Hiroshima – closure or vengeance


The anniversary of Hiroshima comes and goes without mention unless it’s a round figure memorial – this year being the 74th. Nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans with the agreement of the British on August 6 and 9th 1945 which brought an end to war with Japan and to World War 11. Over 200,000 died instantly and many more in the months following. An ethical debate has raged ever since with some arguing that the forced surrender saved many lives and others that a punitive civilian strike was indefensible.

There are similar arguments about the bombing of Dresden in early 1945 which killed 25,000 civilians and destroyed the city centre. It was carried out by Allied Forces though it is mainly thought of as a British decision.

The Hiroshima bomb was dropped when Uranus was exactly on the midheaven to the minute of a degree with Uranus conjunct Mars in Gemini. That echoes the Mars Uranus in Gemini in the USA 1776 chart which I’ve always thought was the root of a good many problems of violence; and the ludicrous extremes of free speech allowing racist sentiments to be expressed without restraint. And it does link into Trump’s Gemini Sun which sits exactly on the USA Mars with his Uranus close by.

The USA chart in August 1945 was looking jubilant with tr Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant and moving towards squaring the Solar Arc Sun; with a super-confident Solar Arc Jupiter square Neptune also tugging on the USA Mars.

The preceding Cancer Solar Eclipse which was conjunct the USA Sun and Saturn, set for Washington where the decision was no doubt made, had Mars in heavyweight (and vengeful) Taurus conjunct the Midheaven which in turn was conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol. Set for Hiroshima it had expansive Jupiter conjunct the Descendant.

The preceding Lunar Eclipse of 26 June 1945 set for Hiroshima had the Capricorn Full Moon exactly conjunct the Midheaven squaring onto Neptune on the Descendant; with a brutal Mars square a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th. The Capricorn Full Moon was oddly conjunct Japan’s Jupiter – continuing the theme of Jupiter’s presence at disasters. Not always the lucky planet.

It’s tempting to blame America’s dark side for Hiroshima but the truth is that superpowers have always acted badly through the centuries and caused massive damage without much thought. Power corrupts.

For those who like minutiae, below is a Hiroshima post from 6 August 2010.

The Japanese are today marking the anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb which was dropped on 6 August 1945 at 8.15 am. About 140,000 died then or in the months following and Japan surrendered, bringing an end to World War 11.

The chart for the bombing has sudden-disruption Uranus exactly conjunct the Midheaven set for Hiroshima – to the exact minute of the exact degree. Uranus was also in an explosive conjunction to Mars and both were in a heavy sextile to Sun Pluto in Leo. Mars was exactly sextile Pluto and trine Neptune. Plus there was an emotionally downbeat Moon Saturn in Cancer in the 10th. The exactness of some aspects is interesting and it is a difficult chart. But for all that it doesn’t have that stagger-back quality you’d expect from such a universe-changing event as the Hiroshima bomb. Mind you neither did the 9/11 chart.

Where the 9/11 chart started to make more sense was in the 16th Harmonic which is multiples of the difficult 4 with a Mars square Saturn Uranus and sextile Pluto with Pluto opposition the 16H Midheaven. And that is pretty brutal.

Where the Hiroshima chart looks more menacing is in the 9th Harmonic curiously which is supposedly about happiness but clearly there’s another dimension. The Hiroshima 9H has a Mystic Rectangle of Uranus Midheaven opp Jupiter; and Mars opposition Pluto; with Pluto trine Uranus MC and Jupiter trine Mars. That looks more along the right lines – especially with Saturn widely conjunct Mars. So a mix of explosive Mars Uranus pumped up by Jupiter Pluto’s hyper-mega tendencies. The difficult side of the 9th Harmonic is evidently egotism, easily hurt, quick tempered. Perhaps seeing Hiroshima as payback for Pearl Harbour makes most sense of this Harmonic.

The Hiroshima 11th Harmonic is also strong. The 11H is about a burning, obsessive dream but gone sour it can have very negative consequences as dreams don’t always act out well in reality. This has a Water Grand Trine of Pluto trine Neptune trine Moon Saturn – Sat Pl is bleak; Pl Nep is nuclear and major confusion; Moon Saturn disregards feelings. And an attention-demanding, inventive Fire Grand Trine of Sun trine Mercury trine Jupiter. With another feeling-dampening T square of Moon Saturn opposition Venus square Sun. And a panicky, overly aggressive, self-justifying Mars opposition Neptune square Jupiter.

On the Japan chart in 1945 there was a Solar Arc Mars square Sun which does usually coincide with a major collision of sorts; plus an undermining, panicky Solar Arc Neptune trine their Mars. There was also a Solar Arc Pluto inconjunct their Jupiter which would fit with overpowering confidence backfiring.

Tracking back on the preceding Eclipses:-

The 9 July 1945 Total Solar eclipse in Cancer had Saturn conjunct and it had Jupiter on the Descendant and Uranus on the nadir/IC located to Hiroshima. It also had an expansive Jupiter trine Mars in Taurus sextile New Moon Saturn – so arguably pushing all that inflated Mars Jupiter into an event of great sadness with Saturn in Cancer on the Eclipse. When the bomb was dropped a month later the transiting Moon was just one degree passed the conjunction to the Eclipse – which is relatively often the case as the following Moon appears to trigger the Eclipse chart.

The partial Lunar Eclipse of 25 June 1945 was even more pointed set for Hiroshima with Moon conjunction Midheaven opposition Sun Nadir/IC square Neptune conjunct Descendant. There was nothing visible triggering that though the chart itself is indicative of a time of great panic and confusion – with Eclipse charts having an effect for some months after the event.

The Solar Eclipse of 14 January 1945 is in many ways just as pointed with Uranus on the Ascendant set for Hiroshima with Venus conjunct Midheaven. That Eclipse Uranus also falls exactly on the Japan country chart assuming a mid day start, suggesting a major turning point in Japan’s destiny. When the bombing happened tr Mars was exactly conjunct the Jan 45 Eclipse Uranus and square the Eclipse MC and conjunct the Japan Ascendant.

The 25 Jan 1944 Total Solar Eclipse was exceptionally difficult with Pluto opposing the Eclipsed New Moon in Aquarius. With an Air Grand Trine of the New Moon trine Neptune and trine explosive Uranus Mars. Set for Hiroshima it had Pluto conjunct Midheaven opposition New Moon conjunct nadir/IC – very suggestive of a total blockage, damage to reputation and status. There was no visible trigger on this chart eighteen months later in Aug 1945 except that Neptune had returned to its’ Eclipse position and was back in trine exactly to the Eclipsed New Moon.

Much the same conclusions as before – Eclipses show tantalising glimpses of events to come but we/I still haven’t quite grasped the cipher.

Toni Morrison – a powerful creative force for good


Toni Morrison, the first African American to win the Nobel Prize for literature has died aged 88. President Obama described her as “a national treasure” who was “as good a storyteller, as captivating, in person as she was on the page”. The BBC obituary says: “Known for her searing and lyrical works about slavery and the history of African Americans, novelist Toni Morrison was widely regarded as one of the leading lights of US literature and a champion for repressed minorities.”

She was born 18 February 1931 11am Lorain, Ohio into a poor working-class family and went on to take two degrees at college, taught in a university and moved into the publishing business as a fiction editor. She went on to write 11 novels which have become classics; and one – Beloved-  was made into a film with Oprah Winfrey.

She had a 10th house final-degree Aquarius Sun and Mercury in Aquarius also in the 10th – so communication was always going to be her metier. Her Sun was inconjunct a last degree Mars in Cancer, so she’d be motivated by a fair amount of anger. She also had a restless, brimming-with-initiative Cardinal Grand Cross of innovative, torchbearer Uranus opposition North Node square Jupiter Pluto in Cancer opposition Saturn Venus in Capricorn. She had a tough life with emotional challenges but a great deal of confidence as well. Her Sun was also opposition a creative Neptune which in turn opposed a Pisces Moon. That 1931 generation produced a fair few notable successes in different arenas.

Her writers’ 21st Harmonic was enormously strong; as was her creative 7H. Her breakthrough/genius 13H was marked, as was her leaving-a-legacy 17th and her get-it-together and creative 5H.

Kashmir – beautiful and dangerous ** Updated

Kashmir has been a highly sensitive and toxic hotspot between India and Pakistan since partition in 1947, brewing up two further wars through the decades, as both claim it as theirs and both control parts of it, along with China which has a chunk. Kashmir is 60% Muslim and locals would prefer to be independent or allied to Pakistan. Indian PM Narendra Modi’s Hindu Nationalist party have argued for year that India should take it over completely and his recent sweeping electoral victory has encouraged him to announce direct rule, scrapping a law that had given it partial autonomy since the 1950s.

35,000 extra Indian troops were deployed to Kashmir last week, regional politicians were placed under house arrest, phone and internet services cut, schools closed and a curfew imposed.

The risk is a headlong escalation of two nuclear powers towards all-out war. Protests broke out across Pakistan yesterday after the Delhi announcement.

Previous conflicts took place under Saturn Pluto aspects (see post February 27 2019) but several Saturn Plutos have passed by without any clashes so it doesn’t necessarily mean war. But both the India and Pakistan charts are severely stressed through the remainder of this year especially mid November to mid December.

The January 2020 Lunar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer closely tied into the Saturn Pluto conjunction is highly significant for Kashmir, having the Moon/Sun on the MC/IC axis – so that might flag up continuing trouble and crises in the months following.

Both charts for India and Pakistan on 15/15 August 1947 have a volatile, explosive Mars Uranus conjunction natally and that has moved by Solar Arc to catch the transiting Uranus trine, this year and through 2020 into 2021, so there will be ripples of aggravation from that.

India PM Narendra Modi’s Term chart 30 May 2019 7.04pm Delhi, has an 8th house Mars which was conjunct the early July Cancer Solar Eclipse putting his administration onto a more aggressive and combative footing. There’s also a stressed 2nd house Saturn Pluto which suggests financial deprivation and problems; with a highly emotional and grandstanding Moon; as well as deep-rooted anger issues from the Mars. And a very over hopeful streak from Jupiter square Neptune.

The Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s Term chart, 18 August 2018 10.15 am Islamabad, has a high-risk, frustratingly stuck and angry wide Pluto and Mars in Capricorn conjunction straddling the IC, so is sitting on a volcano which may or may not blow. There’s also a divisive, uncooperative Uranus in the 7th suggesting rifts with neighbours – and that last is being elbowed late this December into February 2020.

It doesn’t look that certain that the two countries will be plunged into war though tensions will remain dangerously high. Another screw-up colonial legacy.

Add On: There are two Kashmir charts – one historical from 16 March 1846 and the other the Accession chart when it was signed over to India of 26 October 1947. Both are showing signs of extreme stress over the next several years.

The 1846 one has the dangerous, trapped tr Pluto trine Mars and square Pluto this year and next with the Solar Arc Venus moving to heighten emotional tensions and anger as it squares the Mars and opposes Saturn Neptune till 2023; picking up the undermining tr Neptune conjunct Sun in 2022/23 as well. The 1947 chart is no better with its stressed Mars Pluto Saturn in Leo moving to conjunct the Scorpio Sun from 2018 right through till 2024 which looks suppressive and destructive.

Narendra Modi, the driving force behind this escalation, will be running into financial problems by 2021 and a dead-halt blockage in 2022 as his Term chart faces a Solar Arc Jupiter square Neptune followed by Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Pluto and square the Term Moon.

The Reserve Bank of India, 1 April 1935, certainly echoes fears of financial problems and is looking jittered and shocked in 2020 with Solar Arc Mars square the Sun and in turmoil, scarily trapped and devastated in 2021 and 2022 with Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Pluto and then Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Mars.

The India chart itself is facing considerable challenges and pressures for change in 2020/21 with tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Midheaven; with a radical change of direction coming in 2021/22 as tr Uranus squares the natal midheaven; followed by considerable turmoil in 2022/23 with Solar Arc MC square Moon and Solar Arc Saturn Pluto square the India Moon and tr Pluto opposition the Moon in 2022/23 as well – so a great deal of unrest amongst the Indian population.

All of which would fit with Modi running into severe problems in two/three/four years.

Pakistan is less affected since they declared independence a day earlier and their Moon is at an earlier degree so won’t get those tricky influences inflaming domestic tensions.

Fosse & Verdon – sweet and sour partnership


The toxic marriage and thrilling creative partnership of superstar choreographer Bob Fosse who won an Oscar for Cabaret in 1972 and Broadway star and fellow choreographer Gwen Verdon is the subject of a lush eight part BBC/FX drama. It’s co-produced by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who created Hamilton. Her contribution to their ground breaking work was not fully recognised in her lifetime and she stuck by him despite his being a serial adulterer with an increasingly unstable temperament who was an alcoholic and addicted to pills.

Despite having rickets and leg braces as a toddler, she became an extraordinary dancer, acquired four Tony awards and taught Lana Turner, Rita Hayworth and Marilyn Monroe to dance. Her star was in the ascendant when she met and married him and she became his muse and co-choreographer as well as his wife for some years.

Born 13 January 1925 9.57 am Los Angeles, she was an ambitious Sun Capricorn square Mars in Aries; with a fragile Neptune and Moon in Virgo in her 6th house of health; and a charming, creative and successful 10th house Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. She had a healing and introverted Water Grand Trine of an 8th house Saturn in Scorpio trine a 4th house Pluto in Cancer trine a maverick Uranus on her Ascendant, so she’d be used to a difficult emotional life from childhood. But she had the drive to propel herself to great heights with her Pluto opposition her fortunate Jupiter.

He was born 23 June 1927 10.29 pm Chicago; and had a performing and entertaining 5th house Cancer Sun square a lucky and adventurous Jupiter Uranus in his financial 2nd. His ultra-charming and sociable 7th house contained a passionate Venus, Mars and Neptune in Leo, perhaps one reason why he found commitment in relationships and monogamy difficult. His rigid, self-righteous Saturn in Sagittarius in his 10th and Pluto in his 6th would make him tricky to work with and not co-operative.

Her Moon fell in his 7th house of relationships and his Sun in her domestic 4th house – and her Venus was trine his Aries Moon – so there were some good placings. But her Saturn squared his Mars Venus so she would put a damper on some of his high jinks and exuberance.

Their relationship chart was very complicated with a tight, controlling and transformative composite Sun square Pluto; an innovative Saturn trine Uranus; a frivolous Venus trine Jupiter and an over-hopeful Jupiter opposition Neptune; and a needs-space Moon square Uranus.

They separated in 1971 when tr Uranus in Libra opposed their composite Sun and squared the composite Pluto. But they never divorced and she was with him when he died of a heart attack in 1987. She died in 2000.

Fast & Furious – Dwayne & Jason – a dynamic duo

The latest Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham Fast and Furious blockbuster is about to hit screens and is expected to rake in record box office for its opening. Initially reviewed as “complete nonsense but disarmingly pleasurable,” when it started 18 years ago, the franchise has gone from strength to strength commercially over nine movies which are an “ongoing petrolhead epic brimming with thrills, spills and smoke-belching set-pieces.” This one pits lawman Dwayne Johnson and renegade secret service man Jason Statham against Idris Elba’s super-villain.

Dwayne Johnson, 2 May 1972 6.02 pm San Leandro, California, started life as a professional wrestler and shifted over to become one of the highest grossing actors of all time. He’s a heavyweight Sun Taurus trine a lucky and ambitious Jupiter Moon in Capricorn; with a ferociously determined and charming Mars Venus in Gemini square Pluto.

Jason Statham, 26 July 1967 no time sadly, was heavily into sports at school, martial arts, football and diving, and moved via modelling into action movies. He’s an enthusiastic and entertaining Sun Jupiter in Leo with an ultra-determined square to Mars in Scorpio.

He’s a good pairing career-wise with Johnson since his Sun Jupiter falls in Johnson’s 10th house – and that translates in their relationship chart to an exuberant, high energy and fortunate composite Sun trine Jupiter, sextile Mars. There will be some alpha-male jousting since Johnson’s never-say-die Mars square Pluto collides with Statham’s Uranus Pluto in Virgo. And there’s a power struggling Sun square Pluto in the relationship chart but the creative tension probably helps to put an edge on their performances.

NRA – trumpeting their success in loosening gun laws


The NRA, despite facing an internal power struggle amnongst senior management and inquiries over financial improprieties, appears to be sailing ahead regardless doing what it does best – fending off any tightening of gun laws. The Texas Branch of the NRA crowed six weeks ago that it had a “highly successful” year as every one of the bills they backed to loosen existing laws was signed in by the Texas Governor and legislators.

The NRA chart, 17 November 1871 has an immoveable, dogmatic and obstinate Scorpio Sun opposition Pluto; and the assassin’s signature Mars Saturn exactly conjunct in traditional Capricorn. There’s a degree of confusion and uncertainty on this chart just till the end of this year with tr Pluto square the Neptune. But it’s real test will come between 2022 and 2025 when tr Uranus is conjunct the Pluto and then opposition the Sun which will threaten to turn it upside down. But it is a very stubborn chart and won’t be easy to shift.

Looking to see what hooks the NRA into the USA – the NRA Pluto falls (on my time) in the USA 8th which is possessive and controlling. The NRA Gemini North Node is conjunct the USA Mars. A Gemini Node is a free spirit, dislikes restrictions, shirks responsibility, doesn’t understand the rights of others, ultimately for development must move away from sport towards higher knowledge (seems unlikely). Most pointedly the NRA Jupiter is conjunct the USA Mercury and opposition its Pluto with the NRA Neptune square – so its over-confident and head-in-the-clouds approach taps into that fanatical streak in the American temperament.

The relationship chart is even more stark and brutal with a ruthless composite Mars Pluto opposition Sun Mercury and trine Saturn – lashed together, highly controlling, enraged. But the bond is slowly being eroded by tr Neptune opposition the composite Sun in 2020/21 and then moving to hard aspect Pluto, Mars and Mercury from 2021 to 2024. Neptune is a great dissolver of foundations so maybe, just maybe, it’ll rust through the chains that bind the USA to its addiction to guns. Though it’s difficult to see how they’re going to get this genie back in the lamp even with a determined legislative push.

Trump naturally has a cosy relationship with the NRA with a mutually supportive composite Sun, Jupiter, Venus – though there’ll be a sharp, short shock late this December to early February 2020 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars, which will send a few ripples through their communal pond.

USA leading the way in mindless mass slaughter

Two massacres in the USA within 24 hours, at least one with white supremacist, anti-Hispanic leanings, making three mass killings this week, have left a mounting death toll, well into double figures. The US had more mass shootings than any other country and has the highest per-capita gun ownership in the world with 120.5 firearms per 100 people. Well over half mass shootings are carried out with semi-automatic handguns or rifles.

One wonders where the tipping point comes when effective action is taken – indeed any steps at all – to combat the problem.

A couple of things strike me – this latest batch of killings occurred with Uranus opposition the Mars/Pluto midpoint which is very violent. And tr Mercury was exactly conjunct the USA Mercury in Cancer, perhaps an eerie omen of what is to come with the USA Mercury opposition Pluto getting stoked up from 2020 for three years.

The recent early July Cancer Solar Eclipse was conjunct the USA Sun which usually precedes a crisis that hits a bull’s eye; facts have to be faced, decisions taken leading to a new direction – or not as the case may be since although the pressure is there, often there’s a refusal to face reality and life blunders on, though with more angst to come. And significantly tr Uranus is square the US ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo which is a sensitive spot. Tr Neptune was in opposition to the USA North Node for 9/11 which hit the USA’s pride and self-esteem considerably. Tr Uranus shaking up a Node can, if changes are made, lead to more freedom; and, if not, it leads to more restrictions and restraints. The transiting Mars/Pluto midpoint was also square the USA North Node.

And so it goes on, round and round the same doom-and-disaster hamster wheel, with lives needlessly lost.  Mind you Hollywood and television drama have a good deal to answer for.

As Richard Pryor once remarked “You can’t talk about fucking in America, people say you’re dirty. But if you talk about killing somebody, that’s cool.”

Russia – in turmoil which won’t end well


More than 600 have been arrested in Moscow in the biggest political protests in Russia for years after authorities disqualified a number of opposition candidates from standing in local elections. Russian opposition campaigner Lyubov Sobol, a lawyer and video blogger, is among those detained. She has been on hunger strike for 21 days. Alexei Navalny, Opposition leader, was also arrested recently in connection with the rallies and fell ill in prison which he said was due to poison. Putin’s popularity has been sliding in the polls due to the suggested rise in the pension age, economic inequalities, corruption and poverty.

His Six Year Term chart 7 May 2018 11.05am Moscow indicated an unstable and often violent administration with a divisive Uranus on the Midheaven in a disruptive and ruthless square to Mars Pluto in Capricorn. There will be more than a few moments of slumping confidence over the next two years as well as aggravation from tr Pluto square the Mars/Pluto midpoint. But it’ll be 2021 onwards when the challenges really mount with a trapped, high-risk tr Pluto conjunct the Mars into 2022. There are violent Solar Arcs of Mars to Uranus and Pluto to Mars in 2022/23; and a turn-upside down tr Uranus conjunct the Sun in 2022/23 as well as the destabilising tr Pluto square Uranus in 2023/4. So his long reign won’t end well.

The Russia 8 December 1991 7.45 pm Moscow chart is being battered by the Eclipses hitting on the Uranus, Moon, Neptune in Capricorn this year especially the July one so a restless, nerve-stretched and rebellious population could have been expected. Plus an undermining tr Neptune square the Sagittarius Sun twice more before it exits late January 2020; and (time being accurate) considerable pressure to change direction from tr Pluto square the Midheaven in 2019/2020 and damage to reputation. With more muddle, confusion and worry late 2020 from Solar Arc Sun Mercury conjunct the Neptune.

The Russia 8 November 1917 chart is also on high alert and explosive at the moment with Solar Arc Uranus square Mars; as well as a  panicky tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars into early 2020. The 10th house Pluto in Cancer in the line of fire of this December’s Capricorn Eclipse. Pluto in hard aspect to an eclipse indicates there are only two choices –  change or decay. There’ll be continuous stress and high anxiety in 2020 and beyond with tr Uranus square the Neptune and then Neptune/Saturn midpoint and then Saturn and opposition the Scorpio Sun in 2021/2022. A very unsettled few years ahead.

Any protests are likely to be brutally suppressed and neither Navalny nor Sobol look remotely cheerful in the next three or four years – quite the reverse.

Kelly McGillis – out of the Hollywood machine

Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise’s love interest in the original 1986 Top Gun has been refreshingly blunt about why she wasn’t invited in for the sequel. “I’m old and I’d fat,’ she said and added that she preferred feeling age-appropriate and secure in who she was.

Born 9 July 1957 3.47pm Burbank, California, she studied at Julliard and had her breakthrough in Witness with Harrison Ford; and was also notable in The Accused with Jodie Foster, in which she drew on her own experience of being raped by two men when she was in her mid-twenties. Her career had highs but was also episodic much like her love life. She was married had two children and then came out as gay some years ago. Now she teaches acting and says she’s much more content being out of the Hollywood hothouse.

She is a Sun in Cancer; with a sparkling Mars, Venus, Uranus in Leo in the 9th house trine Saturn in Sagittarius. I’d think she was quite intellectual. She also has an influential and controlling Pluto on her Midheaven trine a Sagittarius Moon, sextile Neptune. Her weight has always fluctuated leading to unkind media comments – her Moon square Jupiter wouldn’t help to curb her appetite and Pluto on her midheaven would make her feel more protected with extra weight.

But it’s also throwing a harsh light on Hollywood’s use and manipulation of female actresses. Oscar winner Viola Davis said in an interview: “If you are anywhere above a size 2, you’re not having sex. You don’t have sexual thoughts. You may not even have a vagina. And if you’re of a certain age, you’re off the table.”

Ellen Pompeo of Grey’s Anatomy and one of the highest-paid women in television, said she preferred financial power: “I’m not necessarily perceived as successful as a 24-year-old actress with a few big movies is, even though she’s probably being paid shit — certainly less than her male co-star and probably with no backend,” Pompeo said. “And they’re going to pimp her out until she’s 33 or 34 and then she’s out like yesterday’s trash, and then what does she have to take care of herself? These poor girls have no real money, and the studio is making a fortune and parading them like ponies on a red carpet.”