The expected retaliation from Iran for the Damascus strike two weeks back came overnight as slow-moving drones were fired on Saturday evening arriving over Israel at 1.42 am on Sunday morning 99% were deflected. The US and UK helped defend Israel but according to reports, Joe Biden has said he will not participate in any Israeli counter-attacks being threatened by Netanyahu which would lead to a catastrophic regional war.
There is not much to add to the previous post of April 2, reprinted below, charts available there. Except to say Netanyahu has never been one to listen to advice. The peak danger period still looks like June/July/August but there are ominous tensions picking up from the 24th of this month through to May 11. It shows up as extremely high risk for Netanyahu as it catches his Mars/Pluto midpoint at 22 Leo. It also will cause a major bust up with Benny Gantz, one of his war cabinet who has generally more sense as tr Uranus starts to square their relationship chart composite Sun Pluto conjunction. Netanyahu’s government chart, 29 December 2022 is also exploding with disagreements then as tr Uranus squares the Saturn – and again more jeopardy come June onwards.
Joe Biden’s personal chart will be rattled during this late month early May period as well as more so across July.
One thought to keep in mind about eclipses is sometimes they trigger events on the following New Moon, in this case on May 8th – and sometimes also much further ahead.
Previous post April 2: In Israel demonstrators are out on the streets demonstrating their anger against Netanyahu and the lack of a deal to free the remaining Hamas hostages. He has just undergone surgery for a hernia. And Israel’s strike against Iran’s consulate in Damascus on Monday, killing Tehran’s top generals in the country, threatens to escalate into a regional war. This was always the fear since the war in Gaza erupted, putting Israel in a conflict with Iranian allied militias.
Iran will now be forced to respond but may hesitate to embark on a direct confrontation.
Several related charts are on high alert with danger-zone, red-flags waving. Netanyahu has a catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto midpoint from late this month to mid May. A nerve-stretched and highly-strung, prone-to-misjudgments June with Neptune Uranus midpoint aspects will be the fore runner to an explosive tr Uranus square his Mars picking up through July and running on and off into mid 2025. His Libra Moon is catching the upcoming April Aries Solar Eclipse so he will be standing on shaky ground politically and finding his image further dented. He will be undermined and failing mid October to February 2025 with tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Mars and Mercury/Saturn midpoints.
Israel, of course, has its 8th house Taurus Sun at 23 degrees catching the disruptive tr Uranus conjunction for the second time this May, repeating New Year to mid March 2025 plus the possibility of more violence in 2025 from tr Uranus square the Mars. This October’s Libra Solar Eclipse will conjunct the 12th house Neptune which does not give much hope for realistic decisions.
The Israel/Iran 1906 relationship chart points to July/August as flash points; as does the Israel/Iran Islamic Republic 1979 relationship chart. The Iran 22 December 1501 chart which worked well against the 2017 earthquake, is also showing high stress June onwards with tr Uranus conjunct the Mars and square the Mars/Pluto midpoint into 2025. The Iran 1 April 1979 chart is catching this Aries Solar Eclipse opposition its Pluto and the September Lunar Eclipse conjunct its Mars Mercury.
All of which will impact on Joe Biden who looks edgy in the extreme on more or less the same timeline. Tr Uranus opposes his Sun/Mars midpoint exactly now. Then hits his Mars/Uranus midpoint late April to mid May; and his disaster-zone Mars/Saturn by July and beyond -all of which have military as well as other associations. Tr Uranus will also oppose his Scorpio Sun picking up in July this year.
ADD ON: Will USA be dragged into the fight? There is a worrisome Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the US Mars exact this July which does have military associations – or can be a setback of a different order. On the US Sibley 5.10pm chart, the Moon at 27 Aquarius catches a conjunction from the SA Mars in August as well as tr Uranus in square which will bring a shock/collision of sorts.
The Iran Islamic Republic April 1979 chart in relation both to Biden and the USA shows July/August as flare-up points. The Iran 1906 and 150 charts in relation to Biden and the USA have a marginally different timeline but also show significant unrest this year.
ADD ON: The Iranian prime minister Ebraham Raisi’s Term chart, 5 August 2021 received a boost over the Israel attack but from the final few days of this month and throughout May there looks to be mounting jeopardy and aggravation, repeating late December to mid March 2025. Ayatollah Khameini’s Leadership chart, 6 August 1989, similarly looks rattled from the 5th of this month into May – with an undermining, indecisive SA Neptune opposition the Sun and a discouraging tr Neptune opposition the Sun/Pluto midpoint trhuogh April and again late in the ear into 2025.
Martha: DST is not observed in Iran. Check out dateandtime.com.
Be Well.
Iran gave them 72hours advance notification.. maybe that is more pertinent.
William Hague, former Foreign Secy UK in The Times today: “The Iranians probably never intended to cause serious damage or casualties, since they gave ample warning of their intentions. Their attack was more of a political statement coupled with military reconnaissance, testing how Israel’s defences would work.”
PS the eclipse Chiron 19 Aries was conjunct the US Chiron which is not well aspected including a Sq to Pluto.
Current Uranus/Jupiter is on Israel’s Sun and opposition Israel’s Chiron, 21 Scorpio in house 1. A real ‘pity party’ but festering wounds tend to blow up before they can start to be resolved.
The eclipse semisextile Jupiter does have a positive feel to it.
The Mercury Retrograde is from 27 Aries to 15 Aries.
Thank you Marjoree.
I wonder what impact the Mercury Retrograde end of April will have, whether it’ll slow things down.
Note the Eclipse conjunct Chiron is square Netanyahu’s Chiron.
Yes his transits are giving rise to misguided and impulsive actions, he sure is a nightmare for Pres Biden.
Today there were Iranian women on the street. “The people of Iran are on your side,” an Iranian woman stated in a speech at a pro-Israel rally.
I think the sentiments expressed in the video above are true of most Iranians who live, especially those who have lived all their lives, outside Iran. I know some Iranians are deeply hostile towards the Islamic Republic government of Iran and who wholeheartedly support Israel.
At the same time, those sentiments are almost certainly not shared by people living in Iran. So one should tread carefully in ascribing those sentiments to all or even most Iranians. I think it is just a subset, specifically the subset living outside Iran, that share these thoughts.
Since last year the feeling I got was the stage was being set for something. Now all I want to ask is have the main characters entered the stage?
1:42 am (local time )- 1:57 am is when the Israeli air force encounter the missels and fought back
Thanks. Will amend the chart.
On this point, Marjorie, would you cast the chart at Tehran (from the place where the attack was launched) or Israel/Jerusalem, (the place that was attacked)?
Don’t know the launch time in Teheran only the landing time in Israel.
Thanks Marjorie. A further ‘episode’ in the shadow war with Iran, or so it seems.
I’ve noticed that the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse, is highlighted by last night’s attack.
Mars 16 Pisces – Homam, zeta Pegasus, 16 Pisces
Venus 10 Aries – Algenib, 9 Pisces
Neptune 28 Pisces – Scheat, 29 Pisces
The widespread symbolism of the white horse is found in a range of myths from various cultures, and in Revelations in the Bible.
Further airbourne symbols are found with the Moon’s South Nodes, 15 Libra – Algorab, 13 Libra in Corvus the Crow or Raven
Pluto 2 Aquarius – Altair, 1 Aquarius in Aquila, the Eagle. This constellation is associated with the United States for symbolic reasons.
At the end of April Mars and Neptune align with Scheat. Saturn, at 16 Pisces, aligns with Homam in Pegasus.
“The Pegasus Syndrome, as exemplified in the legends of Perseus and Bellerophon, is concerned with the innate ability possessed by some people to negotiate difficulties by rising above them, on the one hand, and the danger of overreaching themselves, on the other. Pegasus, by birth, is the child of Medusa and Neptune, symbols of ‘wisdom’ and ’emotion,’ respectively, which shows the dichotomy of his nature.” (Constellations of Words)
Tied up with ‘malefics’, this could lead the native to lose his life in catastrophes, such as floods, shipwreck, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe suicide. On the other hand, it is possible for a positive influence to emanate from Scheat, but only for some people, it can have a positive effect on their mental creativity, if these people are ready to receive such inflow. (Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928)
I’ve been looking at some of these cosmic alliances for a while. Medusa herself, the mother of Pegasus, is also prominent this year, as Algol at 26 Taurus. Both Scheat and Algol have a sinister reputation, but also signify great creativity. There appears to be a choice in how these ancient stories manifest. Let’s hope humanity makes a wise decision for once.
@Jane Also on the line is Alpheratz, the third eye of Andromeda, which is conducive to clear thinking which is what is required to ease the troubled Middle East. This star overlaps Andromeda and Pegasus which in the myth was freed By Perseus who used his shield to turn the sea monster into stone.
Yes, the link between Andromeda and Perseus/Pegasus extends the symbolic story even further! I imagine this kind of connection has happened before, but I’ve been struck by this one appearing in the fixed stars at this particular time.
The airbourne stars themes seemed striking for the drone attack. Perhaps the sea monster reference brings in the attacks on shipping in the Red Sea that have been going on? With Uranus aligning with Algol, and Neptune with Scheat I can’t help feeling we’re supposed to notice the pattern. Hopefully, those themes of Pegasus rising above and Algol generating fierce creativity and inspiration will emerge triumphant.
Here is the Iran Attack rectified chart using Tehran Daylite Time. Notice the Aries Point
at the MC/ICl with Moon in 7th forming a T-square also at the Aries Pt.
Drone launches by Iran were first reported around 09.50 pm (London) or add two hours for Jerusalem. Israel estimated a fly time of around two hours. Sure enough, around midnight (London) film of Israeli air defences dealing with incoming drones was broadcast live.
One thought to keep in mind about eclipses is sometimes they trigger events on the following New Moon, in this case on May 8th – and sometimes also much further ahead.
This is one thing I was wondering about – what is the effect of the eclipse, when is the onset and how much does it last?