Theresa May Government – a moment in destiny and on a see-saw

Theresa May Govt


Theresa May was formally anointed PM by the Queen at 5.44pm today in London.

The Cancer Sun is in the international-finance and hidden 8th, so much focus on foreign investment and haggling over negotiations – with some difficulty and rolling crises since the Sun opposes Pluto in the 2nd, which isn’t too positive for internal economic health squaring onto a 5th house Uranus.  Pluto is however trine Jupiter North Node in the 9th which will help to bring confidence and positive results.

Uranus is further emphasised being also on the focal point of a Yod to a 12th house Mars in Scorpio sextile Jupiter. At best Uranus can be a trail-blazer for radical change – it certainly fits a government that has arrived because of a strange turn of fate and is having to take extraordinary steps to become more independent. But it can also be divisive and disruptive. 5th house is associated with a country’s children, entertainment and speculation.

Saturn in Sagittarius is conjunct the Ascendant which will give a serious, meticulous, rather schoolmasterly/marmy feel to the administration. Neptune in the 3rd hints at either miscommunications or evasiveness or difficult in getting a clear message across; or transport problems. The Jupiter opposition Neptune square Saturn will give a see-saw effect – high expectations and disappointments, uncertainty, confusion, mental strain, ups and downs.

The 11th house Scorpio Moon is not well integrated – only a trine to Neptune, wide square to Venus and sextile to Pluto as well as semi-sextile Saturn – perhaps a fairly disconnected population.

Overall it feels a secretive chart with a hidden Sun and 12th house Mars in vengeful Scorpio.

It’ll get an uplift in 2019 when the Solar Arc Pluto closes the trine to Jupiter to exact.  Though before then, late 2017 looks quite swampy with Solar Arc Saturn square Neptune.  And there may be a few unwelcome surprises with this September’s Solar Eclipse falling opposition Neptune and square Saturn.

It won’t be an easy run in for her. Though she does have tr Pluto trine her Jupiter through till late 2017 as well as a less-than-successful tr Neptune conjunct her Mars. Tr Pluto will also trine Jupiter in this Government chart in 2017/18 – so she’ll keep the ship afloat with a few sinking moments along the way.

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