The two leaderenes are at war (if that’s not too sexist). UK PM Theresa May is spitting that Nicola Sturgeon should get on with governing properly (hear, hear) and stop playing games by insisting on an independence referendum re-run. While the Scottish First Minister spat back that at least she’d been elected which is more than she can say for the PM.
As far as I understand it the UK government would have to agree to another referendum and the suggestion is that post the 2021 Holyrood (Scottish government) election would be a more sensible time. Holding it in the middle of the Brexit fallout would be too confusing and would not allow Scots to make a sensible choice about the economic argument. [See previous post Feb 27: Try, Try Again.]
Spain for one is making mutinous noises and insisting Scotland would be way down the EU membership-joining list, since they have their own separatist problem which they don’t wish fed with hope. With oil unlikely to recover in price and Scots public expenditure being high, there’s a real possibility they’d be refused EU membership anyway without swingeing cuts to public services and tax rises.
Theresa May is certainly not doing her popularity much good up north by coming across as schoolmarmy and rigid, even if she’s right about the SNP government needing to sort out major problems under their control – NHS, education and police. TM’s Pluto falls in NS’s 10th conjunct her MC, so she will come across as controlling and contemptuous. TM’s Sun is conjunct NS’s Uranus, so she’ll regard the Scottish leader as rebellious and unco-operative; and TM’s Uranus is conjunct NS’s Mars and opposition NS’s Moon – so a flare-up combo. TM’s unbending Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct NS’s Neptune, so pragmatism meets evasion.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Uranus Pluto, so will be an unpredictable, erratic relationship that’s destined to live through major changes and upheavals and none too co-operative. There’s also a bad-tempered, overt-dislike composite Mars square Saturn which may be tied into the composite Moon. Where it starts to hot up and get bitter is 2019/2020 with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars.