Alabama, has approved the most far-reaching effort in the USA this year to curb abortion rights in all cases including rape and incest, except where the mother’s life is at serious risk. It criminalizes the procedure for doctors, who could be charged with felonies and face up to 99 years in prison. It now moves to the desk of the female Republican Governor who is expected to support it. Opponents have vowed to challenge the measure in federal court if it becomes law. But it’s being seen as the first shot across the bows of Roe v Wade with Brett Kavanaugh now on the Supreme Court.
Alabama, 14 December 1819, was a former slave state, known as the “cotton state” and until relatively recently still had Jim Crow legislation to disenfranchise African-American residents, so it’s pretty died-in-the-wool dinosaur territory.
No surprises it became a state when a repressive Saturn Pluto was in place in Pisces square the Sagittarius Sun Uranus Neptune and trine the Scorpio Moon – bleak, unyielding, cold-hearted, fanatical, violent, power hungry.
It looks on edge (which could be for any number of reasons) come June this year with tr Uranus square its Mars, repeating into 2020; and is on a swampy Neptunian slide downhill from 2021 onwards for several years as tr Neptune squares the Sun and is then square Uranus and conjunct Saturn and Pluto till the mid 2020s. Neptunian can be healing, will certainly soften or at least undermine the state’s rigid defences.
One of the orchestrators of this move is Eric Johnston of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, 22 January 1948 St Louis, Missouri. Unsurprisingly he’s also got a Saturn Pluto conjunction in his case the leading planets of an ideologically driven Air Grand Trine of Mercury in Aquarius trine Neptune trine a Gemini Moon, formed into a Kite.
His high hopes look dashed in 2020/2021 (again could be for any number of reasons) as tr Neptune squares his Jupiter; and that is followed by a series of major setback Solar Arcs through till 2022/23.
NB: To be noted. Appalling though the Alabama vote has been, even if enacted, it isn’t as draconian as the Northern Ireland abortion laws which are a total obscenity.
ROE V WADE Post: NOVEMBER 14 2016 Roe versus Wade which was the landmark US ruling asserting a woman’s right to have an abortion up to the time of foetal viability was agreed on 22 January 1973. It now looks to be at risk of being overturned with a new pro-life (and pro-gun!) right-wing administration.
There is concern writ large on this chart at the moment from tr Saturn conjunct the Mars exactly now and tr Neptune square the Saturn and Mars through 2017/2019. 2018/19 look to be the danger points with ferocious argument from tr Uranus square Uranus in 2018 as well as a disappointing Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Jupiter; and then in 2019 a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Sun as well as a disruptive upheaval from tr Pluto square the Uranus. If it is was ever going to be overturned this looks like the time – though it did survive through the early 1990s triple conjunction in Capricorn. But this looks if anything more serious. Saturn Pluto in Capricorn’s repressive and heavily masculine energies may just do it.