Birth of a Nation, a movie loosely based on the life of Nat Turner, an African-American, who led a slave rebellion in 1831 in Virginia, was sold for mega millions at Sundance, has won two awards already and goes on release this October. The star and director, Nate Parker, is mired in controversy over a 1999 college allegation against him of raping a drunk, unconscious woman who suicided in 2012. He was found not guilty, having had a relationship with her before and has been supported this week by former classmates upset at “the gross and blatant misinformation campaign” against him.
Nat Turner, 2 Oct 1800, was highly religious and had visions which he believed were God’s message to tell him what to do. In 1831 the February Aquarius Solar Eclipse was a visible from Virginia which he thought showed a black man’s hand moving across the Sun; shortly after the August 1831 Leo Solar Eclipse which showed up blue-green, he started his revolt against slavery, gathering together slaves and free blacks, armed initially with farm implements and later with horses and guns, which resulted in the deaths of around 60 white people; and in retaliation more than 200 blacks were killed by white militias and mobs. Turner was eventually captured and hanged. Legislation, at the time and subsequently, denied free blacks trial by jury, or education, withdrew their right to bear arms, and to vote.
Nat Turner was a Sun Libra; with a Fixed T Square of Neptune in Scorpio opposing Mars in Taurus (conjunct Algol) square Saturn in Leo – certainly angry, wanting respect with Saturn in Leo; and with executive ability with a focal point Saturn. He also had a Yod of Jupiter in Leo sextile Uranus (Mercury) inconjunct Pluto, which would make him intense, given to extreme views, an obsessive seeker after new ways of organizing society, with a tendency to undermine authority.
When he launched the rebellion he was just passed his First Saturn Return which is always a significant turning point; with the Feb 1831 Solar Eclipse in Aquarius opposition Saturn in Leo triggering his angry and ambitious Fixed T Square; with a challenging tr Pluto opposition his Sun; and a discouraging tr Saturn conjunct Solar Arc Jupiter (on one leg of the Yod). The second Leo Solar Eclipse that year in August was square his Neptune, with the tr Node about to conjunct his Saturn. So it would trigger his mission to change the world.
Nate Parker, 18 Nov 1979 Norfolk, Virginia, a former college wrestler and major in management science and information systems, is a super-determined and rebellious Sun Uranus Mercury (and Moon) in Scorpio square Mars in Leo. His Sun opposes Algol and his Mars is conjunct Regulus. Not a small personality and he clearly identifies with Turner.
When the alleged rape happened in Aug 1999, tr Pluto was square his Jupiter and tr Mars in Scorpio was square his Mars – so a hyper and over-confident time.
He’s got the tr Neptune square tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Mars/Saturn midpoint at the moment and through into 2017 which will induce depression and concern. But he’s also got a couple of strong tr Pluto aspects to Jupiter midpoints and his Solar Arc Jupiter, so he’ll pick up and push on. He’s married now with five daughters.
Whatever his misdemeanours (or not as the case may be) the Birth of a Nation is a forgotten piece of the American story that deserves a telling. The Daily Beast has a useful piece: goo.gl/idQuZY