Is the almost unprecedented firing of the FBI Director James Comey an act of Nixonian sabotage by Trump to halt the FBI investigation into links between his campaign and Russia? The reason given was Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails, which Trump had previously praised, so it seems a feeble excuse. Especially since grand jury subpoenas for associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, fired for misstating his Russia connections, had been revealed hours before. This last suggested the FBI investigation was being escalated to a new stage.
The parallels being drawn are with Nixon’s firing in October 1973 of the Special Prosecutor investigating the burglary which led to Watergate and Nixon’s resignation nine months later.
And what do you know? In 1973, tr Uranus was beginning to square the USA 1776 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto. VP Spiro Agnew resigned faced with tax evasion charges. Watergate rages, escalates and ends with Nixon’s resignation to avoid impeachment charges, as tr Uranus squares the US Mercury for the final time in August 1974, tugging on the US Pluto.
Where is tr Uranus now? Just over the square to the USA Mercury but zigzagging back and forth in hard aspect to the US Mercury till February 2018; and then moving to square the US Pluto in 2018.
The previous hard aspect of tr Uranus to the US Mercury was in 1953/54 during the McCarthy sniff-out-a-commie hearings, with increasingly vociferous criticism of his bullying and witch-hunting tactics.
One before that in 1933 there was an attempted coup d’etat by a group of fascist veterans and wealthy businessmen, wanting to ally themselves to Hitler’s Germany and Italy, which Franklin D Roosevelt saw off. So they were all sleazy episodes in US history. [See previous posts: Nov 12 2016, April 17 2017]
There are two key trigger points coming up for Trump – one is the late August Solar Eclipse in Leo conjunct his Mars Ascendant, which will hit him hard – and the eclipse effect runs on for six months after. The other is a poleaxingly explosive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars, exact mid 2018 though likely to trigger earlier; and mid 2018 is when tr Uranus will be square his Solar Arc MC, continuing on through 2019, which will knock him off course. So the narrative could take time to play out.
James Comey, 14 December 1960, is a bit player now unless he turns state’s evidence somewhere down the line. Interestingly his Uranus is conjunct Trump’s Mars Ascendant and square Trump’s MC – so definitely a catalyst for change, who hits Trump at an awkward level. His relationship chart with Trump shows 2018/19 as being a time everything stands on its head.