A horrific fire has destroyed a London tower block of 120 apartments with many fatalities feared as residents were trapped. Details are sketchy but there is a talk of ‘Third World’ safety failures with no fire alarm or sprinklers, and previous advice to tenants of ‘stay inside’ being proved catastrophically wrong as newly installed plastic insulation cladding on the outside turned the building into an inferno which is likely to collapse.
First alarm calls came through at 00.54 am local time, which puts Saturn on the MC opposition Sun IC, which is the driving rod of a Fire Grand Trine of Node trine Uranus trine Saturn MC.
When it started Mars was closely square the Sun/Pluto midpoint and opposition Saturn/Pluto – physical breakdown, fighting for one’s life, violence. Expansive (not always a good thing) Jupiter was opposition the brutal Mars/Pluto midpoint. And Pluto was square the Sun/Moon midpoint, which latter often appears at disasters with relationships and families being ripped apart.
The UK chart has Solar Arc MC approaching the square to the 8th house Mars, within weeks. That UK Mars in the 8th when triggered has always accompanied major loss of life catastrophes in the UK. When tr Pluto was opposition the UK Mars in the late 1980s: on the run up there was the Zebrugge Ferry sinking and King’s Cross Fire in 1987, followed in 1988 by the Marchioness sinking, the Piper Alpha explosion, the Hillsborough football fatalities, Lockerbie plane crash. It just went on and on, all of them involving multiple deaths.