Princess Charlene & Prince Albert – all that glitters

char-al-comp  cha-al-syn



Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco’s twins are two years old tomorrow. Charlene looks exquisitely elegant on public appearances, though thin and rarely relaxed or truly happy.

It was never going to be an easy match for either of them. He has Saturn in his 7th suggesting close relationships will happen later in his life than usual, and feel like hard work. She’s got Uranus in the 7th so craves freedom, which is impossible in the pocket-handkerchief kingdom. Both of their Neptune’s fall in the others 7th, so neither will feel the other is totally committed.

His Neptune is square her Aquarius Sun Venus MC; and her Neptune is square his Pisces Sun.

Their relationship chart is truly difficult. There is admittedly an expansive (and wealthy?) composite Sun Mercury opposition Jupiter but it squares onto an illusory Neptune; plus there is an unkind, suppressed-anger composite Saturn Mars Moon which suggests a quite emotionally damaging interface with one partner making demands that don’t take account of the other’s needs.

2018/19 will see a fair number of jolts, disruptions and upheavals and angry outbursts between them as tr Uranus opposes the composite Saturn, then Mars, then Moon.

Tr Saturn is moving through his 7th house of marriage from this New Year for three years which can be a chillier, more critical time for relationships; and has tr Pluto conjunct his 8th house Moon for another year in 2017 which suggests major emotional challenges. She has tr Saturn moving through her 8th at the moment which will make her feel she’s thrown back on her own resources and under-supported.

Neither of their Sun/Moon midpoints are much affected by influences for another few years but it won’t be easy.

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