Hungary has lost its attempt in the European Court of Justice to reverse the outcome of a vote by MEPs that could lead to a country being stripped of voting rights in Brussels. Red flags have been raised over recent anti-democratic reforms curbing the independence of Hungary’s judiciary, central bank and media. In reality, the risk of losing voting rights is slight since it would take the support of 26 of 27 member states to agree and Poland has pledged support. Though it will still be possible to suspend funding to a member state found to be in breach of fundamental EU values.
Poland is also in the frame for similar.
What’s intriguing is the Enlargement chart from 1 May 2004 which welcomed in Hungary, Poland, several other former eastern bloc countries, Malta and Cyprus was always a fraught affair – with a hostile, power-struggling Mars opposition Pluto and an evasive Sun square Neptune. It is in trouble this year and over the next two – with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Taurus Sun and then Neptune in 2022; with tr Neptune square the Pluto and Venus this year into 2022, followed by an even more undermining tr Neptune square Mars in 2022/23.
The Hungary/EU relationship chart was hit amidships by the late May Lunar Eclipse being conjunct the composite Sun setting up a critical few months ahead. Tr Uranus will be in an explosive, no compromise opposition to the composite Mars from July onwards into 2022.
The Poland/EU relationship chart looks equally rattled by the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses this year and a road blocked tr Pluto square the Mars.
Much depends in Hungary on the political fate of the authoritarian Viktor Orban. His Third Term chart, 10 May 2018 – only three days after Putin dug in for another six year stint – has a ruthless, control-freak Mars Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus and trine Sun, which suggests a crisis-ridden administration. There will be acute frustration and aggravation from a blocked tr Pluto conjunct the Mars in 2022/23 as well as bitter arguments and with obvious instability as tr Pluto moves to square the Uranus in 2023/24, with further major road blocks approaching then as well. All with the caveat that there is a helpful Jupiter in there opposition the Term Sun which may get him out of a few tight corners.
Orban is another populist demagogue Gemini with his Sun in a controlling square to Pluto; and a callously unpleasant Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius. His Neptune in Scorpio is being rattled by the tr Uranus opposition and tr Saturn square this year into next and tr Uranus then proceeds to upend his Fixed planets over the next several years. If his birth time is accurate there may be a total road block in three years as his Solar Arc MC is conjunct his Pluto.
His relationship with Hungary is sagging badly from 2022 onwards.
It was too much to hope that Trump having been – more or less – seen off that his Gemini bro-romancers might have been dragged off stage with him. The two Polish leaders are also Gemini, never mind the UK. Sigh.
Hungary see previous post November 17 2020.
Poland see February 22 2021