Emma Watson – built for crusading



Actress Emma Watson, best known for her Harry Potter movies, is also a model and UN Goodwill Ambassador, with a degree in English Literature. She’s been speaking out recently as a feminist, arguing for gender equality and against domestic violence.

She was born 15 April 1990 6pm Paris, France with two lawyer parents who separated when she was young. She has an 8th house Aries Sun so determined and feisty; with her Sun in a hard-working square to Saturn in Capricorn in her 4th. She also has Uranus Neptune in her 4th, so clearly a disrupted childhood. Her Sun is trine an adventurous Sagittarius Moon, sextiling onto outspoken Mars in Aquarius in the 5th/6th – so a fighter for good causes. Her Venus in Pisces in the 6th is trine a lucky Jupiter in the 10th in Cancer widely trine Pluto – a Water Grand Trine which makes her creative, a good healer for others, though not always for herself, self-protective.

She has a Fire Sun and Moon, a Water Grand Trine and four Earth planets so she’s a real ball of energy. And well-plugged into the zeitgeist with her Mercury in Taurus opposition Pluto square an Aquarius (= good for humanitarian causes) in her 5th.

Career-wise she’s got a long way to go with tr Saturn only now moving through her second quadrant. It won’t always be easy for her emotionally and she’ll suit a peripatetic lifestyle. But she’ll become more and more admired the older she gets with that Jupiter in her 10th.

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