The Netherlands has always had a vociferous anti-EU lobby led by the right-wing Geert Wilders. The country was in the European project from the start so very invested in the ideal.
There are two possible charts for Netherlands. 26 July 1581 (astrodienst) and 16 March 1815 11.47am Hague ( Doris Doane).
The second of these showed up the invasion of Germany in May 1940 much more clearly, so might be more useful. It is certainly showing depression and aggravation, mounting through 2017 and extending through 2018. Tr Saturn will conjunct its Neptune and square the Pisces Pluto Mercury Sun till Nov 2017; and tr Pluto will conjunct the 7th house Mars till late 2018.
The 1581 chart shows panic now with tr Neptune square tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Mars in Virgo now and through 2017; with a devastated, confused tr Pluto square Neptune in 2016/17; plus a road-blocked Solar Arc Pluto square Mars this year.
The 1581 chart shows more separation from the EU than the 1815 one. On this one there’s a tr Uranus opposition Mars at the moment; then reversing to square the composite Saturn early in 2017; and tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun in 2017. Plus plus plus others uneasy influences.
The 1815 chart on the other hand, while unsettled at the moment by tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the Pluto and then in 2017 the financial Venus, is much less suggestive of any kind of split. Though tr Pluto is moving into the 7th which usually throws up major tensions in partnerships.
If Geert Wilders is any kind of guide, 6 Sept 1963, he doesn’t look to be winning much with tr Saturn square his Pluto Sun Venus in Virgo this autumn; and then tr Neptune in opposition to these planets for several years ahead. He’ll be bullish through 2017/18 with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in Aries; though may over-estimate his reach as tr Uranus opposes his Mars from mid year.
The Central Bank of the Netherlands, 25 March 1814, is certainly jangled and conflicted with Solar Arc Uranus opposition its Neptune this year; and tr Pluto square Mercury in 2016/17. Tr Saturn squares the financial Venus this autumn; and tr Neptune is conjunct in 2017/18 so it will be feeling the economic pain. It goes into a major upheaval in 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus square Pluto to good effect with a successful Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Pluto at the same time; with a cheering tr Uranus in Taurus trine Jupiter as well.