Well they’ve done it. To the hysteria of football fans across the UK, Leicester Football Club have become Premier League champions, the first major title in their 132 year history. When they started the season the odds of them winning were 5000-1 against.
This post from Feb 2016: Leicester City Football Club (I am informed) has shot from obscurity into the top of the English Premiership. This happy change of fate may or may not having something to do with moving to new grounds or the even better karma of King Richard 111’s remains being dug up recently in a car park nearby.
It was founded on 1 November 1884 making it Scorpio with an Aries Moon; and a Mutable T Square of Mars opposition Pluto (= much frustration) square Jupiter in Virgo ( = when focussed, finding success).
At the moment the Jupiter has moved by Solar Arc to pick up the lucky-break tr Uranus square last year and the multo-success tr Pluto conjunct Solar Arc Jupiter, this last extending through 2016 as well. Plus in 2016/17 tr Pluto will oppose the pushily confident Jupiter/Pluto midpoint which tr Uranus has been squaring last year; and the Mars/Jupiter midpoint is also well placed to get a boost in 2016/17/18.
What is spooky is that Richard 111, born 2 Oct 1452 9.02am Framlingham, Eng, has his Midheaven conjunct the FC Jupiter – which could suggest he brings good luck for them. Though given his reputation it sounds like a pact with the devil. They will run into problems by 2019 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct their Sun.
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Claudio Ranieri, 20 October 1951, Rome Italy, their manager, is credited with their amazing turnaround. He’s a Sun Neptune Saturn in Libra, amazingly enough the same as King Richard 111. His Mars in Virgo is conjunct the LFC focal point Jupiter which would inject energy into their enthusiasm. Both he and the LFC have Venus in Virgo so hard workers; and both have Mercury in Scorpio as indeed did King Richard. The relationship chart between Ranieri and the LFC has a high-energy Jupiter trine Mars, sextiling onto Uranus Saturn in Leo – so good for breaking new ground. All a happy coincidence of serendipity.