Trump’s approval ratings have improved significantly since his impeachment because of positive responses to his Iraq policy, trade deals and the economy. Liberals and the liberal media watch with horror-struck outrage as he stumbles on spewing lies in all directions, kicking over the constitution, breaching protocols, backed to the hilt by a supine GOP. Tom Joseph of twitter feed @TomJChicago reckons he’s heading off the edge with dementia. On his State of the Union speech he wrote: “Cranked up, most likely on stimulants and Levodopa, Trump struggled all night with body jerking, teeth baring, arm trembling and a podium death grip. His dementia Tour de Force climaxed with this neurological body jerk/spasm.”
And yet like Rasputin, Trump just keeps on trucking.
Trump does have tr Jupiter now moving through his 5th house for a year which will boost his confidence and make him grandstand more than usual. He’s also (birth time being accurate) got tr Pluto trine his Midheaven from now-ish which is generally constructive on the career front running till late 2021. But apart from that his astrology is all pressured, challenging, obstacle strewn.
Tr Pluto is opposing his Mars/Node at the moment and his Saturn which suggests being under mountainous strain and feeling trapped. Tr Saturn is also opposition his Venus exactly now (recurring twice before the year end) which tends to dent popularity or at least brings a sense of being unloved. It could also have financial implications.
Tr Pluto then moves on to oppose his Sun/Mars midpoint, Venus/Saturn and Mercury/Pluto from February 22nd till early July and again late December till late January 2021.
Pluto on Sun/Mars = fanatical, unscrupulous, tendency to overtax strength, violence, trapped, in some cases associated with cardiac problems.
Pluto on Venus/Saturn = exceptionally lonely, feeling unloved, can be perverse and sometimes is associated with glandular problems.
Pluto on Mercury/Pluto = doubles up on the demagoguery, fraudulent speech, tendency to overtax nervous system, dogmatic to the nth degree.
[This late February to early July period, and again late December to late January 2021, and again to the end of 2021 – is when tr Pluto is opposing the Mercury on the USA 1776 chart starting the grinding and bitterly fought battle through the US’s Pluto Return two years later. Some Republicans said they had to vote with Trump against the impeachment because they feared the culture war that would break out if they didn’t support him. This transit of Pluto battering on the USA Mercury opposition Pluto is likely to lead in that direction.]To return to Trump, late this March till early October he has a couple of Neptune hard aspects to Uranus midpoints suggesting lack of energy, muddle-headed, nervous exhaustion.
His relationship chart with the USA, despite the polls, indicates the start of a two year run of aggravation from now till late 2021.
Into 2021 he has tr Neptune hitting on his Moon and Sun/Moon midpoints and a couple of Neptunian swamps which will affect him mentally as well as physically from Solar Arcs later in the year.
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t look as if she is winning much. She has a Solar Arc Sun square Neptune and a Solar Arc Saturn square Jupiter around now both of which aren’t successful; plus a plans-not-working-out tr Pluto trine Neptune now and on and off till late 2021. More losses and failed plans late this month till July and again across the New Year to late January 2021. She’ll have a small stroke of luck from mid April for two weeks but that apart is pushing into a headwind.
Of the Trump sprogs, the most upbeat looks to be Ivanka, who has tr Pluto square his Jupiter Pluto in Libra from late this month on and off till late 2021.
The Saturn Pluto conjunction appears to be acting as expected with repressive force, trampling over decency, might-makes-right-wins however unfair, the underdog gets trampled. And not just in the USA though it is the most egregious example. In the UK Boris is acting like a tinpot dictator dismissing fears over US food standards as mumbo-jumbo, mishandling climate change and adopting a wildly unrealistic approach to EU negotiations as if he had the upper hand, described by analysts as a ‘mad man’ strategy. All too bizarre.