Chris Froome – sporting sunshine




UK cyclist Chris Froome has won the Tour de France for the third time. Born 20 May 1985 in Kenya, he was brought up in South Africa and now lives in Monaco. But Great Britain is still claiming him as one of their own for a much needed morale boost.

Like Bradley Wiggins, another Tour winner and Olympic medallist, Froome is a Sun Taurus. His Sun opposes an obsessively determined Saturn in Scorpio, with Saturn square Jupiter in Aquarius (at that mid degree which crops up regularly in top athletes’ charts). He’s also got Mercury in Taurus in an intense opposition to Pluto. Plus an adrenaline-junkie Mars opposition Uranus; and a sociable and adventurous Uranus trine Venus in Aries, sextile Jupiter.

He comes across as controlled, rather understated, but his chart has a great deal of oomph and sparkle. His Solar Arc Jupiter is square his exact Mars opposition Uranus this year; with tr Pluto sextile his Solar Arc Jupiter – so it all came together to give him a record-beating run.

One thought on “Chris Froome – sporting sunshine

  1. Marjorie- Chris Froome decides which flag he wears and which country he represents so I think your comment about GB ‘still claiming him as their own’ is rather petty to say the least!

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