A ‘binding’ curse was laid on Donald Trump by witchcraft followers in the USA, to rein him in and prevent him from harming any living soul. It will be practiced monthly, with the first at midnight on Feb 24th. There is a tradition of such white magic rituals; and Gerald Gardner writes of a Cone of Power ceremony at the outbreak of the Battle of Britain (Hitler’s attempt to invade England) towards midnight on Lammas Eve 31 July 1940 to hex him into failing, which he duly did. Gardner also mentions similar ceremonies to cause the Spanish Armada (setting out to invade England) to fail in 1588, which was indeed devastated and largely destroyed by a major storm. How much of this is urban legend and retrospective pleading is moot, but intriguing all the same.
The Trump curse has an afflicted/focal point Pluto in the 3rd which is definitely a heavy word being uttered; and Mercury is sextile Saturn and widely sextile Mars Uranus so even more excitable utterances; and two days before the Neptunian Pisces Eclipse with the North Node conjunct the MC located to Washington, DC.
It is – coincidentally or otherwise – just two days before tr Uranus moves to 22 degrees, starting a series of disruptive transits to Trump’s midpoints and Saturn Venus lasting several months.
The 1940 binding curse on Hitler also had a heavily aspected Mercury on the midpoint of Uranus trine Neptune; plus an approaching Sun Pluto conjunction. These were challenging times with the Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Taurus and Uranus also in Taurus. Tr Pluto was just past the conjunction to the UK’s 10th house Jupiter in Leo by less than a degree, so Hitler’s hopes of dashing UK morale were never going to work. And tr Pluto was also moving to conjunct Hitler’s Leo Midheaven starting to chip away at his dominance; with the tr Jupiter Saturn about to conjunct his Venus Mars in Taurus.
There’s no date for any curse on the Spanish Armada but it set out on 8 August 1588 JC when there was again a heavily aspected Mercury trine Saturn, sextiling onto Mars. Neptune oddly enough was at 2 Leo, the same degree as tr Pluto for the Battle of Britain.
Often the ‘power’ of curses lies as much in the susceptibility of the recipient to believe in supernatural powers. So kind of depends on how superstitious Trump is. With Pluto in his 12th he may well be.