Turkey – stamping on the media

The Turkish Government’s repressive policies are escalating with the seizure of the country’s largest newspaper. President Recep Erdogan has been tightening his grip over the years since becoming prime minister in 2003. There has been widespread international criticism of his politicisation of the judiciary as well as moves against a free press. Early economic growth in his time in office has slowed partly due to the global situation but also to his habit of handing out business contracts as favours.

The Turkey country chart, 29 Oct 1923 8.30pm Ankara, has tr Pluto square and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars/Saturn midpoint in the 4th – so a time for the jackboot to be imposed on the populace. Tr Saturn is also exactly square the Pisces MC for the next two months which indicates setbacks, returning later in the year. Tr Uranus will oppose the 4th house Saturn from mid this year which will provoke more internal disruptions; and there’s a financial bubble-bursting Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Jupiter, exact in six months’ time.

The Bank of Turkey chart, 1 January 1932, looks completely trapped and very unsettled through the next two years especially, but over the following two as well.  Tr Pluto will conjunct the BoT Mars in Capricorn this year and next, as tr Uranus squares the Pluto opposition Saturn; and tr Pluto will square Uranus this year as well. So a patch of very rough weather indeed economically.

Both Recep Erdogan’s personal chart and his Presidency chart – 26 Feb 1954, 28 Aug 2014 2pm Ankara – have heavily undermining Neptune influences. His Presidency chart has a cruel/ruthless Mars Saturn conjunction in Scorpio which has closed by Solar Arc to exact now; as has the Solar Arc Sun opposition Neptune – so extreme actions coming out of weakness and panic. Tr Pluto will also square the Uranus on this chart throughout this year  leading to an unstable time.

His personal chart with a Mutable T square of Mars (Moon) in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter square a Pisces Sun Mercury Venus – is being chipped away at the foundations over the next three years by tr Neptune ins hard aspect to those planets.  And tr Saturn opposition the Jupiter now and again in a few months’ time, deflating his confidence.

Weak men take desperate measures.

Jerry Hall & Rupert Murdoch – the odd couple

The unlikely romance between leggy model and Mick Jagger’s ex, Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch, has now become a marriage – as of 12 noon today in London.

The wedding chart has a highly visible Sun on the MC conjunct Neptune opposition a comfortable 4th house Jupiter square a 6th house Saturn. Jupiter Neptune is high finance; Sun Jupiter is expansive and confidence-giving. The focal point Saturn may be a reflection of his age and it does suggest work getting in the way of pleasure. Maybe health issues which would hardly be surprising.

There’s an intense, possessive 7th house Moon Pluto trine Jupiter, sextile Sun MC and square Uranus. So coming across to others as a close, power couple. Though also a relationship that will move through various upheavals.  Mars in the 5th could be high enjoyment though since it squares Mercury might also include arguments with children.

Reprise from earlier post in January:

She was born 2 July 1956 in Texas, no birth time unfortunately. She’s a Sun Cancer trine Mars in Pisces, Moon probably Aries. With a super-confident, flamboyant Jupiter Pluto in Leo in a tough-minded square to Saturn in Scorpio. So quite a feisty lady with her Venus in social butterfly Gemini.

Oddly they do resonate reasonably well together at least in part with her Sun exactly conjunct his 7th house Jupiter and her Venus opposition his Sagittarius Moon.

Though it’ll be argumentative since her Mars is conjunct his Mercury and her Uranus is conjunct his 8th house Mars. And her Sun is conjunct his Pluto and square his Uranus so there could be explosions down the road if it holds through the early stages.  Mars Uranus can provide a magnetic sparkle initially but that then gives way to aggravation.  Though a separated lifestyle could help to overcome that.

Their relationship chart has a power-couple composite Jupiter Pluto trine Venus which suggests both are buoyed up by the prospect of an attention-grabbing adventure.  There’s also a composite Sun Mars maybe square Moon with Sun square Pluto – so very high energy, quite a power struggle for the upper hand. But it might be fun while it lasts.

Madonna – not for letting go

Madonna isn’t giving in over the custody fight for her son Rocco, son of Guy Ritchie. He’s now 15 and has opted to live with his father, having been previously with her in New York and on tour.

Born 16 August 1958 either 7.05 am or pm, Bay City, Michigan, she has a Leo Sun conjunct Uranus square Mars in Taurus and Sun conjunct Pluto on the other side. So fixed, enduring, incredibly stubborn and possessive.

This year tr Neptune is opposing her Virgo Moon and tr Saturn squaring it – so domestic and family problems, causing anxiety, paranoia and a sense of loss.  With tr Pluto trine her 9th house Mars (7.05am) giving rise to protracted and frustrating legal wrangles.

Her relationship with Guy Ritchie always was volatile with a composite Venus Sun Uranus Pluto conjunction – so instant affection, a real spark and passion which when it turned sour made the parting hostile and a real power struggle.

Mind you Guy Ritchie doesn’t look too upbeat either, 10 September 1968, with tr Saturn square his Jupiter through this month till mid April and then square his Sun in the autumn. Plus a ratchety, tension-erupting tr Uranus conjunct his Saturn from late June.

You’d think they could leave the kid to make up his own mind.

Swedish mini-Royals – both Sun Neptune in Pisces

Princess Victoria of Sweden has produced her second child, a boy, called Oscar, at 8.28pm on 2 March 2016 in Stockholm. Estelle, her first child, was born 23 Feb 2012 4.26am.

Both children have Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces, so dreamers, kind and vague.  Though Oscar has his Sun opposition Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn (Moon) in Sagittarius – so he will have a serious side, be a worrier, not always contented.  Moon Saturn does suggest a working mother and he’ll undoubtedly be closer to his father emotionally.

Oscar also has Pluto in the IC square a 7th house Uranus – so the claustrophobic home life of a Royal may not sit too well with him and he’ll opt for more unconventional partnerships when he matures.  He’ll be quite a party animal with a 5th house Venus in Aquarius and keen to earn money with Mars in Scorpio in his 2nd.

Donald Trump University – a no brainer

There are lawsuits pending against Donald Trump for his now defunct Trump University (after early complaints renamed hastily as Trump Entrepreneur Initiative). See url: http://goo.gl/Wa2ARv

His Solar Return for June 2015 does have Pluto in the 9th which can be legal wrangles as well making him more opinionated than usual. What might upset his applecart is tr Uranus square his Saturn in Cancer in late May/June and September which will be a considerable jolt for his future plans and his place out in the wider society.

Plus all the success/confidence and over-confidence influences focus around his 2nd house Jupiter with tr Pluto square and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Jupiter. Pluto Jupiter can certainly bring a tremendous boost but it can prompt individuals to think laws don’t apply to them and backfire badly.

He’s got a fair run of high anxiety/insecure and enfuriating influences which could push him into over-reacting, from early May consistently right through till the election as tr Uranus bounces off several Mars midpoints.

Trump University as it was launched on May 23 2005 has Venus in Gemini opposition Pluto square Mars (conjunct Uranus) – which is seductively persuasive and ruthless. There’s high anxiety on that chart from mid this month onwards; with a major jolt as tr Uranus squares the Saturn in Cancer (exactly same degree as Trump’s) late May into June this year.

Just as a footnote: What Chris Christie was doing supporting Trump is anyone’s guess since they are hardly well matched. CC’s Sun Pluto in Virgo squares Trump’s 10th house Uranus; CC’s Mars in Cancer is conjunct DT’s Mercury; and CC’s Uranus is conjunct DT’s Mars Ascendant. So really at cross purposes. That translates in the relationship chart to an argumentative composite Sun Mars conjunction in an aggravated-dislike square to Saturn

Donald Trump & the GOP – not a match made in heaven

The Republican Party grandees are gradually coming to realise that they may be saddled with Donald Trump as a candidate, a prospect they’d have keeled over laughing cynically about a few months back.

There are two charts for the GOP – 6 July 1854 and 28 February 1854.  On both, The GOP Neptune in Pisces sits in Trump’s 7th house square his 10th house maverick Uranus, so a highly-strung connection with little trust on either side.  The GOP’s Saturn in both charts sits in Trump’s 10th so the Party will try to discipline him and curtail his wilder excesses.

The relationship charts between Trump and both GOP charts has very visible Saturn Pluto markers which tends to indicate a relationship chained together by circumstances which causes resentment. Which sounds about right. And the composite Neptune opposes Pluto Saturn – so doubt, suspicion, paranoia. With the composite Mars highlighted – so angry.

Over the 2017 Inauguration the tr Saturn in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces will hard aspect the composite (Saturn) Pluto opposition Neptune which suggests deep gloom. Though that could be argued either way. They are appalled at the prospect of four years of the Donald; or they blame him for losing the election. Whichever – it looks a very unhappy partnership.

George Nichopoulos – the hand on Elvis’s pulse

George Nichopoulos, the doctor known by some fans as the man who killed Elvis Presley, has died. In the final seven months of Presley’s life, he prescribed more than 10,000 pills in the singer’s name, including sedatives, amphetamines and narcotics. He was later acquitted of being criminally responsible for Presley’s 1977 death. He had been a brother and father figure to Presley and a central figure in his inner circle, trying with little success to get the singer to exercise and to adopt a sensible diet.

Born 29 October 1927 in Ridgway, Pennsylvania, he was an ultra-determined Sun Mars in Scorpio which was trine Elvis’s Pisces Moon (conjunct Saturn).  GN’s Sagittarius Moon fell just below Elvis’s Ascendant, making him seem like a nurturing figure.  Though GN’s Pluto also fell in Elvis’s 8th so he would also be controlling.

That would certainly fit Elvis’s pattern since he natally had an 8th house Pluto opposition Sun. So he’d attract himself to dominating figures, like his manager, Colonel Tom Parker and GN.

The Elvis/GN relationship chart was tumultuous with hints of ruthlessness – Pluto opposition Jupiter Saturn (Moon) square Mars – so there would quite a tussle between them as to who had the upper hand.

Saturn Pluto – masculine, repressive, enforcing the status quo

Stray thoughts on Saturn and Pluto which come together as a conjunction in 2019. But also dominate the US Presidential Election 2016 chart, with each planet sitting on the point of a T Square.

* Two tough, essentially masculine energies.

* Saturn’s great strength in stability and structure is also a weakness when faced with situations demanding flexibility and compromise. Pluto in a slightly different way is also incapable of giving way gracefully. A world view based solely on power sees only the victorious or the oppressed. There can be no quarter given when compromise is seen as a sign of weakness, a lowering of defences as potentially life-threatening.

* Freedom of choice is not a Saturn–Pluto concept, so beliefs that do not fall in line with the established order, come under pressure.

Ireland Election – neck and neck tho’ Kenny upbeat in the aftermath

The result of the Ireland election, still to be finalised, looks like being almost a dead heat between the two main parties with Sinn Fein getting their best ever result in fourth place. Counting won’t finish until tomorrow at the earliest.

Despite acknowledging that the recent coalition will not continue, Enda Kenny, the present leader, 24 April 1951, looks fairly upbeat once the dust settles into March.  He has a catastrophe-ridden tr Uranus square Mars/Pluto now but that disappears by March 14th, by which time (from March 6th) tr Pluto will be in a pushily confident square to his Sun/Jupiter midpoint; with tr Uranus conjunct his Mars/Jupiter from April 2nd which will bring him luck and relief from tension. After mid March also he loses the undermining tr Neptune square Jupiter/Pluto. So there may be extended wrangling.

Micheal Martin, the Opposition leader, has an upbeat tr Pluto square Sun/Jupiter but that disappears after March 5th; by which time he picks up the highly frustrating and enraging tr Pluto opposition Mars/Pluto.

Gerry Adams, the Sinn Fein leader, 6 Oct 1948, looks to be making progress this year with tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Pluto from mid March onwards. He has a few downers; but by 2017 he looks quietly confident and will be gaining ground.

Charles de Gaulle – war leaders’ Neptune Pluto and Mars Jupiter

Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French resistance in World War 11 and a dominant President in the years following, dialogues with Philippe Petain, Nazi-collaborator and head of the Vichy Government, later tried for treason, in a new London play. The Patriotic Traitor.

What is fascinating is De Gaulle’s chart, 22 Nov 1890 4am Lille, France since he had, like Hitler, the emblematic Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini of their generation in the 8th. Winston Churchill also had Neptune and Pluto in the 8th though not conjunct. The 8th house does have a mysterious quality of being able to project an aura and have a profound unseen influence on the masses, especially Pluto. All three war leaders in different ways were able to rouse the citizenry to fight for their country.

De Gaulle also had Mars Jupiter in Aquarius which has a crusading streak in trine to his Neptune Pluto.  Winston Churchill had Mars Jupiter in Libra with Jupiter opposition his Neptune – so equally good at rousing enthusiasm.

De Gaulle’s Scorpio Sun fell in the France 10th conjunct the Fr Mars MC and his Mars Jupiter fell in the France 1st house. Similarly Winston Churchill’s  Air sign Mars Jupiter fell in the UK’s 1st house – so both were crucial to keeping national morale high.

When war broke out De Gaulle’s Solar Arc Pluto Neptune were about to cross his MC into his 10th, with tr Pluto already there – so a time of increasing influence. Tr Uranus was just into his 8th with tr Saturn following behind so the war years were intense, upsetting and life-changing.

Neptune Pluto has a megalomaniac streak which is probably a necessity in war leaders. All three were difficult personalities and De Gaulle was certainly arrogant.

The other with Neptune Pluto in the 8th was King George VI, who although a self-effacing personality, stood rock solid throughout the 1940s.

Petain is less interesting, 24 April 1856 10.30pm Cauchy a La Tour, France, though he had a control/be controlled Sun Pluto in Taurus in his 5th; and a wobbly Saturn in Gemini square Jupiter Neptune in Pisces. He became Head of the Vichy Government on his Uranus Return when he was 84. He was convicted of treason, saved from the death penalty and died in prison aged 95.