Sadiq Khan – a serious player

Sadiq Khan has won the London Mayoral election to replace Boris Johnson. Born 8 October 1970, he’s a former solicitor, a Labour MP since 2005, member of Gordon Brown’s Cabinet and Ed Miliband’s and he’ll be London’s first Muslim mayor. He’s a centre left social democrat and voted for same-sex marriage, though he was criticised for sharing platforms in the past with radical muslims. There was a hotch up in voting in certain districts and murmurs about legal complaints if it came to a close vote. But his win looks fairly substantial.

He’s a Sun Uranus Mercury in Libra square a Capricorn Moon so a hard working and freethinking Libra.  But he’s also got a formidable Saturn in Taurus opposition Venus Neptune in Scorpio which is trine/sextile a do-or-die-determined Mars Pluto in Virgo. There’s certainly steel in his backbone. He may also have an Earth Grand Trine of Mars Pluto trine Saturn trine Moon; focussed onto Venus Neptune – so he’ll come across as charming but with a fairly hefty undertow of ruthless persistence behind it.

He doesn’t look that chirpy from May 8th for three weeks with tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn which looks like quite a setback and risky as well as aggravating. But he’ll be bouncing from late June and across the summer. PS. On second thoughts if he was born early morning then he’s already survived that trial by fire. It was around over the election run up and is lifting from now onwards, though it will return in Nov and Feb 2017.

Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative candidate, was born 20 Jan 1975 and ran a fairly inept campaign. He’s a Sun Capricorn/Aquarius square Uranus; with a head-in-the-clouds Jupiter square Neptune; and Jupiter trine Saturn. He looks edgy this month until the 28th when he cheers up considerably and will be given a lift from tr Pluto sextile Jupiter through June to mid July and off and on till late 2017. So whatever happens he won’t be too devastated.

Bernie Sanders – fireworks through May into June

Bernie Sanders has tr Uranus opposing his Venus in Libra from May 8th to 27th at the same time as tr Uranus square his Sun/Saturn midpoint and Sun/Uranus – all of which look nervy, tense, upsetting. Then tr Uranus moves on to conjunct his Mars from late May till late June which can be insecure, tending to over-react to prove a point, bad tempered. Though Uranus transits can be a wild card and his Lunar Return for May looks good; June less so.

He’s lost the lucky/successful tr Uranus sextile Jupiter which was around up to late March.

His bid chart isn’t any help though the time of 12.10 am may be off. When Ted Cruz withdrew tr Neptune was opposing his Bid MC which makes sense.

Maybe he’s hanging on to see if Hillary gets nailed by the FBI.

Ireland – new government on the Earth Grand Trine

Enda Kenny has cobbled together a government finally 70 days after the election. It’ll be a minority government and he was sworn in at 14.22 this afternoon 6 May 2016.

That gives a 9th house New Moon, Venus and Mercury in Taurus which suggests a focus on international matters, education and communication.  It has the commercially confident, practical and lucky Earth Grand Trine of New Moon trine a 1st house Jupiter in Virgo on the Ascendant trine a 5th house Pluto.  So far so great.

But that forms into a Kite with the Jupiter opposition Neptune on the Descendant – which suggests a lack of commitment towards partnership agreements.  The Jupiter opposition Neptune can also be deluded when it comes to high finance and since that squares onto a 4th house Saturn Mars in Sagittarius – it points to an unhappy, grumbling and exasperated population.

The grandstanding 5th house Pluto squares a financially-wobbly 8th house Uranus.

This year the tr Neptune opposition Jupiter square Saturn will run backwards and forwards over the exact aspects causing some anxiety.  From spring 2017 tr Neptune closes the opposition to Jupiter to exact so I’d expect some economic disappointments then.

Al-Sisis’s Egypt – a media revolt

General Al-Sisi’s government is facing ‘the toughest challenge of his leadership as journalists joined unprecedented protests against a crackdown on human rights.’ (Times). Mass demonstrations are prompting calls for a national strike, regarded as an act of terrorism in Egypt.

His Presidency chart, 8 June 2014 11.18am, has the revolving crises Cardinal Grand Cross of Pluto opposition Jupiter square Uranus opposition Moon Mars. Mars Jupiter Pluto is ruthless and pushily confident; Mars Uranus is explosive.

As the planets in the Grand Cross move by transit or Solar Arc to close aspects to exact there will be clashes. Tr Pluto is moving to square the Presidency Moon in June which will inflame popular feeling; with a destabilising tr Pluto square Uranus thereafter.

Solar Arc Pluto will square the Uranus which is possibly the most unsettled aspect by this time next year.

There’s also a Yod in the Presidency chart of Sun sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn which is also shifting around at the moment and in 2017 to bring the aspects to exact, which will heighten the sense of strain.

But he’s pretty unbudgeable with a Scorpio Sun Venus (Saturn Mercury) on the focal point of a Fixed T square to a Mars in Aquarius opposition Pluto. So the possibility of any flexibility is very remote indeed.

Fort McMurray – a disastrous wipeout

The catastrophic fire which has forced the evacuation of nearly 90,000 residents from Fort McMurray in Canada is expected to destroy most of the town.

Fort McMurray is an oil town in Alberta which has grown rapidly from a village when it was first incorporated on 6 May 1947 to a city.

The 1947 chart has a wide Fire Grand Trine (depending on start time), as befits an entrepreneurial place, of Saturn Pluto in Leo trine a Sagittarius Moon trine Venus (Mars) in Aries, formed into a Kite by Venus opposition Neptune. That focal point and driving planet Neptune is being seriously hampered and under great distress from a Solar Arc Saturn conjunction at the moment. Tr Uranus is square the Solar Arc Sun; and the Solar Arc Moon may be opposition Saturn or Pluto or the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. So all devastating and bleak.

On midpoints tr Neptune is opposing the Mars/Saturn midpoint pointing to extensive losses; and tr Pluto will soon be square the Venus/Mars midpoint indicating great anguish.

There doesn’t seem to be huge loss of life but the way ahead will be filled with aggravation since tr Pluto will square the FM Mars in 2017/18 which is hugely frustrating. What will be helpful is tr Pluto trine the Sun this year and moving by 2020 to sextile the Jupiter in Scorpio which should see it commercially viable once more.

Donald Trump – the impossible just got real

It’s certainly an epoch for rank outsiders to sail home as winners. Last July Donald Trump was given a 1% chance of getting the Republican nomination and here we are – the unthinkable has to be thought.

The Daily Beast (admittedly biased) said he acted like a loser after the Indiana win, which cemented him as the GOP nominee, was announced. Even he didn’t expect to win when he set out and the question is – does he actually want it? He liked fighting as the outsider but having to act like a grown-up insider may be less palatable.

May was always the month when it would start to get more edgy and erratic for him. He has tr Uranus square his Mars/Uranus midpoint from May 8th to 28th; and then tr Uranus square his Saturn and Mars/North node from then till June 24th; after which he has tr Uranus square Sun/Mars and Venus/Saturn till early September. Then these influences reverse till late October. All of them are high-tension, irritable, stressful and insecure, prone to outbursts and impulse decisions and comments.

I was wondering on the off chance he won in November whether it would be like JFK who never expected to win and ended up in a panic since he’d been so busy fighting he hadn’t given running a government much thought.  But JFK’s Solar Return for that year has Jupiter in the 10th, generally a success marker.

Trumps’ Solar Return from this June is riddled with strained quincunxes and Yods – with Uranus MC sextile Sun Venus inconjunct a 4th house Mars; and a wide Yod of Mars sextile North Node inconjunct Uranus MC.  Plus Pluto in the 6th house of health. So the pressure will be getting to him.

On the other hand he does have his Solar Arc Sun crossing his Ascendant boosting his profile enormously from now onwards; with tr Pluto square the conjunction of his Solar Arc Pluto to Jupiter right through till the Inauguration and beyond. Plus his Solar Arc Uranus squaring his Midheaven.  So the astrology is clear that his life is changing direction radically no matter what happens.

The fight with Hillary Clinton, presuming she continues to garner votes, will be nasty.  Their relationship chart has an eye-boggling composite Mars conjunct Sun on one side and Pluto on the other with Pluto conjunct Saturn – and that is bitter hostility. With a composite Moon (HC on 8am BT) opposition Saturn Pluto square Jupiter which is bleak chill and a fight for the upper hand.

HC’s Uranus is conjunct his Sun; and her determined Mars Pluto in Leo is conjunct his 12th house Pluto – so it’ll get underhand.

He’ll be an inflammatory runner (already has been) given that his Gemini Sun is conjunct the USA 1776 Mars; his Saturn in Cancer is conjunct the USA Mercury and opposition the USA Pluto so causing gloom and resentment. His Neptune squares the USA Venus Jupiter – promising much but slippery. That added to his Jupiter conjunct the USA Saturn square USA Sun – fills out a picture of a candidate who is selling the hope of making America great again.

The Trump/USA relationship chart has a powerful and controlling composite Sun trine Pluto but sextiling onto Saturn hints at a less than rapturous match. The composite Moon (USA 11am) opposes Mars – so angry women which makes sense given his contemptuous and demeaning comments to date which are only likely to worsen when he faces Hillary as his main rival.

Trump’s adviser has suggested that UK PM David Cameron apologise for calling him ‘divisive, stupid and wrong’ last December. That relationship is, if anything, worse than Hillary’s with Trump. A composite Mars Pluto conjunct Sun all square Saturn – is implacable dislike. There would be a sugar-coating of faux-charm from a composite Venus Mercury Jupiter but it wouldn’t extend very far.

Leicester Football Club – a Seabiscuit of a success

Well they’ve done it. To the hysteria of football fans across the UK, Leicester Football Club have become Premier League champions, the first major title in their 132 year history. When they started the season the odds of them winning were 5000-1 against.

This post from Feb 2016: Leicester City Football Club (I am informed) has shot from obscurity into the top of the English Premiership. This happy change of fate may or may not having something to do with moving to new grounds or the even better karma of King Richard 111’s remains being dug up recently in a car park nearby.

It was founded on 1 November 1884 making it Scorpio with an Aries Moon; and a Mutable T Square of Mars opposition Pluto (= much frustration) square Jupiter in Virgo ( = when focussed, finding success).

At the moment the Jupiter has moved by Solar Arc to pick up the lucky-break tr Uranus square last year and the multo-success tr Pluto conjunct Solar Arc Jupiter, this last extending through 2016 as well.  Plus in 2016/17 tr Pluto  will oppose the pushily confident Jupiter/Pluto midpoint which tr Uranus has been squaring last year; and the Mars/Jupiter midpoint is also well placed to get a boost in 2016/17/18.

What is spooky is that Richard 111, born 2 Oct 1452 9.02am Framlingham, Eng, has his Midheaven conjunct the FC Jupiter – which could suggest he brings good luck for them. Though given his reputation it sounds like a pact with the devil. They will run into problems by 2019 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct their Sun.

*  *  *

Claudio Ranieri, 20 October 1951, Rome Italy, their manager, is credited with their amazing turnaround. He’s a Sun Neptune Saturn in Libra, amazingly enough the same as King Richard 111. His Mars in Virgo is conjunct the LFC focal point Jupiter which would inject energy into their enthusiasm. Both he and the LFC have Venus in Virgo so hard workers; and both have Mercury in Scorpio as indeed did King Richard.  The relationship chart between Ranieri and the LFC has a high-energy Jupiter trine Mars, sextiling onto Uranus Saturn in Leo – so good for breaking new ground.  All a happy coincidence of serendipity.

BBC independence being threatened

There’s yet another rumpus about possible political meddling in the BBC – in the scheduling of programmes as well as governance, with a white paper on the BBC Charter due this month. Even the revered Sir David Attenborough has voiced fears about tampering with the UK’s national treasure.

The BBC, 14 Nov 1922 6pm London, is in an edgy year with tr Neptune moving through its 10th conjunct Uranus on and off till January 2017 which is highly strung and could well lead to inflated fears about loss of freedom. Plus tr Saturn is back for another square to that Uranus in August with tensions surfacing.

Plus tr Pluto is square the 5th house Saturn till early this December which is discouraging; and Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct that Saturn this year.  So stuck every which way.

And the thoroughly awkward September Virgo Solar Eclipse which is opposition Neptune square Saturn Mars in Sagittarius will rattle that 10th house Uranus in a major way. So there could well be a sense of having their wings clipped every which way.

Tr Pluto is also poised to move into their 8th house from later this year till 2025 which could be major financial headaches and restrictions.

All is not lost however, later in 2017 the Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct the BBC Mars for a real injection of enthusiasm and a morale boost.

The BBC have been involved in political wrangles of one sort or another ever since I can remember. They are tough. They’ll survive. If they run short of money they can always delete another layer of management which is still far too top heavy.

Jonathan Cainer – an exuberant Sagittarius

Jonathan Cainer, the astrologer has died suddenly of a heart attack, the second attack within a year. He was best known in the UK for his Daily Mail columns and radio and TV appearances, but his columns also went right round the world to an estimated 12 million readers who loved his whimsical style of philosophising.

Born 18 Dec 1957 8am in London he had a powerfully and successfully placed Jupiter in Libra on his midheaven which was on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine to a Sagittarius Sun on his Ascendant trine Pluto. His Pluto was also in an ultra-determined square to Mars in Scorpio with Moon also in Scorpio.

He also had spiritual, creative Neptune in his 10th on the focal point of a T square to a 2nd house Venus in Aquarius opposition an 8th house Uranus – so he would have insight into what lay beyond reality from an 8th house Uranus and the ability to turn his Neptunian talents into financially beneficial results.

He had a strong, though stressed, get-it-together 5th Harmonic; an enthusiastic and risk-taking 9th Harmonic; and a notable ‘actor’s’ 15H.

What was on his chart at the moment shows little indication of illness, except for the March Solar Eclipse being square his 12th house Saturn. Indeed his Solar Arc Jupiter was within 8 minutes of a degree (less than a tenth of a degree) conjunct his Sun, having just crossed his Ascendant, which would normally indicate a major boost.

His Progressed Moon was in his 1st inconjunct his Uranus, but that’s mild enough.

On midpoints tr Neptune was square his Sun/Mars midpoint which can bring illness or weakness, but again not a startling influence. Tr Pluto had been squaring his Mars/Pluto midpoint over the recent past and last year tr Uranus was in opposition – and that is a stronger indication of considerable strain, though not exact at the moment.

Quite often when people die with major Jupiter influences it’s almost as if they knew it was the right time.

Tr Saturn was going through his 12th, aiming to cross his Ascendant early next year so he would be feeling like winding down and perhaps sensing that old ambitions were no longer holding his enthusiasm.  And tr Pluto is hovering on the cusp of his 2nd house which normally indicates financial matters but can also have associations with physical matters. And now that I look his Solar Arc Mars was also square his natal Jupiter this year. So it’s almost as if there was too much Jupiterian expansion going on and it did rule his Sun and Ascendant.

Seems rather ghoulish to be peering into the astro-reasons but if anyone has any insights do post.

There do seem to be an extraordinary number of celebrities passing on this year. Rather unsettling.