucky, confident Jupiter in Aquarius there trine his midheaven and a disciplined Saturn trine Mars which could point to a career on the organisational side of entertainment or sport. A 10th house Cancer Moon will suit him for a public role in life. Although he isn’t a titled Royal he will want to be a mover and shaker in some field that interacts with the public. And with a right-hand chart will definitely be a people person. He may well clash with oldest sister Mia, who is a determined Capricorn since his Pluto is conjunct her Sun and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun.  

  Princess Sofia’s No 3 son, 26 March 2021 11.19am has the sociably and diplomatic Sun Venus in Aries in his career 10th, along with Uranus and Mars, so he’ll be focussed towards achievement and a public role, though with moments of rebellion. Jupiter in his 8th suggests supportive and generous grandparents. Saturn in his 7th and Neptune square his Sun/Moon midpoint suggest a later marriage and perhaps difficulty making a commitment.

  Princess Eugenie’s first baby, a son named August, 9 February 2021 8.55am London, has his Sun and four other planets in Aquarius in the 11th – keen on friends and team activities, communicative and enduring. His volatile, excitement-seeking Mars Uranus in Taurus is square most of his Aquarius planets so he will be rebellious, disruptive, argumentative and very stubborn with seven Fixed planets. He has a Moon Pluto in Capricorn suggesting a possessive mother so he may be defensive about committing himself to relationships later, which is echoed with his Saturn conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint. An emphasised 12th house Neptune hints at escapist or addictive tendencies. He has a left-hand chart so will be independent-minded.

Pippa Middleton also had her second child on 15 March 2021 at 4.22am (Hello Magazine) in London, which makes her daughter a creative and dreamily charming Sun Venus Neptune in Pisces with a go-ahead Aries Moon sextile Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius and a can-be-autocratic Uranus square Saturn – quite a mix with four planets in her financial 2nd house so earning money though art or design businesses is possible.

  She has Pluto conjunct her Ascendant with Saturn just below echoing her brother’s (15 October 2018 1.58pm) Saturn Moon on the ascendant with Pluto just below, suggesting that both births may have been problematic – and this tends to lead to a reserved personality in public or at least a secretive, enigmatic one. Both have Uranus in the 3rd house of siblings so they’re likely to need space from each other.

USA – reversing away from progress

Back to the bad old days of Jim Crow suppression of voting rights for historically disadvantaged groups in the USA is the ominous warning from several USA Republican dominated states gearing up to turn the clock back. Georgia has been the first off the starting block but others will follow unless Democrats in Washington can force through legislation setting federal rules for elections. Trumpist GOP-ers are ramping up allegations of fraud over early and mail-in voting but to outsiders it smells of corrupt and undemocratic self-interest, making voting difficult for those most likely to vote against them.

  The landmark Voting Rights Act was signed in on 6 August 1965 in the midst of the revolutionary 1960s which saw many of the post-American Civil War segregation indecencies of the 1870s onward banished. The pushing-back-boundaries Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo conjunct Venus was in opposition Saturn and square a Sagittarius Moon on one side and Jupiter in Gemini on the other; with an idealistic Leo Sun square Neptune; and an adventurous Jupiter trine Mars.

This chart isn’t well supported by the present influences with a disappointing tr Neptune square Jupiter from late this May on and off till early 2023; setbacks this year from Solar Arc Mars square Saturn; with further jolts, jangles and upsets from tr Uranus square tr Saturn upending the Sun square Neptune this year and next. 2024/25 doesn’t look too encouraging either with Solar Arc Saturn square the Sun.

  It was always going to be a rough ride for the Biden Administration with the toxic, lying/cheating/bullying Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in the USA chart catching the tr Pluto opposition Mercury and square the Mercury/Pluto midpoint this year. Thence onto the Pluto Return in 2022/23. Last December’s and this coming June’s Solar Eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini are also colliding with the USA Mars in Gemini arousing fearsome arguments.

  All countries have their moral failings and their corruption, but what sits ill about the USA is the bombastic morality that is shoved down the world’s throat while political vandalism worthy of a dictator’s banana republic is routinely and shamelessly pursued.

Musk & Maezawa – fly me to the Moon ++

Elon Musk’s first self-funded private spaceflight civilian mission to fly a six day trip to the Moon and (hopefully) back, scheduled tentatively for 2023, has had all eight crew member seats bought by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa. He’s now in process of interviewing applicants. In future Musk hopes to add Mars to the destination list.  

  Maezawa, 22 November 1975, is a determined Sun Mercury in late Scorpio; with a pushily confident Jupiter in pro-active Aries opposition Pluto Venus; and Saturn in wannabe-important Leo. His Uranus is square Saturn and trine Mars so he will be keen on experimental projects and appreciate an adrenaline-rush. His background is art and online fashion retail and he is estimated to be worth $2 billion.

 Quite what draws him to this lunar folly isn’t clear through his Mercury in Scorpio is on a degree that seems Moon-connected of which more anon. His astrology isn’t looking too crisp towards 2023 with his Pluto in a blocked conjunction to his Sun and tr Pluto inconjunct his Mars in 2023/24 which looks high-risk, logjammed and frustrated.

  Musk, 28 June 1971, was born at the start of the decade after the first Moon landings which may have inspired him and his mad-genius inventor brain no doubt latched onto an exciting project. He’s certainly on all-systems go in 2022/23 with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter and square his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint; though he’ll run into major setbacks and accidents in 2022 with tr Saturn square his Mars in Aquarius with frustrations running into 2023; and disappointments from tr Neptune opposition his Pluto in 2023/24 and insecurity as well as disruptions from tr Uranus square his Mars in 2023. But he appears to live his life at such a pitch of hyper-nerviness with so many strings to his bow it’s impossible to say which will be affected.

  What is marginally   intriguing astrologically speaking is that the first uncrewed landing on the Moon on 13 September 1959 and the first Apollo (Aldrin/Armstrong) landing 20 July 1969, have Jupiter and Neptune respectively at almost the same degree of late Scorpio – Musk has his Jupiter there as well (conjunct his Solar Arc Uranus this year). And it’s also where Maezawa’s Mercury in Scorpio sits.

  Not sure if 25 or 26 degrees Scorpio have a great significance but is intriguing.

Thanks for intriguing input on this degree from

Maggy: Elias Lonsdales degree specifications on 26 degree Scorpio.

“Bearing within you something vast, wild and true. Your instincts given over to this seed. What can be, must be, impels sacrifice and renunciation. Being held in the grip of vast primordial forces. Taken over by depths that forge new worlds into being. Stunned into submission. Unconsciously obsessed with something that lives within you and cannot be forgotten, supercharged with energy, in tune with Earth’s cycles. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. The hidden worlds take charge, individuality is eclipsed and the surge of power dominates consciousness and life by its intensity and ruthless current right through the body, and there’s nothing to say about it.’

Jane: 25 Scorpio falls in the constellation Hercules, with Marsik at 25 Scorpio. Manilius said about “Hercules” in the 1st century AD: “….will inspire him with enthusiasm for risky callings, with danger the price, for which he will sell his talents: daring narrow steps on a path without thickness, he will plant firm feet on a horizontal tightrope; then, as he attempts an upward route to heaven, (on a sloping tightrope) he will all but lose his footing and, suspended in mid-air, he will keep a multitude in suspense upon himself” [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353.

Emma: PHASE 236 (SCORPIO 26°): AMERICAN INDIANS MAKING CAMP AFTER MOVING INTO A NEW TERRITORY. KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.

Elon Musk see previous post August 18 2018.

Suez Canal – waterway speared by Neptune ++ Ever Given

The Suez Canal ground to a halt because of a stranded container ship is preventing goods worth an estimated $9.5billion per day from passing either way through the canal. Avoiding the canal by sailing around Africa, a 14-day 5,000 nautical mile journey, can add $450,000 in costs. A prolonged blockage could drive up the price of new cars by causing a shortage of computer chips, as well as furniture, homewares, clothing, footwear and toys.

   The ship, the Ever Given, wedged itself three days ago after the captain lost control during a sandstorm and Dutch experts say the rescue operation could take ‘weeks’. If efforts to refloat the boat fail, specialist cranes will need to be brought in to offload cargo to lessen the ship’s weight.

   The Suez Canal built in the mid 19th Century was opened on 17 November 1869 with a Scorpio Sun opposition Pluto and Jupiter Pluto in Taurus opposition Mercury in Scorpio – an ambitious project, built to last. Though there was also a hard-edged, accident-prone Mars Saturn in Sagittarius. The construction, a French/Egyptian operation, started on 25 April 1859, was carried out by forced/slave labour and many thousands died of cholera and other epidemics.

  The 1869 Opening chart does have a panicky-failure tr Neptune square the Mars exactly now till mid April, repeating later in the year and a ‘disappointing’ financially undermining Solar Arc Jupiter opposition the Neptune.

  The most notable of previous events affecting the canal was the Suez Crisis which blew up in 1956 when President Nasser nationalised the canal on 26 July. This led to the UK, France and Israel’s disastrous invasion of Egypt and ignominious withdrawal after US pressure. The trigger event of July occurred with tr Saturn conjunct the Canal Opening Sun with tr Pluto in square.

  Often with entities like the Canal or ships, the opening chart is on a par with the start-of-construction chart. If memory serves me correctly the hull laying chart of the Titanic was more descriptive of the sinking than the launch chart.

 The Suez canal started construction (wiki) on 25 April 1859 with an early Sun Pluto in Taurus square Saturn in Leo perhaps opposition an Aquarius Moon with an explosive Mars Uranus in Gemini and an over hopeful Jupiter in Gemini square Venus Neptune in Pisces. Fairly similar to the opening chart. 

   At the October 1956 invasion, there was a transiting Saturn square Pluto in hard aspect to the Construction volatile Mars Uranus and Solar Arc Mars Uranus.

  Over this blockage there is a disruptive Solar Arc Mars Uranus opposition the Construction Pluto and tr Neptune square the Jupiter for a financial hit.


Add On: The Ever Given was laid down in Japan on 25 December 2015 and launched 2 May 2018.  Both charts are problematic and hint at upsets and blockages now.

The 2015 chart has a crisis-attracting Mars opposition Uranus square Mercury (Pluto) which has moved by Solar Arc to close the Uranus to Mercury and over the next three/four years the Uranus and Pluto will collide with the Mars. Plus this year as well as financially-damaging tr Neptune opposition Jupiter.  

 The 2018 launch chart has a Taurus Sun at 11 degrees catching the tr Saturn square and tr Uranus conjunction this year – tr Saturn exactly now and tr Uranus by early May and onwards.  Plus it has a mega-determined Mars Pluto in Capricorn, whose Solar Arc positions are catching the tr Pluto conjunction now as well. Again three years hence looks high risk with the Solar Arc Mars square the Uranus.

Nawal El Saadawi – fighting for Arab women

Nawal El Saadawi, the outspoken Egyptian feminist, writer and campaigner has died. Born into a traditional family she underwent female genital mutilation when six and at ten refused to marry, eventually qualifying as a doctor. She rose to professional prominence but lost her position because of her criticism of female circumcision, honesty about peasant health and supporting domestic violence victims. She was told she had disrespected moral values and “incited women to rebel against the divine laws of Islam”. She never gave up fighting for what she believed despite losing her job, a ban on her writings, imprisonment, death threats and exile. Her books asserted that patriarchy and poverty – rather than Islam – oppress Arab women; wrote of a world where for a woman, husband and boss are interchangeable, and for a man, female self-determination is incomprehensible. She spent some time in North Carolina after appearing on a fundamentalist death list.

  On her return to Egypt she continued to fight against religious fanaticism and started a secular society petitioning to have Islam removed as the state religion. She was reported to have said the Muslim custom of making an annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia was “a vestige of pagan practices”. Her 2006 play God Resigns at the Summit Meeting caused more controversy.

  Born 27 October 1931 4 am (from memory) Banha, Egypt, she was custom-built as a rebel, destabiliser, trailblazer and influencer. She had the signature tough-as-nails, unyielding Pluto (in her 10th ) opposition Saturn of that era squaring onto a Cardinal revolutionary Uranus in Aries in her 7th.  Her Pluto was also in a do-or-die determined trine to Mars in Scorpio, so she didn’t lack courage. Her Sun, Mercury Venus in Scorpio opposed an 8th house Taurus Moon, the latter a hint of an influential grandmother in her childhood.

  She was certainly not custom-built for easy relationships with a controlling Pluto in the 10th, an unconventional, uncompromising Uranus in her 7th and a Full Moon. But she battled on nonetheless and was married three times.

Female circumcision was banned in Egypt in 2008.

Richard Francis Burton – an impossible dynamo

Richard Francis Burton, the famed British explorer of Africa, Asia and the Americas was born two hundred years ago this week. He was amazingly erudite as well as scandalously fascinated by the sexual customs of the peoples he visited. He spoke 29 European, Asian, and African languages, visited Mecca when Europeans were forbidden access on pain of death; made an unexpurgated translation of One Thousand and One Nights; published the Kama Sutra in English and with John Hanning Speke visited the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile. He served in the army in India, the Crimean War and after his African travels was British consul in Equatorial Guinea, Brazil, Damascus and in Trieste.

   Born 19 March 1821 9.30pm Torquay, England, he was a controlling Sun Pluto in Pisces with a jam-packed 5th house of Venus North Node Mars conjunct in Pisces, as well as Sun Pluto, and Jupiter Mercury in Aries. He demanded attention wherever he went, was driven to be thought worthy of respect though he fell out with almost everyone throughout his life, being highly critical of authority as well as egotistical. His 12th house Libra Moon opposed Saturn and squared onto a highly-strung, individualistic, rebellious Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in his 3rd, which would give him a tinge of genius – as well as fashioning him to be a trailblazer and destabiliser.

  It’s worth noting his Venus Mars conjunction which was shared by Jeffrey Epstein in Pisces; and it also occurs in other signs in several of Epstein’s buddies’ charts. Ebertin describes it as passionate and sensual – ‘ a strongly emotional and sexual life coupled with disharmonious tendencies, infidelity.’

  His wife, Isobel Burton, 20 March 1831 8.50am London, a good Catholic married the non-Christian and unstable Burton against her family’s wishes. She had been told by an astrologer that her life would be ‘all wandering, change and adventure.’ Her husband expected her to fit in with his peripatetic lifestyle, issuing a curt ‘pack and follow behind’ instruction when he moved onto a new job or project.

  She had a Pisces Sun conjunct his Sun Pluto and that all squared her Gemini Moon; with her Pluto conjunct his Jupiter Mercury – there was undoubtedly a strong, possessive bond between them. She had two strained Yods – one of Neptune sextile her Sun inconjunct a 4th house Saturn, which is a difficult configuration to handle, bringing harsh lessons in life, and undoubtedly making it difficult in her case to put down domestic roots. She also had her Moon sextile Saturn inconjunct a 9th house Neptune – giving her an idealistic, none-too-practical outlook, suiting her to live in an emotional ivory tower, no doubt believing the best as she was towed round the globe. Her rose-coloured glasses would help her cope with an impossible husband.

  Their relationship chart had an affectionate, possessive composite Sun, Venus, Pluto, Mercury conjunction. There was also an explosive Mars square Uranus and an unfair, one-sided Mars sextile Saturn. But it held together. When he died she controversially burnt many of his papers, including a further translation of The Scented Garden, with a final chapter on pederasty. He intended this to be published after his death, to provide an income for her but her Catholic upbringing baulked and she destroyed it.

Turkey – misrule damaging women’s protection

 Turkey is lurching deeper into financial chaos after President Erdogan fired a respected central bank governor after four months. His fault was evidently to raise interest rates as a way of trying to stabilise a weak economy with high inflation rates. His removal has sent the lira plummeting and investors fleeing for the borders.

   As a way of propping up support for his failed economic policies Erdogan rewarded conservative and Islamist groups, by withdrawing from the European Convention on combating violence against women.  The entrenched ones say the treaty harms “traditional” family values ​​by defending gender equality and “favours” the LGBT community by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. There have been street demos against the decision and EU disapproval voiced strongly.

The number of women killed in Turkey has been on the rise for a decade and statistics are disturbing.

4 of 10 women in Turkey exposed to physical or sexual violence; 3 of 10 women in Turkey are married before they turn 18; 48 per cent of girls in Turkey married before the age of 18 are exposed to physical violence; one third of girls not allowed to go to school by their families; 11 per cent of women are prevented from working by their families; only 1 of 10 women exposed to violence apply to an institution for help; 90 per cent of human trafficking victims in Turkey are women.

   Erdogan has been in power since 2014 and in recent years there have been obvious signs of democratic backsliding and corruption as well as fiscal incompetence.

  His most recent Term chart, 9 July 2018 4.30pm has an 8th house Sun opposition Pluto, which is moving to exact by Solar Arc within weeks which certainly indicates a control-freak approach bringing about a financial blockage. The tr Uranus square tr Saturn is also catching the 3rd house Mars in Aquarius this month and tr Saturn is repeating that aspect till the year end for setbacks and aggravation.

  Turkey, 29 October 1923 8.30 pm Ankara, is ploughing through a discouraging patch till late year with tr Pluto square the Saturn Mercury; with some uplift from tr Pluto sextile the Jupiter. Tr Saturn is moving through the financial 8th for two years ahead which will depress finances. And it is 2023/24 when the chickens really come home to roost with Solar Arc Saturn square the Sun, followed by Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Saturn – setbacks, discouragement, dead halt.

  Erdogan’s personal chart, 26 February 1954, is both devastatingly confused with tr Pluto square his Neptune all this year and wildly over-confident as his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Pluto pushing him into ever more bullish actions, with no care for the lines he crosses.

As we all pussyfoot around being delicate in our comments about Islamists for fearing of being accused of phobia – the battle for women’s rights and safety in these countries is not being won. Women are being killed in Afghanistan by Taliban/IS and other assorted misogynist zealots. Mind you it is not much better under different religious or non-religious guises elsewhere in the UK/US and elsewhere. There seems to be a surge in the wrong direction. May Aquarius usher in a more enlightened approach globally.  

Elsa Peretti – a sculptor and force of nature

Elsa Peretti, the jewellery designer who revolutionized the industry with sculptured pieces based on shapes found in nature, such as beans, scorpions and snakes, has died. She also drew inspiration from human skeletons, an early childhood fascination from trips to Italian chapels crammed with the bones of Capuchin friars.

  Her pieces accounted for 10% of $3.8 billion Tiffany’s sales and it was estimated that one of its stores around the world sold an object designed by her every minute.

   She was born 1 May 1940 in Florence (no time sadly) with an Italian oil company father from whom she was estranged for decades after he objected to her early modelling career. She was notoriously strong-willed and tempestuous, with a fiery temper and through her New York 1970s disco days admitted to subsisting on little more than caviar, cocaine, vodka and cigarettes. She reconciled with her father just before his death but then fell out with her sister over his will, when she fought to gain a 50-50 share and that breach never healed. Though it wasn’t greed since she gave the money away in charitable donations and helped friends discreetly. She never married but had numerous relationships with men, including photographer Helmut Newton. Latterly she lived in Catalonia renovating a broken down residence and the surrounding village.

  Her chart has three distinct elements. Three planets in Taurus – Saturn conjunct her Sun and Uranus – earthy, grounded in nature and stubborn. Her Saturn and widely Sun were also in a controlling square to Pluto. Her Uranus was in the inspired, innovative trine to Neptune which produced so many creative talents of that era. And she had a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Gemini sextile Mercury Jupiter in pro-active, upfront Aries. Her Moon was Aquarius or Pisces.

  A mass of contradictions, she somehow wove it altogether to create timeless and accessible pieces and survive a destructive lifestyle.

 Her creative 7th harmonic was her strongest along with her global super-star 22H.

EU – bungle, blunder and flounder

The omnishambles of the botched EU vaccine procurement, slow roll-out and mystifying suspension and then lifting of the AstraZeneca vaxx have led to infection rates escalating and new lockdowns in France, Italy and Poland, with Germany likely to follow suit. The UK has vaccinated over 40pc of the population and the US 34pc. The EU has managed just 12pc and daily cases are now three to four times UK levels.

  Trying to gauge the trajectory and duration of the pandemic isn’t easy from celestial markers. But the Solar Eclipses which covered the start of the outbreak in 2020 and continue into this year, with the December 2020 Eclipse casting its shadow six months ahead, all pointed to ‘traumatic transformation’; ‘restriction, inhibition etc’; ‘blocks, checks and frustrations.’ This covered effectively 18 months up to the middle of this year.  The approaching June 2021 Eclipse is in a more cheerful, creative and inspirational Saros Series; and the December 2021 Eclipse is joyful and happy.

  It would have to be said, however, that the June 2021 Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Gemini is square Neptune, as the December 2020 one was. And this upcoming June one also has a road-blocked, trapped Mars opposition Pluto, so it won’t all be a picnic.

  There is also the tr Saturn square tr Uranus to contend with this year and for the first half of next, which can suggest dictatorial attitudes raising ire which might suggest some restrictions will stay in place. It is also associated with economic downturns and financial disruption.

  The EU was always going to be badly affected economically by the tr Uranus square tr Saturn (as indeed is the UK of which more anon). The EU chart has an 8th house Moon (= commerce and international finance) at 10 degrees Taurus square Uranus at 10 degrees Leo opposition Venus in the speculative 5th house at 15 degrees Aquarius. From last week tr Saturn has been opposition the Uranus and square the Moon, creating riding tensions, economic discouragement and a general sense of gloom. Tr Uranus then joins in from mid April to conjunct the Moon which will bring jolts, jangles and unwanted surprises. Both of these repeat off and on until this December and next February respectively.  Tr Saturn is then conjunct the EU Venus in the financial/speculative 5th in February 2022, followed by tr Uranus in square to Venus between May 2022 to March 2023. As if that wasn’t enough the 2022 Solar Eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio will rattle up the EU Moon and Uranus as well as Neptune – more financial crises and crucial decisions to be taken.  

  There will be an all-out effort to inject confidence back into finances with tr Pluto square the 2nd house EU Jupiter in 2022/23; but that may end in a giant bubble bursting as tr Pluto moves to square the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint in 2023/24 and thence onto square the EU Neptune. The Progressed Moon is also going through the EU 12th at the moment which will make for slow progress and much introspection about where-to-next until late 2022.

  This whole phase of several years will shake the EU to its foundations.

  Germany is in a state of flux this year with tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Uranus, unsure of its direction but knowing a radical change is needed. Close neighbourly relations will be under devastating confusion in early 2022 with the Solar Arc Pluto opposing the Germany 7th house Neptune. In 2022 also, the tr Saturn square tr Uranus will tug sharply at the Germany 8th house Pluto. 8th house rules joint and international finances as well as behind-the-scenes string-pulling and darker subterranean forces – and national death and rebirth, according to Campion, Baigent and Harvey. So there will be profound changes ongoing as there were last time Uranus was here in 1938.

  France equally looks more rattled between 2022 to 2024 than this year. The central Fixed Square of Uranus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius square Mars Midheaven in Scorpio – will be depressed by tr Saturn hard aspects in 2022 and heavily disrupted by tr Uranus hard aspects in 2023/24; with an undermining tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun in 2024.

  Italy is not much higher up the cheer ladder with Neptunian markers in 2022/23/24.

  Like the EU, the UK has Fixed planets in the financial house (2nd,8th,5th) which are being rattled by tr Saturn square tr Uranus from late this month on and off through 2022. The Taurus Eclipse in 2022 especially will have a critical effect on the UK 8th house Mars. I don’t buy the present euphoria with the vaccine bounce which is causing a fair amount of gloating as if all problems have been solved. The sheer scale of money which has been plucked from the magic tree to disperse in all directions, not all of it defensible, is mind-boggling. Never mind the Brexit hit with exports considerably down.