UK finance chiefs – not dancing to the same tune



It’s a baptism of fire for the two new UK finances chiefs – Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Andrew Bailey who took over from Mark Carney as Chairmen of the Bank of England just three days ago.

Rishi Sunak, ex-Goldman Sachs and former hedge funder, 12 May 1980, is a steady Sun Mercury in Taurus opposition an innovative Uranus. He does have a Mutable T Square of Venus in Gemini opposition Neptune square Saturn in Virgo, plus Mars Jupiter in Virgo so will be adaptable when circumstances demand it. He’s possibly a better bet than Sajid Javid whom he replaced since the latter had three planets including his Sun in Sagittarius; and a not altogether helpful Mars in Aquarius square Neptune plus a see-saw Saturn opposition Jupiter.

Sunak’s relationship with Boris is inherently suspicious, untrusting and doubting with a composite Sun Mercury opposition Neptune Saturn. His connection to Dominic Cummings who seems to be running most things from his privileged eyrie, is highly strained with a composite Uranus inconjunct Mars; and an even more stressed and fated Yod of Saturn sextile Venus inconjunct Sun. Extraordinary circumstances have thrust them together and the trajectory of both lives will be inevitably changed by their coming together, for good or for ill. Though that composite Sun suggests ego conflicts. There’s also an argumentative and evasive composite T square of Neptune opposition Mars square Mercury – so quite a complicated interface and more significant than with Boris.

Andrew Bailey, 30 March 1959, is a Sun Mercury in Aries in an understated square to Saturn in Capricorn; with Saturn in a determined mini-Grand Trine to Pluto, sextile Neptune. He looks understandably unnerved from mid this April, on and off into early 2021 with tr Uranus opposing his Neptune. But 2021/22 are his all-time horror years with a panicky-failure tr Neptune square his Mars and a Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Saturn. He’ll catch a few rays of sunshine this year but generally will not be making career progress, will be suffering losses and not feeling successful.

He takes over with the Saturn Pluto Jupiter triple conjunction also conjunct Mars and sextile Neptune, so gigantic pressures to face. 2021 will be upsetting financially with tr Uranus conjunct the Term Venus; with worse in 2022/23 as tr Neptune is conjunct the Term Sun.

Bailey isn’t exactly on the same wavelength as his political masters. With Boris he does have a gung-ho Uranus opposition Jupiter square Sun; but also an evasive Mercury opposition Neptune, which is being shaken up from this July onwards; and an aggravated Mars trine Saturn.

His relationship with Cummings is worse – a composite argumentative Sun square Mars, being severely shaken late this month into the first half of April; and generally sliding downhill this year into next with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Saturn.

In times of crisis it helps to have strong leadership and everyone on the same page – alas not.

3 thoughts on “UK finance chiefs – not dancing to the same tune

  1. Hi Marjorie,

    Can we look at Rishi Sunak’s chart? He’s their only hope, the rest is so incompetent/bent, its the end of their road. Keir Starmer, a very Star Wars name, with good hair! but WILL BREXIT HAPPEN??? European citizens (i.e. moi) are caught up in all the goings on……I deeply prefer not to have a Napoleonic (EU)passport but will sacrifice that on the altar if UK leaves….surely Boris’ comeuppance is….imminent? I know the world is going through huge transformation, but how can we see the end…the coming months are fraught with endings.

  2. Thanks Marjorie. I’ve had difficulty posting here this week, so hope this one works. It does look as if Cummings will be in a less powerful position during this crisis. Obviously, it is no time for playing silly power games. Also I did wonder what happened about that operation he apparently postponed last year, and whether his health may force him to self isolate. More Neptune for him?

    And thanks so much for this site. It’s a great place to visit, particularly now we are all so limited in what we can do and where we can go. Hoping Saturn in Aquarius now will be a helpful sign, particularly for scientists and their vital and painstaking work.

  3. Sounds like Cummings is the fly in the ointment here. Wonder if Boris might be tempted to ditch him now he’s more or less served his purpose and the ground has shifted so tectonically. Boris has shed people before, his London mayoral team for example, who Cummings helped purge. I wonder if the way Sunak shone in his last extraordinary statement has relegated Cummings to a less influential position? We can but hope.

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