Sharon Stone, best known as the femme fatale in Basic Instinct is having a moment, bring presented with a Global Citizen of The Year award from the UN for her activism work and her latest exhibition of abstract paintings being well received.
She took up painting after a serious stroke in 2001 which effectively ground her life to a halt. Her marriage broke down and she said: ‘I lost everything. I lost all my money. I lost custody of my child. I lost my career. I lost all those things that you feel are your real identity and your life. I never really got most of it back, but I’ve reached a point where I’m OK with it, where I really do recognize that I’m enough.’
She was given a one per cent chance of making it through alive after she suffered a nine-day bleed on her brain and still ‘needs’ eight hours of sleep a night so she doesn’t have seizures. Because of that her on-screen career has been limited since.
She was born 10 March 1958 5.55pm Meadville Junction, Pennsylvania, into what she has described as ‘a broken family.’ She has a 7th house Pisces Sun and Mercury square a 4th house Saturn in Sagittarius giving her low self-esteem. She said in an interview ‘I grew up believing that taking care of everybody else was what I was supposed to do. ‘It took me a long time to understand that I had a life of my own and that I didn’t have to fix it for everybody else, and that it was OK for me to receive care, for me to be enough as a disabled person. I feel proud of myself and proud of my accomplishments — from surviving to helping others survive.’
Her 5th house Venus in Aquarius opposes Uranus and squares onto a Jupiter, North Node Neptune in Scorpio in her 2nd house – which will have led to a roller coaster emotional life held together by an optimistic streak. Her Jupiter Neptune may be what attracted her to Tibetan Buddhism as she searched for a guru to give her answers and to her activist work for AIDs and African health charities.
Although her 7th house Sun is designed for a close relationship, her Sun/Moon midpoint sits exactly on her Mars in Capricorn, leading her to attract argumentative partners so her liaisons tended to be short-lived.
When she was felled by the stroke in 2001 tr Saturn was conjunct her Midheaven and opposition tr Pluto on her IC – so what should have been the start of a successful phase with tr Saturn at her peak turned into the exact opposite. Her Solar Arc Sun was also conjunct her 8th house South Node in Taurus. What is interesting about that is the effect on her Scorpio North Node which hints that a complete transformation in life is needed – burning bridges and not looking back – before fulfilment comes. It won’t be as dramatic for most individuals with a Scorpio North node but she is certainly a stark example of it as its most extreme.
Her humanitarian 9th harmonic is strongly aspected, as is her rise-and-fall 10H, her seeking-and-searching 7H, and her victim/healer 12H.