David & Victoria Beckham – money doesn’t solve all problems

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David and Victoria Beckham have built up a brand through his football and her fashion-related businesses, estimated worth half a billion pounds last year. Reports are that they are buying a Cotswold country home, an area popular with celebrities like Kate Moss, Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet, Lily Allen, Michael McIntyre, Jeremy Clarkson and David Cameron.

Although her fashion business with a good turnover still appeared to have made a loss and was kept afloat by a loan from himself. Their spokesman denied there was a problem and said it was in effect merely an accounting matter. Her company was recently given a formal notice of compulsory strike-off by Companies House, having failed to file its annual accounts on time for the third year running.

David, born 2 May 1976 6.17am London, does look unsettled with tr Uranus moving to square his MC from May this year and square his Capricorn Moon in 2018, so considering a change of direction. Tr Saturn exactly now is heading into his 8th also suggests a two year phase ahead of financial reorganisation; and feeling less emotionally supported. 2018/19 do look difficult with the panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars in Pisces and Solar Arc Moon square his 7th house Neptune; plus Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Neptune so a disappointing time emotionally as well as confusing about future plans.

Victoria, 17 April 1974 10.07am? Hereford, England, will be unsettled domestically and career-wise in 2017 into 2018 with tr Uranus opposition her 4th house Uranus and conjunct her Aries Sun – so major changes; feeling less popular publicly and in her career with tr Neptune conjunct her 10th house Venus; and then tr Saturn opposition her 12th house Mars Saturn late in 2017; with a sagging, lack lustre Solar Arc Sun opposition her Neptune in 2018.

Their relationship always was going to hit its most turbulent patch when tr Uranus moved into Taurus in 2018 moving in conjunction across the composite Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars until 2020.

They’ve survived through a good deal together but there do look to be relationship stresses and strains ahead.

Alexandra Shulman & Anna Wintour – fashionable Scorpios

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Alexandra Shulman, Editor of Vogue UK, has resigned after 25 years at the helm, giving rise to speculation that her frosty relationship with the icy Anna Wintour of Vogue USA might be a factor. Though other top management changes and a changing market in print magazines may also have swung her decision.

Both ladies are determined Scorpios. Alexandra Shulman, 13 Nov 1957, is a Mars Neptune and North Node in Scorpio with Sun at a later degree; while Anna Wintour, 3 Nov 1949, is a Sun Scorpio conjunct AS’s Mars which is not a great co-operative combo. AW’s Mars is also conjunct AS’s Pluto which is worse – underlying hostility and competition.

Alexandra Shulman, who recently penned two novels, looks uncertain this year but getting back into her stride in 2018/19 with tr Pluto sextile her Sun and square her Jupiter. Anna Wintour looks less enthusiastic ahead with a foot-slogging tr Pluto trine her Saturn this year; and tr Neptune square her Saturn in 2018/19.

Nicola Sturgeon – losing her shine

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Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister, is under increasing pressure with a political deadlock over the Scottish budget and serious problems in locally-run health, education and the police. Plus latest figures which show Scottish trade with the UK is four times greater than with the EU  blow a hole in plans for an independent Scotland in Europe.

Her latest term chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am, always did look wobbly with an over-hopeful Neptune opposition Jupiter square an argumentative and restrictive Mars Saturn. Tr Neptune is moving to oppose Jupiter and square Saturn from April onwards till late 2018 which is a downhill slide, with high hopes being dashed. If the budget is not agreed then a snap election may have to be called.

On her own personal chart, she has tr Saturn moving through the lowest point of her 1st quadrant which is always a time of banana-skins and disappointments, not ego or ambition-supportive. The February Pisces Eclipse will oppose her 10th house Venus which will dent her popularity and make her feel unloved.

Martin Schulz – EU zealot battling with Merkel



Martin Schulz, a German MEP and former President of the European Parliament, an EU hardliner, buddies with Jean-Claude Juncker and pro-more integration is gearing up to challenge Angela Merkel in September’s Election. (Previous post July 8 2016.)

Born 20 Dec 1955, Schulz is a Sun Sagittarius, like Juncker and both have Saturn in obsessive Scorpio. Schulz, if anything, is more intransigent than Juncker since his Sun is trine a powerfully confident Pluto Jupiter, which latter is also square Saturn; and he has vengeful Mars in Scorpio as well.

Schulz’s relationship chart with the EU is locked-together, over-confident and veering towards the fanatical with a composite Saturn square Pluto, Sun square Jupiter and Uranus opposition Venus square Neptune. Tr Saturn is conjunct his Sun in March/April and again in November; and tr Uranus squares his Venus in Capricorn in May and November this year – so it won’t be a heartening or smooth run through campaigning.

On 24 September 2017 for the German election he has an uncertain and confusing tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn; with tr Pluto exactly conjunct his Solar Arc Mars which is totally blocked. So (without a time) it doesn’t look too hopeful for him.

His relationship with Merkel is high-tension through 2017; and with his Sun conjunct her 1st house Mars he’ll bring out hr competitive spirit.

Barbra Streisand – an enduring communicator



The multi-talented Barbra Streisand, 65 years into a singing career that shows no sign of losing its glitter, was born 24 April 1942 5.08am New York. Her father died when she was one years old and her mother struggled to bring up the family in poverty.

She’s got a stalwart Taurus Sun Mercury (rules the throat) square an intense Moon Pluto in Leo in the performing 5th house; with Saturn and Uranus also in Taurus – so a very Fixed chart, enduring, stubborn, dislikes change. She’s also got four Mutable planets – Venus in Pisces in the 12th widely opposition Neptune and North Node in Virgo square Jupiter and Mars in Gemini in her 3rd. So she’ll certainly be a good communicator and outspoken with Mars in her 3rd. Worth noting: a surprising number of people who lose a father early have Sun Pluto hard aspects which simplistically is the controlling, dominating father but in this instance is the father outwith control.

She’s always been a Democrat, appearing on Nixon’s Enemies list. At present she seems to be working on a film adaptation of the musical Gypsy and preparing to direct a film on Catherine the Great of Russia.

Exact at the moment is her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her 5th house Moon, so that will key into the women’s movement of rebellion against Trump. Though Solar Arc Saturn follows hard on its heels to conjunct her Moon late this year which will be a downer. Tr Saturn is aiming to hit her midheaven by 2018 and staying in her upper quadrant for seven years thereafter which is usually hard-working, responsible and high profile. Jupiter through her 7th this year will find her being more outgoing and meeting an enthusiastic response. But it still looks an edgy, undermining and enraging year with tr Pluto trine her Sun/Uranus midpoint; and tr Neptune square her Mars/Saturn and Mars/Uranus as well as tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Pluto.

2018 will do her popularity the world of good with her Solar Arc MC conjunct her Venus. Tr Uranus is gearing up to oppose her Pluto and conjunct her Sun in 2019/2020 which will either turn her life upside down or see her in full revolutionary gear. Maybe both.

Ewan MacGregor & Piers Morgan – two Aries in mortal combat

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Scottish actor Ewan MacGregor doing the publicity rounds for the latest Trainspotting movie has fallen foul of Piers Morgan by refusing to be interviewed by him on television because of Morgan’s blast against Madonna’s performance at the Women’s March.

McGregor born 31 March 1971 8.10pm Perth, Scotland and Morgan, 30 March 1965, are both Sun Aries which is always a recipe for a head-on collision, even if it didn’t happen on screen. MacGregor has his Sun opposition Uranus square Mars in Capricorn, so is not exactly retiring; and Morgan has the excitably pugnacious Mars Uranus Pluto in Virgo – so they’re fairly well matched as opponents. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Saturn which is defensive and chilly with the composite Mars quincunx Sun and composite Mercury quincunx Uranus – crossed lines in several directions.

MacGregor is coming out of a low-ish profile phase of his career which has never quite matched up to earlier expectations, despite Star Wars and awards for Moulin Rouge and Salmond Fishing in Yemen.  He does have tr Jupiter through his 1st this year which will raise his confidence and profile, and into 2018 boost his finances. But he looks in for a fairly tough stretch ahead with tr Pluto trine his 8th house Saturn in 2018/19.

Piers Morgan, who has hitched his wagon very clearly to his friend Donald Trump’s rising star, looks in for a debilitating 2017/18 with tr Neptune conjunct his Saturn and opposition Mars Uranus mid Feb to early March, and mid October to Jan 2018; as well as opposition his Pluto in 2017/18. There may be other reasons for his slump but it doesn’t look too impressive for the two years ahead.

The Clintons – mourning a calamitous defeat

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The Clintons, according to reports, are analysing what went wrong in the election and sorting out their plans for backseat involvement in the Democratic Party in the time ahead, having giving up any thought of standing for public office again.

While Hillary has an upbeat patch in September/October 2017, on the whole she’s facing a confusing and discouraging year, taking time to recover from a poleaxing failure. If her birth time of 8am is sound then tr Saturn is moving through the lowest point of her first quadrant for three years ahead which is usually a sinker for ego and ambitions. And Jupiter will be going through her 12th from later this year for 12 months which tends to be introspective. She’ll bounce more enthusiastically in 2018 when tr Jupiter crosses her Ascendant. Tr Uranus into her 6th from mid 2017 for  several years thereafter suggests a change of career and perhaps a few health issues. By 2018 she has tr Uranus opposition her Sun which will pose her some difficult questions, since with such a fixed chart, she finds shifting gear exceptionally hard.

Bill Clinton looks more resilient through 2017 with tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter and trine his Leo Sun; and tr Pluto trine his confident Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. But he’ll still have his down moments, losses and lack of a clear direction, with tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint and opposition his Solar Arc MC; with patches of confusion and fury as well. What he can look forward to is his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Jupiter in 2020 which is a definite high; with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in 2019/2020. So assuming his health holds up, he’ll be all systems-go for the next election.

Chelsea Clinton who shares a Scorpio Ascendant with her mother is in a similarly low profile phase, sorting out her ambitions for the years ahead in private. She’ll emerge from her low profile Saturn career phase in 2022 and then it’s all ahead for her, with her peak in her fifties and sixties. She’s ambitious and lucky with Mars Jupiter in her 10th and will become more and more respected the older she gets.

She’s not having her best year in 2017 with home and financial worries, some depression, aggravation and setbacks. The February Pisces Eclipse is closely conjunct her 4th house Sun so some kind of domestic or family crisis requiring action, which will require her to rethink her roots and the foundation of her life. Like Hillary she’ll be more outgoing and confident come 2018 with tr Jupiter crossing her Ascendant.

Qatar, UAE, Kuwait & Bahrain – late decade will bring trouble to the Gulf

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Qatar, tiny but energy-rich and one of the wealthiest Arab countries in the world, has a major stake in Europe in property and businesses. It has been feeling the pinch with the oil price drops recently but is diversifying into infrastructure projects and cutting back on cultural and World Cup 2022 costs. It is an absolute monarchy under Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani who is close to the Muslim Brotherhood and is run under Sharia Law which allows flogging and stoning; with severe restrictions on freedom of speech and faces criticism for its ill-treatment of migrant workers.

The Emir was born 3 June 1980 and has 9 children by three wives. He’s a Sun Gemini trine Pluto, square Mars Saturn in Virgo, so fairly tough. He looks less than confident through this year with tr Neptune opposing his Mars mid Feb to mid March, and again late in 2017; and square his Sun till early 2018. Then he moves into two really challenging and discouraging years until 2020 with tr Pluto trine his Saturn.

His Reign chart, 25 June 2013 8am Doha, looks very upbeat in 2017 with Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct the Sun; though there will be disruptions and upheavals, emotional shocks, from late this March from tr Uranus square Mercury Venus and in 2018 square the Moon. The really tough years look like being 2019 to 2022 with tr Neptune square the Mars, and Solar Arc Sun opposing Pluto and square Uranus. That fits with his personal chart which has fairly cataclysmic Solar Arcs in 2020 of Solar Arc Mars conjunct Pluto; and Solar Arc Uranus opposition Venus.

The country chart, 1 September 1971 12 am, isn’t showing much apart from an image-denting tr Neptune square Ascendant this year; a forced change of direction in 2018. But it does have tr Pluto moving through the 8th for many years ahead which will be very stuck financially and in other ways.

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven absolute monarchies which came together on 2 December 1971 and is now under the presidency of Sheikh Khalifa, born 25 January 1945, who took over on 3 November 2004. Human Rights organisations complain of restrictions on freedom of speech, treatment of migrant workers and disappearance/imprisonment of activists. The UAE is fairly contradictory in its approach since it is traditionally conservative, but likes to look liberal to attract rich westerners and tourists. It is expected to lead economic growth in the Arabian Gulf this year.

The UAE chart has a Sagittarius Sun conjunct Jupiter on one side and Neptune on the other, square Mars in Pisces which tr Neptune is slowly wending its way round in hard aspect, till late 2018 which suggests none-too-solid foundations. Neptune can create bubbles of false happiness, especially financial, which then deflate in a hurry.

Both Sheik Khalifa’s personal chart and his Presidency chart indicate significant and disruptive changes with major upheavals and setbacks between 2019 and 2022.

Clearly the turn of the decade and just before with the recession/war-prone Saturn Pluto in Capricorn won’t leave the autocracies of the Gulf unscathed.

Kuwait is a semi-parliamentary democracy though the Emir can and frequently does dissolve the legislature, and appoints the prime minister. It became independent on 19 June 1961 and the present Emir, now 87 years old, took over on 29 Jan 2006. Like other Arab states it is having to introduce austerity cutbacks and promote non-oil business to combat the price fall. On the Kuwait country chart, this year looks edgy and marginally discouraging; with 2018 much more unsettled and disruptive with a rebellious population. Real trouble spans the years 2019 to 2021 as for Qatar and the UAE above. With a Solar Arc Sun conjunct Uranus and following that conjunct Mars, which looks angry and highly insecure as well as explosive.

The Emir of Kuwait’s reign chart, looks in for a shock this year with the Solar Arc Sun square Mars; and a trapped, frustrating 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine Mars; with 2019 also having the destabilising Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus.

Bahrain, the smallest of the Gulf states, is heavily dependent on Saudi Arabia politically and economically and as Saudi’s growth declines towards recession, it’ll impact heavily on Bahrain, already struggling against junk status and internal unrest. There has been a marked deterioration in human rights since 2016 with opposition leaders and activists harassed and prosecuted. Authorities have not held officials accountable for the mistreatment and torture of detainees, continue to arbitrarily strip citizenship from Bahrainis who have been critical of the government, and subject civil society actors to arbitrary travel bans. One commentator said: ‘The country is sinking into a self-harming cycle of political repression leading to ever deeper economic woes, and there seems to be no impetus for a change of course among the leaders.’ It is a constitutional monarchy, under the rule of the Al Khalifa family since the late 18th Century. It became independent on 14 Aug 1971 and the present Emir took over on 14 Feb 2002.

The Emir of Bahrain’s reign chart is scarily blocked through 2017/18 with tr Pluto square Mars; and even more undermined in 2018 with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Sun in 2018; and facing a considerable upheaval by 2020 as tr Pluto is sextile the Uranus and tr Uranus square Neptune.

The Bahrain chart indicates a protracted period of high risk, escalating tension, fanaticism and upset between 2020 and 2023. So all of the Gulf charts look to be in the eye of one storm at least at this decade closes and a new ones opens, right through the Saturn Pluto and then Jupiter conjunction.

Theresa May trying to reboot the special relationship with USA

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The UK doesn’t know whether to cheer or scream as PM Theresa May in her desperate search for new trade allies post-Brexit bags an early slot in Donald Trump’s visiting dignitary calendar for late this coming week. Politics was always going to win over principle when it comes to economic survival; and from Trump’s point of view the UK offers the unique and glittering prize of a Royal visit.

Oddly enough, Theresa May, for all her schoolmarmy prudery, does appear to blend reasonably well with Trump. Their relationship chart has an exuberant composite Mars trine Jupiter, sextile Venus; with Venus conjunct Sun – so enough friendly positives to outweigh the risks of the composite Sun Mercury Pluto which will turn into a tug of war for the upper hand at points.

TM’s Jupiter in Virgo squares DT’s Sun Uranus opposition Moon and her Sun in Libra is conjunct his Neptune Jupiter, both of which will smooth round rough edges. What may cause some aggro is her rigid Pluto on his Mars Ascendant though her Venus is close by, so maybe she’ll turn on the charm; and could even offer him the opportunity to soften/transform his belligerent approach.

TM’s Saturn in Scorpio sits on his IC as does HM Queen’s Saturn MC, so both will tap into his sense of his roots with a Scottish mother; and indeed German grandmother, both of who were strong women.

His relationship chart with the Queen needless to say isn’t great with a composite Sun opposition Mars, sextile/trine Pluto and trine/sextile Saturn – so rigid, a necessity borne through gritted teeth. That relationship does look ruffled through this year with tr Uranus square Pluto and tr Pluto square the Moon, but HM will no doubt sail on as she does with tricky State visits with icy courtesy. And his Gemini Sun, like Prince Philip’s falls in her 5th which may help.

Prince Charles who is ramping up his climate change campaigning won’t be so enamoured, with DT’s Mars square his Scorpio Sun. Their composite has a smidgeon of friendliness from a Sun Venus conjunction; but also an explosive Grand Trine of Uranus Mars trine Moon, so more fireworks there.