Tokyo Olympics – putting on a brave face

  The Tokyo Olympics, postponed from 2020, kicked off last evening with the torch being lit at 11.48pm to an echoing stadium empty of spectators, banned because of Covid. What was supposed to be a bright new start and boost for Japan has turned into an economic disaster, with costs rocketing to around £11.3bn with not much benefit in sight.

 Public disapproval is high with infection rates rising this year and only 23% of the population being vaccinated.

  The start chart has a pressured 4th house Leo Sun conjunct the IC opposition Pluto Moon in Capricorn. There also a strained Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto Moon inconjunct Mars in Leo, which can be self-defeating or overly forceful in terms of will power and tends to attract crisis situations.  Plus a serious, well-organised Saturn in the 10th in a can-be-autocratic and erratic square to Uranus.  It’ll be showy with Sun Mars in Leo, Mars conjunct Venus with an icing sugar coating from Venus opposition Jupiter.

  The caveat being that Olympics charts usually are hugely stressed and most often nothing much happens apart from the usual sporting glitches.

  Japan is heading into a tricky few years ahead – though so is every other country – but the Olympic costs won’t help. The Solar Arc Saturn moving through the Japan 8th will oppose the 2nd house financial Moon in 2022 which will impact on the public; with tr Uranus square tr Saturn will be tugging o the Japan 4th house Saturn in 2022 as well which suggests a discontented electorate.  And tr Neptune will conjunct the Mars in Pisces for a sense of failure. A grinding, jolting and confusing changes follow from 2023 to 2026 as first tr Uranus squares the Sun and then tr Pluto trines the Neptune and Pluto.

  Just a couple of sporting names that caught my eye – sport not being my thing. One is Charlotte Dujardin, the British dressage rider who won Olympic golds in 2012 and 2016 plus much else besides, reckoned the preeminent rider of her era, 13 July 1985.  She’s a Sun Mars in Cancer trine an obsessive Saturn in Scorpio; with a Yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter in Aquarius inconjunct Sun, which latter would suggest she would tread a singular path in life.  Tr Uranus is square her Jupiter over the Olympics and trine her lucky Jupiter/Uranus midpoint – and her trainer Carl Hester looks similarly upbeat.

    Simone Biles, 14 March 1997, the American gymnast, another multi-Olympic and World Champion medal winner several times over and again dominant in her field. She has a Sun, Venus, Mercury in Pisces opposition Mars in Virgo sextile/trine Neptune – and an adventurous Jupiter Uranus in Aquarius. She doesn’t have quite as much Jupiterian uplift on transits showing as Dujardin but there’s no birth time and that may not mean much since what often shows up on sporting charts is the strain rather than the triumph.  And she does have a super-confident, usually successful Solar Arc Jupiter square her Pluto which may do it for her.

  What is worth noting is that Charlotte Dujardin has her Jupiter at 14 Aquarius which is that odd mid Aquarius degree which often turns up in top class sporting charts. Simone Biles born 12 years later has her Jupiter at 11 Aquarius.

See previous post June 4 2021.

2 thoughts on “Tokyo Olympics – putting on a brave face

  1. Japanese people are generally very respectful of decisions made by those at the top of the hierarchy, at the same time social responsibility is paramount and keeping ‘face’. Its must be this sense of responsibility concerning covid that is persuading ordinary people out to protest, I dont recall many or any protests around the time it was clear Fukishima was not being dealt with properly, so am wondering whats different? I know almost nothing about Mundane Astrology but know the ‘common people’ is represented by the moon.

    On the Olympians i will be watching the youngest, a 13 year old skateboarder from the UK Sky Brown. I only had a quick look, could not see any Jupiter contacts, but Mars returns to her Natal Mars/Saturn position the day of her event.

  2. Simone Biles and Katie Ladecky should 5 medals each but how many golds is uncertain. Simone Biles and her team are strong favorites to win 5 golds and would have to fall off the balance beam like she did in Rio to not win 5. Katie Ladecky has an Aussie rival Ariarne Titmus who beat her in the 400. She is heavy favorite in the 800 and 1500. Very few athletes have birth times and there is no precise way to determine race winners. Swimming always seems to have teens coming out of nowhere to win medals.

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