Sally Brampton – a sad loss

Sally Brampton, the well-liked and respected founding editor of British Elle magazine, and later a newspaper agony aunt, has died by walking into the sea. She wrote about her lifelong depression, which at times became incapacitating, in her memoir ‘Shoot the Damn Dog.’

Born 15 July 1955 in Brunei, where her father worked for Shell, she moved frequently in childhood and was sent to boarding school in England which she hated.

She was a Sun Uranus conjunct in Cancer square Neptune in Libra – so a maverick, highly strung with Uranus Neptune; and with Cancer’s innate sense for what the public wanted. Many fashion designers are Cancer. She also had Mercury Venus in Cancer; and an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Leo.

Her Taurus Moon was square Pluto and probably opposition Saturn in Scorpio, which may be where part of her depression stemmed from – very bleak.

Reading snippets about her, what seemed a shame was that she discounted the benefits of therapy which could have been a help.

Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne – hitting a tough patch

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne have split their 34 year marriage after his affair with a hairdresser was revealed.

Sharon, 9 Oct 1952, and Ozzy, 3 Dec 1948, are both going through a very sticky time. He’s got tr Saturn conjunct his Sagittarius Sun this year with tr Neptune square; and a confused tr Pluto square his Neptune till late 2017 – so he won’t know whether he’s coming or going.

Sharon is a Sun Saturn Neptune in Libra with tr Uranus opposing Neptune this year; and tr Pluto this year is on the discouraging trek in square to her Sun Saturn, continuing till late 2017. So she’ll be feeling even more pressured and depressed.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate and possessive composite Sun Venus Mercury square Pluto in an expansive trine to Jupiter.  There’s also an explosive composite Uranus opposition Mars perhaps square Moon so it won’t ever have been an easy marriage.

What’s showing on the relationship chart is a devastating tr Pluto square Neptune; and a disappointing tr Saturn square the composite Jupiter and tr Neptune conjunct.

It may cobble itself back together at some point.

Rodrigo Duterte – The Punisher – too many sextiles

Rodrigo Duterte, the surprise new President elect of the Philipines has been described as a misogynist, loud-mouthed bigot like Trump. In reality he’s a much harder figure, reputedly using death squads to target criminals during his time as Mayor of Davao, earning him the nickname The Punisher.

Born 28 March 1945 he’s a Sun Aries opposition Neptune square Saturn in Cancer, and trine Pluto. So one of these Sun Neptune Pluto individuals who have a vision for power and influence; and with a focal point Cardinal Saturn, he certainly has executive ability but won’t be happy to share the driving seat with others. He’s also got a Half Grand Sextile of Sun sextile Uranus sextile Pluto sextile Neptune (Moon) – so talented, lucky. Plus a mini-Grand Trine of Mars in Pisces trine Saturn sextile Venus in Taurus.  A surfeit of ‘easy’ aspects in a chart can, oddly enough, lead to a lack of moral fibre. His Jupiter in Virgo is picking up the tr Pluto trine in 2018/19 – so money and success will roll his way.

The Philippine 10 Dec 1898 8.45pm chart looks a good deal less happy with tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Pluto Neptune opposition Saturn Sun in Sagittarius in 2016/2017; and tr Neptune following along behind to start squaring first Pluto in 2017 then Sun Saturn in 2019/20.

The Philippines 4 July 1946 9.15am Manila chart is more mixed with a giddy high from Pluto Jupiter in 2016/17 but also tr Saturn square the Moon this year; with tr Neptune opposition Moon in 2018/19 along with the disruptive Solar Arc Sun square Uranus at the end of this year; and the high anxiety, uncertain Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune later in 2018. That could suggest some do well out of his election but the general population of the poor don’t benefit.

Italy – economic doldrums

Italy is facing calls internally to exit the euro, or even the EU, as its economic situation continues to stutter along with no growth, and youth unemployment figures in the south are way over 50%. They are in no shape to face another global recession and the constraints of EU policy make it impossible for them to pull out of their dire situation without a debt default.

The Bank of Italy chart 10 Aug 1893 is panicking madly this year with the tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the Pluto Neptune conjunction in Gemini square a financial Venus; with tr Neptune continuing next year  to oppose Venus and square Neptune – so all uncertain, swampy, disappointing.  The major disruption comes in 2018 with a Solar Arc Uranus square Pluto. So no fast or easy solutions.

Nicola Sturgeon sworn in – confident though needing focus

Nicola Sturgeon was sworn in to the new session of the Scottish Parliament just after 9.30am this morning (anyone with an exact time, gratefully received). This gives the confident, upbeat Earth Grand Trine of Venus Mercury (Sun) in Taurus trine Pluto trine Jupiter – so could be good for business. Though, of course, it forms into a Kite focussed on Neptune from the opposition to Jupiter, which is less wonderful for politics – well-intentioned, impractical, evasive. There’s also a scattered, bad-tempered Mutable T square from that opposition onto Saturn Mars in Sagittarius. So high levels of nervous energy but needs discipline, focus and direction.

A showy Leo Moon is trine Mars Saturn – so again emotional aggravations.

Chilcot Inquiry – verbose but maybe a surprise or two

The Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War is finally, finally to have its findings unveiled on July 6th. Given that it kicked off in 2009 with the head-in-the-clouds, over-abundance-of-false-hope Jupiter Neptune conjunction; with a painstakingly meticulous Saturn in Virgo, maybe it isn’t surprising it has taken so long – and cost so much!

The launch chart assuming 12am has a scholarly 9th house Saturn in Sagittarius in the legal 9th square Neptune opposition Jupiter North Node so it’s likely to be immensely detailed. At 2.6 million words which is the length of 25 thrillers it’ll take time to absorb. There’s also a Pluto opposition Sun Mercury Venus square Uranus – so it might just throw up the odd surprise, but will certainly generate intense reactions.

Gossip has it (which may be wrong) that the blame may be spread more widely than just the politicians – Blair, Straw, Hoon etc; but also target the Intelligence Chiefs – Scarlett and Dearlove; and the military top brass who allowed themselves to be dragooned into a war for which they were not prepared – Mike Jackson, Nick Houghton.

John Chilcot himself looks acutely frustrated over the launch with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars and tr Saturn retrograding to square his Sun/Mars – so he clearly won’t appreciate its reception.

Tony Blair is looking very jangled in July with tr Uranus square his Mercury/Saturn and Mercury/Neptune – so stressed and uncertain; with a disruptive Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Uranus this year; and a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune exact in a few months; plus an emotionally anguished tr Pluto square Venus and a game-changing tr Pluto opposition his focal point Uranus from mid July.  So all in all a crisis point for him, either over Chilcot or other matters in his life. Alistair Campbell looks jangled, frustrated, enraged and deflated and exactly on his pressured Second Saturn Return.

Jack Straw has a minor dip in July but more ups than downs; ditto Geoff Hoon in July though he’s sagging later.

Both the Intelligence chiefs look more stressed in the run up, but since they would have had an early viewing, maybe they’ve recovered their sang froid by the actual date.

General Sir Mike Jackson looks cornered, his enthusiasm and confidence dampened and not happy.  Nick Houghton is also undermined, uncertain and jolted; though putting on a bullish face.

Pity the poor journalists and commentators who have to speed read through that and say anything cogent.


Mordecai Vananu – facing yet more hurdles

Mordecai Vananu, the Israeli nuclear technician who leaked details of Israel’s nuclear programme in the 1980s and spent 18 years in prison, has again been placed under arrest. Known in Israel as a traitor, he’s regarded internationally as a heroic whistleblower. He had intended to join his new bride in Norway, theology professor Kristin Joachimsen. He has been barred from emigrating on the grounds that he still poses a threat to national security.

Born on 14 October 1954 (four days earlier than General Nick Houghton – see Chilcot) so is a Sun Neptune in Libra square a Mars in Capricorn opposition Uranus Jupiter. He’s got vision, an adventurous and reckless streak and a good deal of determination from Pluto in Leo on the point of a T square to a Taurus Moon opposition Venus in Scorpio; and Saturn Mercury in Scorpio as well.

He looks jangled and very challenged over this year and the next several years from tr Uranus first in hard aspect to his Sun Neptune Mars and then tr Pluto. A major crisis point in his life.

It’ll be a very long haul.