Veteran actor Alec Baldwin – 30 Rock, several Mission Impossibles and Saturday Night Live – has been involved in a fatal shooting on the film set of RUST in New Mexico. He discharged a prop gun killing the director of photography and injuring the movie director. No charges have been filed to date.
The shooting happened at 1.50pm yesterday when transiting Mars had moved to the exact square with tr Pluto, which has dominated the mood this week and figured in the Full Moon on Tuesday. Mars Pluto is usually accident-prone and associated with destructive events and sometimes intentional brutality.
Baldwin, born 3 April 1958 (no birth time) has had a long, glittering, award strewn career with scandals along the way from his tendency to lose his cool. He’s a Sun Aries possibly opposition a Libra Moon. Where his volcanic temper comes from will be his Mars in stubborn Aquarius in a no-compromise opposition to Uranus. His Uranus is also in an outspoken square to Mercury and his South Node and in a can-be-fanatical square to Neptune.
He understandably looks rattled by the tragedy – with a disruptive tr Saturn exactly opposition his Uranus; and his Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct his Venus for an emotionally discouraging time. His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his North Node this year as well for a destiny-changing moment. Both tr Saturn and tr Uranus are also rattling up his Mars through this year – so it was always going to be a knife-edge and insecure time for him, when shocks were to be expected. He has a batch of enthusiasm-denting Neptune influences around for a couple of years ahead; with 2022/23 being a particular slog as tr Pluto squares his Saturn/Pluto midpoint. Though he’ll respond with typical bullish determination as tr Pluto squares his Jupiter as well.
The Eclipses in 2022 will impact his Neptune and North Node in Scorpio and his Mercury which will also bring confusion, communication glitches and stress.
The director Joel Souza, 14 June 1973 California, also has an aggravated Mars in his chart opposition Pluto and square a Sun Saturn in Gemini. His T Square is beset in a Neptunian swamp for two years ahead and the Solar Arc positions of it are catching the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hard aspects at the moment until early next year.
What is odd but a typical occurrence is that heavyweight, disaster influences pick up one headline example when they are in place. Everyone individually will have been feeling the strain of Mars Pluto in different ways this week though not as gothically as this. Almost as if the most negative end of the energy has one focus and then it passes on.
Jane, some clairvoyants can predict the future, not astrologers. Astrologers make more sense to me, than many meddling politicians.
I just think irresponsible people.
You seem very certain about your astrological analysis….. but then, you are an astrologer. Somewhat strange therefore, and incongruous, that you did not actually predict it. Is not forecasting the future an integral part of astrology? Beats me.
This is a great look at the potent characters of Pluto and Mars. Good to find it online, amid all the clickbait out there.
I would love to know more! Like how to.apply natal assets *against* harsh transits and how to find positive possibilities in those transits ( or maybe employ other transits to help with the harsh ones) .
Would also love to his.wifes chart what is impacting her, and how her aspects are functioning during this.
And what does one do when eclipses are hitting natal Neptune and Mercury?!
I read today on Wiki (Rust – upcoming film) that filming began on October 6 in Bonanza City, New Mexico.
The same day notorious fixed star Algorab – associated with 13 degrees Libra (6 Oct) exactly conjunct the new moon.
I read Algorab brings “craftiness, vengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggressiveness, and material instincts, and “sometimes causes its natives to become agitators.”
When “conjunct the sun” has a “reputation” for “accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid”.
Interestingly, the estranged wife of Ioan Gruffudd (sun conjunct algorab) said around the time of the new moon that her husband was ‘devoid of any empathy’ and ‘disingenuous’. Whether true or not, that description fits Algorab.
News reports say it was not a prop gun. It was a real gun & he was told no bullet(s) of any kind was in it.
He was practicing drawing the weapon when the weapon discharged. He was facing the camera, the cinematographer & director were behind the camera, & Baldwin aimed the weapon at a person. All of these are considered improper. There were other mistakes that led to this avoidable tragedy.
I am very interested in all the astrology now, Marjorie…. esp. about Algol.
Not overdoing it for me.
In past years I did a lot of workshops with Arnold Mindel in Process Oriented Psychology. Transformative time. Some of those workshops were something he termed “Worldwork”…. processing the “isms” in a group setting… sometimes 250 people! We spent a lot of time on racism.. and sexism. The group process was very amoebic and very intense.. not structured with arbitrary “safety” rules. There were times when you could FEEL an intense emotion circulating the room… one that no-one wanted to let be expressed through them…. deep rage, etc. Arnold called these “Time Spirits”. You could FEEL them in the room and I literally SAW a person embody one that was shocking and powerful.. almost like a possession of sorts. It was facilitated very well… no easy task!
Reading about Alec Baldwin, and your observation that an event crystallizes a powerful astrological line-up, reminded me of that experience. There is a “lock and key” matching of the Time Spirit and the person… energetically, archetypically…. astrologically. And, yes, it is like a release valve on a pressure cooker.
I”ve thought this about the horror in Rwanda… that the fabric of civilization there was ripped open to release a raw, ugly Shadow that is everywhere… in everyone.. below the surface…. there was a rip and then a release of something so horrible. And then we can point a finger “over there”!
What I am not reading ANYWHERE is Why Is There EVER a Real Bullet In a Prop Gun on a Movie Set???
I am 3 months older than Alex Baldwin. Some big astro changes happened in those 3 months re: sign changes, but still there are similarities. I have been very aware of Pluto, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Algol (my 2nd Prog. Mars is exactly conj!)…. and am walking my life ever so softly… doing lots of martial arts out on the field… dispersing the energy and safe… I hope! This explosive Shadow is everywhere now…. it feels like walking on eggshells!
No matter his past or what was going on on the set…. this is a catastrophic experience for all. With SA Pluto right on his North Node…. wow.. he is certainly being called. Some kind of Time Spirit / astrological event found a way to incarnate for sure. How terribly sad.
3 mos. younger, not older.
Perhaps Baldwin can come out as a gun control advocate in the future.
It’s all coming out now. Baldwin was in a dispute with the rest of the film crew about working conditions. They had been promised hotel rooms in Santa Fe but in the end had to drive 50 miles every day from Albuquerque. Maybe somone wanted to frame him by replacing one of the blanks, without any thought for the consequences of such reckless vindictiveness.
@Angie: the director who was hit in the shoulder was standing directly behind Halyna and a bullet fired at close range will pass through the body which is what makes it so destructive.
Given the prior strike issues surrounding that movie set, including TWO previous gun mishaps, I suspect one word sums it up. Sabotage!
What a tragedy. I still can’t understand how two people were injured and one fatally. Did the gun go off twice? How can you make that kind of mistake? Regarding prop guns, I have heard recently that it’s not uncommon to use real bullets on set. Who knows but why do they have to use bullets at all?
Starkman has rectified Baldwin’s birth time….7:36:28 AM, Ascendant 27Taurus02,
conjunct Algol at 25Taurus35. His Sun is conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Eris, while
Uranus conjuncts his IC.
It beggars belief that after the appalling death of Brandon Lee on the set of “The Crow” in 1994, such a ghastly
tragedy should happen again.
Surely Hollywood would have put structures in place to ensure this type of situation would not take place after
all of this time?
Structures are in place and as Marjorie says below, it’s about who literally loaded the gun. From what I’ve been hearing, there are Union issues because of where the movie is being filmed. Baldwin must be terribly anguished as he not only stars in this but is the producer too. Awful and sad that a life was lost like this.
This is awful. Yes, I’ve also heard about the Union issues on set. Although union or no union, safety protocols around guns is surely basic common sense.
When Brandon Lee was killed, 31 March 1993, Saturn was in Aquarius square Pluto in Scorpio. Mars in Cancer opposed Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn. Sadly, like this week’s Mars/Pluto aspect, these are clear astrological signs of trouble. However, as Marjorie says, such influences seem to find a “channel” or channels of some sort to manifest themselves. A bit like lightning I suppose. I think this weeks Mars Pluto was heightened by the full Moon as well. Minor planet Eris, goddess of chaos etc is also at 24 Aries now, and if it does have an influence then this will have ratcheted up the tensions. At the time of Brandon Lee’s death, Eris was square Mars.
I understand the sheer violence is Mars Pluto. Does Neptune not play a significant role is accidents of this kind? Errors of judgement, incompetence, misunderstanding, mistakes of all kinds which gave rise to the tragedy in the first place?
For sure. Whoever put live rounds into the prop gun will bear a heavy responsibility if that is what happened.
Thanks Marjorie .My post vanished.
Try again.Can’t get Baldwin out of my head.
What an anguish…How could this happen,really.
Well,time show’it. Tragedy.
When will this stop?Can’t see an end to it.
Sweden has become a shooting country….
Everyday almost, execution in the streets..
Yesterday,our Einár was shut.Best rapper ever.19 years old.
If you have time, Marjorie.Take a look at the chart of Sweden.
Thanks – I’d forgotten about that Swedish death – it’s not been a good week. Will look tomorrow.
Your previous comment is under Mel Gibson – I knew I had seen it somewhere.