Keir Starmer has been elected Labour leader after the first round with 56% of the vote; with Rebecca Long-Bailey, the Corbyn choice, coming in second at 26%.
He was Opposition Brexit spokesman and before becoming an MP in 2014 was formerly a defence lawyer with an interest in human rights and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service. He is reputed to be the inspiration for Colin Firth’s character in Bridget Jones’ Diary.
Born 2 September 1962, he does have an influential and powerful chart with a ‘healing’ and private Water Grand Trine of Mars in Cancer trine Neptune trine Jupiter, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition a Sun Pluto (Uranus) conjunction in Virgo – so he’s not short of drive, confidence and determination. His Moon and Venus are in Libra; and he has a Fixed T Square of Saturn in cool, intellectual Aquarius opposition a Leo leadership North Node square Neptune in Scorpio. And a Yod of Mars sextile Sun inconjunct Saturn.
His focal point Saturn is getting a sharp prod from tr Uranus in square exactly now, shifting him onto a different track, as is customary with Yods. That plus tr Uranus sextile/trine his ‘driving rod’ Sun Pluto opposition Jupiter within weeks did always point to a lucky year for him. See previous post April 7 2019. Though there’ll be a catastrophe or two to contend with late May to mid June, late October to early November and early 2021 when tr Uranus squares his Mars/Pluto midpoint. So it’ll be up and down.
2021/22 look emotionally intense with tr Pluto square his Venus; and highly-strung with tr Uranus opposition his Neptune with tr Saturn in square. Mid decade looks exceptionally stuck and devastated with his Solar Arc Sun Pluto crossing his Neptune and his Solar Arc Mars colliding with his Sun Pluto.
He certainly suits the Labour Party 27 February 1900 chart well with his Jupiter conjunct the Pisces Sun; though there’ll be a few fireworks from his Uranus opposition the LP 1900 Mars in late Aquarius. He’s an edgier mix with the Labour Party 12 February 190 chart with his Mars conjunct the Neptune and opposition Uranus square Moon; though his Venus in Libra chimes with the Aquarius Sun Venus.
Both relationship charts have emphasised Uranus suggesting innovations and almost certainly rolling crises and constant change.
His relationship with the outgoing (but not intending to be forgotten) Jeremy Corbyn is both confused and coolly business-like. There’s a disappointing composite Sun square Neptune; and a teeth-gritted Saturn. Their partnership looks pressured this year, with outbursts after mid year; and messy through 2021/22. His relationship with John McConnell is, if anything, worse. There’s a controlling, chained-together Pluto square Saturn and a cold Saturn square Sun; with an ego-clash Mars square Neptune. And his chemistry with Jon Lansman who represents the far-left Momentum is aggravated in 2020/21 and bumpy thereafter for two years.
Pic: Chris McAndrew