Melania Trump, born 26 April 1970 in Slovenia (old Yugoslavia), is incredibly different from her husband Donald. He’s Air Fire and very Mutable – so like a hot air balloon and scattered. She very earthy and fixed – with a Sun Saturn in Taurus and Sun opposition Jupiter in Scorpio, with Mercury Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Virgo and a Capricorn Moon – a good business head probably, better than her husband’s. Her Venus in Taurus will suit her for her chosen career of jewellery design, especially since it is conjunct a lively Mars and opposition a showbizzy Neptune. Her Sun is on the focal point of a Yod, inconjunct Uranus and Neptune – so she’s highly strung and ambivalent about promoting herself, too much at times and too little at other, never feels she fits in.
Her Mercury Venus Mars are conjunct his Midheaven, so it’s a good career match and she’d be attracted to his status. Her Uranus is conjunct his Neptune so she’ll be more innovative about money and irritated by his vagueness/slipperiness on the topic.
Their relationship chart isn’t awash with affection – a superficially sociable Venus trine Jupiter and maybe Venus opposition Moon; and a controlling composite Sun square Pluto. There is considerable pressure on their relationship in 2016/17 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars, so stressful and argumentative. Though relief in September/early October with tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter. And some gloom over the election with tr Saturn opposition the composite Saturn – that could be ‘a get-serious we’re in’ hint; or ‘a curses we lost’.
There’s nothing much on her chart which is helpful around election time, certainly high anxiety and tension in December; and some downers by 2018. She seems quite happy to stay in seclusion so a First Lady role would probably give her a panic attack.