The UK has long been a thorn in the EU’s flesh, deemed a reluctant participant in the drive for more political integration. So however much upheaval Brexit causes short and long-term there will be a sigh of relief in certain quarters. Yet in the EU group dynamic, Britain’s presence did provide an element of balance for the Franco-German dyad as well as contributing a substantial chunk of money for the kitty. If and when the deed is ever done, it may throw more of a spanner in the works than is obvious at the moment. Germany is politely declining tighter banking and economic ties, knowing full well it would have to foot the bill of poorer countries’ debts; though there are no more safeguards available against another economic recession and the likelihood in that event is the euro itself would collapse.
Where the strain between the two big beasts of the EU really comes to a head is in 2022/23. At that point tr Pluto is square the France/Germany composite Mars; and in 2023 tr Uranus is opposing the composite Sun. The composite Mars is a peculiarly sensitive spot on this relationship chart having been under severe challenges in the run up to World War 11 with tr Pluto in Cancer also square the Mars; and undermined for the start of World War 1 when tr Neptune was square the Mars. Not that a war is likely but it’s when relations will be at their most fraught and loyalties stretched to the limit. Tr Uranus was also opposition the composite France/Germany Sun for the start of WW11.
French relations with the EU will be in a state of turmoil from 2022 for several years with tr Uranus square the composite France/EU Uranus, opposition the composite Sun, square Saturn, opposition Pluto and then Mars right through till 2026. During this time the France chart itself has its Fixed T Square of Pluto opposition Uranus square Mars Midheaven under assault in 2023/24 from tr Uranus hard aspects and will be in a state of complete upheaval from that.
Germany’s angst about the EU looks marginally less acute than France’s though some strain has already come last and this year, continuing into next, with confusion stretching through till the mid 2020s. The Germany chart itself does have the total turnaround tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Uranus in 2021/22 with continuing financial hitches and glitches through till 2027 with a peak of economic instability 2022/23.
Getting rid of perfidious Albion isn’t going to sort out the internal problems of the EU. If anything it may open up major cracks and fissures.