Chelsea Manning – a tough fate


Chelsea Manning is recovering in hospital after a suicide bid at a Virginia detention centre where she has been held since last May. She was remanded for contempt of court for refusing to testify before an inquiry into Wikileaks and was due to appear before a court in Alexandria, Virginia, on Friday.

Born 17 December 1987, she has a truly difficult chart with a tormented Mars Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Moon and a highly-strung Sagittarius Sun conjunct Saturn, Mercury and Uranus trine Jupiter in Aries. Innovative certainly with Saturn Uranus and do-or-die-determined with Mars Pluto, but at times lacking in common sense and too stubborn for her own good.

Her Solar Arc Mars is catching the tr Neptune square at the moment and through this year which produces feeling of panicky failure. Plus an emotionally intense and conflicted tr Pluto conjunct her Venus on and off till late 2021.

Sadly for her it isn’t going to get easier with tr Neptune starting several years of undermining her Sagittarius planets including Sun by square from 2021 onwards – and worse from 2024 as her Solar Arc Mars Pluto (Moon) start several years in conjunction to her Sagittarius planets.

Both her parents were alcoholic and she appears to have had fetal alcohol syndrome. She had a very troubled childhood which is certainly reflected in her chart. Not an easy hand of cards the fates landed her with, for sure.

Pic: Tim Travers Hawkins

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